Sunday, October 20, 2019

Review: A Distance Too Grand by Regina Scott

To Purchase

When a spunky photographer wrangles her way onto an 1871 survey crew of the Grand Canyon she thinks nothing can stand in her way. But her mind changes when she finds out she'll be working alongside the one man she doesn't want to fall in love with.

My Thoughts:

It has been a little while since I have read an author Scott novel and one that was not a regency. This was a very good story about a time in history when women were still very limited in the work that they could do outside the home. 

In 1871, Meg is trying to make her way in the world after her father's untimely death. His profession was a photographer, and Meg learned everything she knew from him. Trying to escape unscrupulous relatives, Meg travels out west to be the photographer with the U.S. Army as they navigate trails, roads, and maps around the Grand Canyon. As you can imagine a female photographer caused quite a stir.

I have not had the pleasure of seeing the Grand Canyon yet in my life, but author Scott's descriptions and the intense pleasure and awe her characters experienced was well described.

This story was full of adventure, romance, and mystery. The romance was between Meg and Captain Ben Colridge who already had a history together. Ben had once upon a time asked for her hand in marriage, and she had turned him down due to thinking that was best for him. Now out here in the west and forced to travel and work together and even relying on each other, they both must deal with the love that both still have for each other. 

Not only was there the adventure of traversing the Grand Canyon, there is an unkown mystery and a danger that seems to dog them at every turn. As vast as the west is, the danger lurking behind every rock, crevice, and tree gave a bit of an enclosed feeling even in the great grandness of it all. The atomosphere really came alive and kept me turning pages. I look forward to more in this series. 

I was provided a copy of this novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

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