Friday, December 31, 2021

Cover Reveal: Harbinger of the End by Nicki Chapelway

Author Nicki Chapelway has a new book releasing soon. If you like Loki and Norse mythology, don't miss this one!

I am proud to be part of this very exciting cover reveal...


In this Nordic epic, gods and Vikings collide as Nicki retells the Volsunga Saga and various myths through the eyes of Loki, the god of mischief, and his bride Sigyn, the woman who will become the goddess of fidelity. There are Valkyries, dwarfs, dragons, deadly rings, love potions, an immortal skald, backstabbing, trickery, shapeshifting, and tragedy.

One of the most annoying things about being eternally labeled as a trickster is that there are so many misconceptions about you. And most of them are your own doing.







Review: Heart in the Highlands by Heidi Kimball



An arranged marriage was never what Callum Darrington, future Duke of Edinbane, imagined for himself. But with the well-being of his uncle's family hanging in the balance, Callum strikes a bargain with his father and reluctantly agrees to tie himself to a stranger. The reality of the lovely Lady Katherine is more than he could have hoped for, and their wedding heralds a bright new future for the couple—until Callum discovers his father deliberately deceived him. Callum lashes out, setting in motion heartbreak not even he could have foreseen.

Four years later, Callum is ready to piece together the marriage he so carelessly destroyed. But their years apart have hardened Kate: she is not the naive and trusting young woman she once was, and she has no intention of allowing Callum a foothold in her life or her heart. Despite her coldness, Callum works to regain her trust and rebuild their marriage, not realizing Kate harbors a secret that could change everything—and this time, there is much more at stake than just her heart.

My Thoughts:

This book caught my attention when I first saw this beautiful cover. Isn't it stunning? And the synopsis also held equal fascination for me. 

It is no secret that arranged marriages/ marriage of convenience stories are my very favorite trope. This one was as beautiful on the inside as the outside. Was there a big misunderstanding that could have easily been fixed? Sure, maybe. You see the author wrote about two humans and all of their flaws. I know I have been guilty about letting little things build up so I did not feel this misunderstanding was at all contrived. It happened and in an age of no real quick communication, it was plausible.

There was like, love loss, hate, and finally true love that will go all the way. Familial relationships of all kinds were stretched and put to the test and there was a lot of drama. I adored these characters and only wished the best for them. I look forward to more by author Kimball.

I purchased a copy of this novel for my own reading pleasure and all views and opinions are my own.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Review, Guest Post, and Giveaway: Saving Mrs. Roosevelt by Candice Sue Patterson


About the Book

Book: Saving Mrs. Roosevelt

Author: Candice Sue Patterson

Genre: Christian Fiction/Historical/Adventure

Release date: December, 2021

Shirley Davenport is as much a patriot as her four brothers. She, too, wants to aid her country in the war efforts, but opportunities for women are limited. When her best friend Joan informs her that the Coast Guard has opened a new branch for single women, they both enlist in the SPARs, ready to help protect the home front.

Training is rigorous, and Shirley is disappointed that she and Joan are sent to separate training camps. At the end of basic training, Captain Webber commends her efforts and commissions her home to Maine under the ruse of a dishonorable discharge to help uncover a plot against the First Lady.

Shirley soon discovers nothing is as it seems. Who can she trust? Why do the people she loves want to harm the First Lady? With the help of Captain Webber, it’s a race against time to save Mrs. Roosevelt and remain alive.


Click here to get your copy!

My Thoughts:

I went into this book knowing nothing about SPARS, the women's Coast Guard reserve and I had a delightful education on the topic. Shirley Davenport wants to do something she deems important and useful as the very first line in the story details to us the desperation that Shirley feels. Her father, who fought in the previous war and already has his sons involved in this war wants his daughter to be content and happy at home. Unfortunately, that is not going to happen. Even if she were to marry and have children, there really weren't any young men around to marry. All of them were off fighting in the war. So, she and her best friend decide to enlist.

Shirley did not realize the part she would play in as the title shares, saving Mrs. Roosevelt. She risks life and limb and everything else as she participates in this great goal. Along the way she finds romance and a very special friendship.

I liked that this story delved into the roles women had during the War, all of them important. Especially in supporting their fathers, brothers, and sons while they fought on the front lines. History shows us that those back home were working and sacrificing as well as keeping things together.

