Monday, July 31, 2017

Review: On Love's Gentle Shore by Liz Johnson

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When Natalie O’Ryan returns to Prince Edward Island to plan her wedding, she runs into her childhood best friend—and discovers that the love she’s been looking for is right where she left it. The third and final installment in Johnson's Prince Edward Island Dreams series.

My Thoughts:

On Love’s Gentle Shore is the third installment of the Prince Edward Island Dreams series and I enjoyed going back to the island for a visit. This time we have a very reluctant Natalie O’Ryan coming back home, a place she never wanted to see again or the people that lived there. Her fiancé, Russell, wants to have their wedding there and there is so much that Natalie is not telling him.

But the one person she really wants to avoid is her childhood best friend Justin Kane; when she left she left things much unfinished with him. When they meet up again, sparks fly and the anger and animosity they feel towards each other just may be the feelings and the love they have had seething deep inside for 15 years.

And Natalie, poor, sweet girl that she was needs to come to terms with her terrible childhood and the townspeople who made her and her family the subject of gossip. Did anyone ever really love her when she was just a little girl? This is something that Natalie will need to discover as she goes back home to marry a man that may not even know the real her.

Poignant and emotionally stirring, a story of wanting to be loved and known for the real you yet terrified of the possible rejection because you just might not be enough. Getting to see and visit with previous characters, this final edition rounds out the series nicely.

I was provided with a copy of this novel through Revell. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions expressed are my own.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Review: The Evaporation of Sofi Snow by Mary Weber

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In a world where skycams follow your every move and the details of your life are uploaded each hour, Sofi knows that her eyes are the only caring ones watching her brother, Shilo. As an online gamer, she works behind the scenes to protect Shilo as he competes in a mix of real and virtual blood sport. But when a bomb destroys the gaming arena, she is helpless to rescue him—and certain that his disappearance was no accident.

My Thoughts:

The Evaporation of Sofi Snow was a strange book, but in a good way. Very different from anything I’ve ever read.  Author Weber keeps you guessing throughout the entire story. The world building was sublime. I felt like I’d lived in this world my whole life by the time I finished the book. And the plot was complex and filled with many twists and turns.

The characters were also very enjoyable. Sofi is a snarky, independent computer genius, who is determined to always get her way. But underneath all that causticness is vulnerability and pain. Heller and Claudius were very amusing characters who kept me snickering at their antics. And Miguel? Si, Si. Miguel was an excellent character. He was quite the paradox; complex but relatable, a player but caring too, he had secrets but was open and honest; he was the target of blackmail but believed strongly in honor and integrity. Not to mention that he was muy atractivo. In case you didn’t notice, he was my favorite character.

The ending is a tough one, but compared to the ending of Storm Siren I’m counting my lucky stars that I got off easy. I look forward to the next book, to see what will happen next in this story.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through the Fiction Guild. I was not required to give a positive review and all views and opinions expressed are my own.

Reviewed by Nicki

Review: A Matter of Trust by Susan May Warren

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When a US Senator’s brother goes missing, Gage Watson is tasked to save him. He’s only got one problem: the bossy and beautiful young senator wants to come with him.

My Thoughts:

The Montana Rescue series by Susan May Warren is officially my favorite series by her. In the newest installment, A Matter of Trust, we get better acquainted with and get Gage Watson’s story. What an adrenaline rush this one was. With snowboarding! Yep, I learned some things about that sport- I do not think I want to try it but it was fun reading about anyway.

This story just really added to this whole series, layer upon layer. I like how we not only get the major love story, but the side ones as well. And we must not forget the overreaching story arc that has been going on since book one. The romance was sublime (ah Gage) and the gospel message was well ingrained within the story. It was not preachy at all. We get some questions answered and then we get some more to keep us on the edge of our seats. I am really looking forward to book four.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions expressed are my own.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Review: My Daughter's Legacy by Mindy Starns Clark and Leslie Gould

About the book:

A thrilling tale of two women longing to follow God's leading, make the most of second chances, and find true love at last
Virginia, 1864

Therese Jennings cannot abide the thought of owning slaves. When her widowed mother inherits a plantation, Therese flees to Civil War Richmond, where she