I was provided a copy of this novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author

Candice Sue Patterson studied at the Institute of Children’s Literature and is an active member of American Christian Fiction Writers. She lives in Indiana with her husband and three sons in a restored farmhouse overtaken by books. When she’s not tending to her chickens, splitting wood, or decorating cakes, she’s working on a new story. Candice writes Modern Vintage Romance—where the past and present collide with faith. Her debut novel How to Charm a Beekeeper’s Heart was a 2012 ACFW First Impressions finalist and made INSPYs Longlist for 2016.


More from Candice

The idea for Saving Mrs. Roosevelt literally came overnight. I had just finished writing a contemporary romance set in Maine, centered around a harbor town where lobstering is prevalent. My agent called me and told me about the Heroines of WWII series and asked if I’d be interested in writing a WWII novel. If so, I needed to come up with a story and proposal fast because spots were limited and filling quickly. My mind was so consumed with research of the lobster industry that I felt I couldn’t clear my brain fast enough to come up with another story on such short notice. That’s when I started wondering how I could take the knowledge I already had and make it work for a WWII novel. I googled Maine during WWII, came across an article that mentioned the SPARs, and the idea for Saving Mrs. Roosevelt was born.

I don’t want to give too much away, but the Nancy Drew deep inside me figured out a unique way to merge lobstering with espionage.

Though the plot is purely fiction, there are some characters and events that are historically accurate that were fun to include as well. I love Maine, but I’m Hoosier born and raised, and in my SPAR research, I discovered that Dorothy C. Stratton–the woman the Coast Guard asked to direct the SPARs–was the Dean of Women at Purdue University in Indiana. She was a woman of true character, grace, and strength. I knew right away she needed a cameo in my story.

Within twenty-four hours of receiving my agent’s call, I had plotted the entire story and sent a proposal. Weeks went by, and as fall ushered in its beautiful colors, my husband surprised me with a trip to Monhegan Island, Maine. We walked the trails, ate amazing seafood, and took in the gorgeous view. While on the island, my agent called again, this time to let me know that Barbour had contracted Saving Mrs. Roosevelt. What a special moment it was to be standing on the very shoreline where the book is set when I received the good news.

Since the book is set in Maine where the heroine works on a lobster boat with her father, I wanted to share my favorite recipe for Maine blueberry pie.


Maine Blueberry Pie


2 Pie crusts

1 quart of fresh Maine blueberries

1 ½ tbsp lemon juice

Freshly grated nutmeg

¼ c light brown sugar

¼ c white sugar

¼ c flour

2 tbsp tapioca for thickening (if the berries are juicy)



Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place the berries into a large bowl, add lemon juice, and toss. Add the remaining ingredients and toss until the berries are well coated with the flour and sugars mixture. Line the pie plate with one crust. Put the berries into the pie plate and top with a solid or lattice-top crust. Bake for 35-40 minutes until the berries are bubbly and the crust is golden brown.

Blog Stops

Where Faith and Books Meet, December 15

Girls in White Dresses, December 15

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, December 15

Remembrancy, December 16

Bigreadersite, December 16

Genesis 5020, December 16

Lighthouse Academy, December 17 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

lakesidelivingsite, December 17

The Sacred Line, December 17

Betti Mace, December 18

Boondock Ramblings, December 18

Inklings and notions, December 18

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 19

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, December 19

Older & Smarter?, December 20

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, December 20

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, December 20 (Spotlight)

Texas Book-aholic, December 21

Blossoms and Blessings, December 21

Locks, Hooks and Books, December 22

Through the Fire Blogs, December 22

Mary Hake, December 22

For Him and My Family, December 23

Spoken from the Heart, December 23

Labor Not in Vain, December 23

She Lives To Read, December 24

Elly Gilbert, December 24

Splashes of Joy, December 25

Pause for Tales, December 25

deb’s Book Review, December 26

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 26

A Good Book and Cup of Tea, December 26

Connie’s History Classroom, December 27

To Everything There Is A Season, December 27

The Author Reads, December 27

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, December 28

Southern Gal Loves to Read, December 28

Lights in a Dark World, December 28



To celebrate her tour, Candace is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Review: The Thief and the Noble by Dana LeCheminant



As the daughter of a marquess, Lady Marian Russell is poised to impress in her first London Season. She is young, beautiful, and wealthy―but catching an eligible husband is the last thing on her mind. Marian is disillusioned with how the upper class lives while the poor of London suffer, and she is determined to right this imbalance. When she comes face-to-face with a mysterious man who steals from arrogant aristocrats and redistributes the spoils to the poor, Marian recognizes a motivation that mirrors her own. She is determined to discover the true identity of the unscrupulous hero and offer her assistance. 

When she unmasks the bandit, however, Marian is stunned: he is none other than the elusive Lord Robin Loxley. In exchange for her silence, Robin begrudgingly agrees to train the lovely Marian in the art of thievery, quickly realizing that his heart may be stolen next. But when Robin and Marian discover a copycat thief operating in London, they are faced with a foe whose purpose is far from noble. Amid distracting suitors, becoming champions of the poor, and a growing attraction they can’t ignore, can they expose the renegade pilferer without risking themselves―and each other?

My Thoughts:

What a fun and fantastic spin on the legend of Robin Hood this story was. Author LeCheminant, who is new to me, had me intrigued with this cover and the synopsis. I know that you are not supposed to judge a book by the cover, but Marian looks mischievous and like she has a secret just waiting to be shared.

I have always enjoyed the story of Robin Hood and Maid Marian and all of his men. This is that story with a few twists only done in Regency style. And I enjoyed every moment of it. From the romance blossoming, the wry humor and wit, to the clever way the author includes all of the merry men.

In a time when the rich were so caught up with themselves (really what time is that not true?) and women really had to play their roles in society and not do much else, Marian steps up to be different and to make a difference. However, she has met her match in a man who sees much, feels much, and knows just how wonderful she can be. This was a fun and lively tale of Robin Hood and his fair lady in a different time and had me wondering who truly the thief was and who was the noble.

I was provided a copy of this novel by Covenant Communications through Interviews and Reviews. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Review and Giveaway: Her Christmastime Family by Tara Randel


On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Her Christmastime Family
(The Golden Matchmakers Club #2)
By Tara Randel
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 271 Pages
November 30, 2021 by Harlequin Heartwarming

A holiday match…
For a lifetime of love!

Creating new Christmas traditions is a priority for single mom Faith Harper. But the handsome widower next door, police officer Roan Donovan, is struggling to make the season merry for his two girls. Sunny Faith could brighten the holiday for Roan. And the way he protects his daughters touches her heart. Will facing their challenges together unite their families…and build a love to weather all seasons?

(Affiliate links included.)

My Thoughts:

Faith has just moved into a rental with just herself and her little son and daughter. She is happy to be in her own home for Christmas and after a terrible divorce, plans to make Christmas magical for her two kids. Next door is police officer Roan who is a widower and is raising his two little girls. He is trying to keep the holidays as low key as possible, so his girls do not get disillusioned and disappointed. I found it interesting how both Faith and Roan love their children very much but go about the holidays quite differently.

But the matchmakers are at it again. And after being successful the first time, they think Faith and Roan would make a great match. But with cautious hope they proceed with their plans knowing how different Faith and Roan are from each other.

With or without the help of the matchmakers, there is a spark of attraction between these two and that spark does grow whether they want it to or not. The more time they spend together with their kids help, and they are a necessary help to one another. But both are nursing wounded hearts from their previous relationships and have much trepidation. While they navigate this holiday season together trials do come, and they must see the best way to wade through them.

I enjoyed this heartfelt romance of second chances and risking love for another time.

I was provided a copy of this novel from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Other Books in the Series

Stealing Her Best Friend's Heart
(The Golden Matchmakers Club #1)
By Tara Randel
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
July 27, 2021 by Harlequin Heartwarming

A home renovation…
Could change this friendship forever

Heidi Welch has her eye on the perfect home…until Reid Masterson buys it! Now Heidi has one last chance to get back the home of her dreams from her childhood friend and longtime crush. If she helps Reid with the renovations, he'll sell her the house. But “just friends” seems just about impossible…especially when friendship keeps getting in the way of falling in love.

(Affiliate links included.)

About the Author

USA Today Bestselling Author Tara Randel has enjoyed a lifelong love of books, especially romance and mystery genres, so it didn't come as a surprise when she began writing with the dream of becoming published. Family values, mystery and, of course, love and romance are her favorite themes, because she believes love is the greatest gift of all. Tara lives on the West Coast of Florida, where gorgeous sunsets inspire the creation of heartwarming stories, filled with love, laughter and the occasional mystery.

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

Prize #1: Signed print copy of His Honor, Her Family and Stealing Her Best Friend’s Heart, a Christmas ornament and a $25 Amazon Gift Card. (Open to US only)

Prize #2: $10 Amazon e-Gift Card (Open Internationally)

Ends December 22, 2021

Grab Our Button!

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Review and Giveaway: The Living Christmas Tree by Kristin Sponaugle and Illustrated by Agus Prajogo



Join Us for This Tour from November 26 to December 17

Book Details:

Book Title The Living Christmas Tree by Kristin Sponaugle
Category:  Children's Fiction (ages 3 to 7), 38 pages
Genre:  Children's Book
Publisher:  Mascot
Release date:   September 2021
Formats Available for Review: print-hardback USA, e-book (PDF)
Tour dates: November 26 to December 17
Content Rating:  G.  Suitable for everyone.

***** 2021 Family Choice Award Winner *****

Book Description:

During the day, the Miller family’s Christmas tree stands tall in their living room, sparkling with lights and ornaments. Little does the family know that their Christmas tree is anything but ordinary. Each evening, the magic of Christmas brings their tree to life—much to the delight of Hannah and William Miller. Follow along as Hannah and William experience the magic of Christmas in a whole new way.

My Thoughts:

The Living Christmas Tree was a story that was both magical and delightful and brought me back to my childhood. The story is about the ornaments and how after being packed away all year long, on the nights leading up to Christmas and even beyond till they are packed away again, they come to life. They come to life at night only and have all sorts of fun and catching up to do. Till one night one of the children gets a glimpse of something truly magical. Will this be the end of their fun, or will they have new friends to celebrate with?

Christmas has always been my favorite holiday and as a mother I try to make Christmas as special for my kids as possible. This story brought back my own memories of sweet Christmas's when I was a child. I always loved playing with special ornaments and if I thought that they could come to life, well even better.

The illustrations are bright and beautiful. They showcase a happy home and family and just the sweet and simple joy Christmas brings. This is a story that could fuel a child's imagination.

I was provided a copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Buy the Book:
AmazonBarnes and Noble ~ Target

Meet the Author:

Kristin Sponaugle was born in Butler, Pennsylvania. She graduated from Duquesne University, where she received her bachelor’s degree in health sciences and her master’s degree in physician assistant studies. Kristin had always dreamed of becoming an author, and made that dream a reality with her two published children’s books, The Princess Puppy and The Living Christmas Tree. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, cross-stitching, and playing with her Maltese dog, Rosie. Kristin lives with her husband, daughter, and Rosie, and resides wherever the Air Force sends them.

Connect with the Author: website ~ facebook ~ instagram
Tour Schedule:

Nov 26 – Because I said so -- and other adventures in Parenting – book review / author interview / giveaway
Nov 26 - The Momma Spot – book review / giveaway
Nov 29 - Westveil Publishing – book review / guest post / giveaway
Nov 29 – Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway
Nov 29 - Sefina Hawke's Books – book spotlight
Nov 29 -
My Bookish Bliss - book review / giveaway
Nov 30 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / giveaway
Nov 30 - Triquetra Reviews – book review / author interview / giveaway
Dec 1 – Cover Lover Book Review – book review / author interview / spotlight
Dec 1 - Splashes of Joy – book review / giveaway
Dec 2 – @twilight_reader – book review
Dec 2 - The Phantom Paragrapher – book review / giveaway
Dec 3 -
Rockin' Book Reviews - book review / guest post / giveaway
Dec 3 – Books for Books – book review
Dec 6 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book review / guest post / giveaway
Dec 6 – Kam's Place – book review
Dec 7 - icefairy's Treasure Chest – book review / giveaway
Dec 8 – Reading is My Passion – book review
Dec 8 – fundinmental – book review / giveaway
Dec 9 – All Booked Up Reviews – Instagram – book review
Dec 9 - Older & Smarter? – book review / guest post / giveaway
Dec 10 – Sandra's Book Club – book review / giveaway
Dec 13 – Bigreadersite – book review / giveaway
Dec 14 – Captive Dreams Window – book review
Dec 14 - She Just Loves Books – book review / giveaway
Dec 15 – Pause for Tales – book review / giveaway
Dec 15 - The Adventures of a Travelers Wife – book review / guest post / giveaway
Dec 16 – Bound 4 Escape – book review / giveaway
Dec 16 - I'm Into Books – book review / giveaway
Dec 17 – Cover To Cover CafĂ© – book review

Enter the Giveaway:




Review and Giveaway: Gingersnap Snatcher by Vicky Weber and Illustrated by Svitlana Liuta



Join Us for This Tour:  December 7th to December 17th
Book Details:

Book Title:  Gingersnap Snatcher by Vicky Weber
Category:  Children's Fiction (ages 3 to 7), 32 pages
Genre:  Children's 
Publisher:  Trunk Up Books
Release date:   December 2021
Content Rating:  G.  Suitable for everyone.

Book Description:
Abuela made cookies to eat after school. The gingersnap kind, just the thought made us drool! We rushed home excited. We opened the door…The cookies were missing - just CRUMBS on the floor! Can you help the kids crack the case of the GINGERSNAP SNATCHER?

My Thoughts:

Gingersnap Snatcher is an adorable rhyming holiday book about three siblings who are hungry for their Abuela's cookies. And these are not just any cookies but her special gingersnap ones. So off to home from school they go only to find ...crumbs. Who ate all the cookies? These three little detectives get to searching and ruling out the suspects and what they find certainly surprises them and may just surprise the reader as well.

This is a really cute little book with lively and colorful illustrations that brought the story to life. My attention was captured from the start, and I thought it was a clever and cute idea to have a mystery with a Christmas background with a cute twist in the end. It was just a joyous and happy feeling read and a great book to add to any child's holiday reads.

I was provided a copy of this novel from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Buy the Book:

Meet the Author:

Vicky Weber is a musician and an elementary educator with a love for children’s literature. As a Puerto Rican author of TaĂ­no descent, she strives to create picture books that are fun, engaging, and educational. All her current titles are based on her background in music education or her heritage. While she has taught a variety of grade levels, primary level education is where her passion lies. It has long been a dream of hers to teach children through the magic of books and she hopes you love reading her works as much as she loved writing them.

connect with the author:  website ~ twitter ~ facebook ~  goodreads ~ instagram

Tour Schedule:

Dec 7 –
Rockin Book Reviews – book review / guest post / giveaway
Dec 7 - Kam's Place – book review / author interview
Dec 7 - Cover Lover Book Review – book review / author interview / giveaway
Dec 7 - Because I said so -- and other adventures in Parenting – book review / author interview / giveaway
Dec 8 – Splashes of Joy – book review / giveaway
Dec 8 - A Mama's Corner of the World – book review / giveaway
Dec 8 - @booking.with.janelle – book review / author interview
Dec 8 - The Momma Spot – book review / author interview / giveaway
Dec 9 – icefairy's Treasure Chest – book review / giveaway
Dec 9 - @jayme_reads – book review / author interview
Dec 9 - Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / guest post / giveaway
Dec 10 – Hall Ways Blog – book review / giveaway
Dec 10 - @twilight_reader – book review / guest post
Dec 10 - Triquetra Reviews – book review / guest post / giveaway
Dec 13 – Writer with Wanderlust – book review / guest post / giveaway
Dec 13 - Older & Smarter? – book review / guest post / giveaway
Dec 13 - Sefina Hawke's Books – book review
Dec 14 – Gina Rae Mitchell – book review / author interview / giveaway
Dec 14 - Jazzy Book Reviews – book review / giveaway
Dec 14 - The Page Ladies – book review / giveaway
Dec 14 - Westveil Publishing – book review / guest post / giveaway
Dec 15 – Bound 4 Escape – book review / giveaway
Dec 15 - Pause for Tales – book review / giveaway
Dec 15 - Sandra's Book Club – book review / author interview / giveaway
Dec 15 - Lisa's Reading – book review / guest post / giveaway
Dec 16 – Captive Dreams Window – book review / author interview / giveaway
Dec 16 - Reading is My Passion – book review / author interview
Dec 16 - She Just Loves Books – book review / author interview / giveaway
Dec 17 – Bigreadersite – book review / giveaway
Dec 17 - Chit Chat with Charity – book review / guest post / giveaway
Dec 17 - Books for Books – book review / guest post

Enter the Giveaway:



Review and Giveaway: Popper Finds a New Home by IL Ritchie and Illustrated by Yulia Potts



Join Us for This Tour from November 26 to December 17!

Book Details:

Book Title:  Popper and Friends: Popper Finds a New Home by IL Ritchie
Category: Children's Fiction (Ages 3-7),  38 pages
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Release date:  December 2021
Format available for review:  Print- hardback, ebook (pdf)
Will send print books out:  USA
Tour dates: November 26 to December 17, 2021
Content Rating:  Rated G. Suitable for everyone

Book Description:

Popper is a sweet little woodpecker who is trying to find a new home. Now that he is grown, it’s time for him to leave the nest and find a home of his own. The first book in the Popper and Friends series, follow along as Popper explores different options and gets helpful advice from his friends.

Buy The Book:
Amazon ~ B&N
add to goodreads

My Thoughts:

This was a sweet little children's book with colorful illustrations that touched my heart. Especially the message that I got from it.

This story is about a woodpecker by the name of Popper who wakes up one day to find a surprise. He is now a big woodpecker, and it is now time for him to find a new home, his home. Well, we are taken along on his search and his disappointments as he has a hard time finding just the right place. And as he takes advice from those he meets; he realizes that finding a new home did not need to be so far from his parents' home. 

I took the message as no matter where a little bird goes, sometimes coming back home or to their hometown is the best place for them. And also, that the parents let their children fly from the nest cheering them on and hoping that they will make the wise decisions. 

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Meet the Author:

 A California native, IL Ritchie lives in San Francisco, where he is creating new adventures for Popper and his friends.

connect with the author: goodreads

Tour Schedule:

Nov 26 –
Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / giveaway
Nov 26 - Because I said so -- and other adventures in Parenting – book review / author interview / giveaway
Nov 29 – Splashes of Joy – book review / guest post / giveaway
Nov 29 - Rockin' Book Tours – book review / guest post / giveaway
Nov 29 - Sefina Hawke's Books – book spotlight
Nov 30 - Westveil Publishing – book review / giveaway
Dec 1 – Cover Lover Book Review – book review / author interview / giveaway
Dec 2 – icefairy's Treasure Chest – book review / giveaway
Dec 2 - Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway
Dec 3 – Bound 4 Escape – book review / giveaway
Dec 6 – She Just Loves Books – book review / giveaway
Dec 7 – Gina Rae Mitchell – book review / author interview / giveaway
Dec 7 – fundinmental – book spotlight / giveaway
Dec 8 – Sandra's Book Club – book review
Dec 8 - @twilight_reader – book review
Dec 9 – Captive Dreams Window – book review / giveaway
Dec 10 – Lisa's Reading – book review / giveaway
Dec 13 – A Mama's Corner of the World – book review / giveaway
Dec 14 – Pause for Tales – book review / giveaway
Dec 14 – Kam's Place – book review
Dec 15 – The Page Ladies – book review
Dec 15 - The Phantom Paragrapher – book review
Dec 16 – I'm Into Books – book review / giveaway
Dec 17 - Jazzy Book Reviews – book review / giveaway

Enter the Giveaway:

Popper and Friends: Popper Finds a New Home Book Tour Giveaway



Monday, December 13, 2021

Review and Giveaway: The Debutante's Code by Erica Vetsch



Jane Austen meets Sherlock Holmes in this new Regency mystery series
Newly returned from finishing school, Lady Juliette Thorndike is ready to debut in London society. Due to her years away, she hasn't spent much time with her parents, and sees them only as the flighty, dilettante couple the other nobles love.But when they disappear, she discovers she never really knew them at all. They've been living double lives as government spies--and they're only the latest in a long history of espionage that is the family's legacy.
Now Lady Juliette is determined to continue their work. Mentored by her uncle, she plunges into the dangerous world of spies. From the glittering ballrooms of London to the fox hunts, regattas, and soirees of country high society, she must chase down hidden clues, solve the mysterious code her parents left behind, and stay out of danger. All the while, she has to keep her endeavors a secret from her best friend and her suitors--not to mention the nosy, irritatingly handsome Bow Street runner, who suspects her of a daring theft.
Can Lady Juliette outwit her enemies and complete her parents' last mission?
Best-selling author Erica Vetsch is back with a rollicking, exciting new series destined to be a hit with Regency readers who enjoy a touch of mystery in their love stories. Fans of Julie Klassen, Sarah Ladd, and Anne Perry will love the wit, action, and romance.
Click here to read an excerpt.

My Thoughts:

I cannot imagine the heartbreak and the hurt after seven long years away at school to come home and face disappointment when the people you want most are not there. That is exactly how Lady Juliette is feeling when she is finally home and neither her mother is there to help her with her debut into society or her father is there to give her wisdom and advice. All she has is her Uncle Bertie who may or may not be a wastrel and a drunk. Lady Juliette must be presented to her peers by a complete stranger along with her best friend.

On the night of their debut, there is an art theft that changes Juliette's world and what she thought was true forever. Enter Bow Street detective Daniel who has been put in charge of this seemingly small case, and Daniel has a lot to prove himself. With his own secrets and those of his past and secret beneficiary, Daniel is very much like Juliette in the fact that they are trying very hard to hide the hurt of absentee parents and to soldier on.

All the while they are thrust into a world of espionage, mystery, art theft, and murder. This is just the beginning of this series and I think the author will be taking us on quite the adventures with Lady Juliette and Daniel. Not all questions were answered, and I find I did not mind that so much this time as I am patiently waiting for the next installment. The author's use of the language differences between the upper and lower classes was authentic and helped set up the times.  Her notes were full of information, and I looked up all the art that was mentioned in this novel. Some of it would be absolutely priceless to own, especially the books and their fore-edge painting.

I was provided a copy of this novel through the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author:

Erica Vetsch is a New York Times best-selling and ACFW Carol Award–winning author. She is a transplanted Kansan now living in Minnesota with her husband, who she claims is both her total opposite and soul mate.
Vetsch is the author of many novellas and novels, including the popular Serendipity & Secrets Regency series and the new Thorndike & Swann Regency Mystery series
Vetsch loves Jesus, history, romance, and sports. When she’s not writing fiction, she’s planning her next trip to a history museum and cheering on her Kansas Jayhawks and New Zealand All Blacks.
Learn more about Erica Vetsch and her books at She can also be found on Facebook (@EricaVetschAuthor)Instagram (@EricaVetsch) and Pinterest (Erica Vetsch).

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Review: Crosshairs by Patricia Bradley



When evil just won't quit, good must prevail

Investigative Services Branch ranger Ainsley Beaumont wishes the visit to her hometown of Natchez, Mississippi, was under better circumstances. When she arrived to investigate the murder of a pregnant teenager, she never imagined that she would become the killer's next target--or that she'd have to work alongside an old flame.

After he almost killed a child, former FBI sniper Lincoln Steele couldn't bring himself to fire a gun, which had deadly consequences for his best friend. Crushed beneath a load of guilt, Linc is working at Melrose Estate as an interpretive ranger. But as danger closes in on Ainsley during her murder investigation, Linc will have to find the courage to protect her.

The only question is, will it be too little, too late?

My Thoughts:

Crosshairs is a suspense story that delves into family history, politics, and current family relationships. A father/daughter relationship that is really struggling and an old boyfriend who steps back in, who long ago took the father's side.

Ainsley is an investigator from the Investigative Services Branch, and after a previous difficult case, a little break, she is now investigating the horrible demise of a pregnant teenager. But as she begins digging deeper, she is obviously getting too close, and the killer has now set their sights on her. Not only that but not everything is alright at her grandmother's and great Aunt's home either. Some old journals that could exonerate someone from murder and expose other secrets are missing. Who took them and why?

Lincoln is Ainsley's ex-boyfriend, and he has still not gotten over their breakup. He does see the error in his ways when he should have supported her more instead of her father. Now they must work together before Ainsley becomes the next victim.

I enjoyed the eerie and creepy setting, the old ancestral home and its secrets. This novel pulled me in especially with its atmospheric setting and there were plenty of twists and turns along with the great amount of danger that Ainsley found herself in. Definitely an edge of your seat thrill ride.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author:

Patricia Bradley is the author of StandoffObsession, and Crosshairs, as well as the Memphis Cold Case novels and Logan Point series. Bradley won an Inspirational Reader's Choice Award in Romantic Suspense, a Daphne du Maurier Award, and a Touched by Love Award; she was a Carol Award finalist; and three of her books were included in anthologies that debuted on the USA Today bestseller list. She is cofounder of Aiming for Healthy Families, Inc., and she is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Sisters in Crime. Bradley makes her home in Mississippi. Learn more at

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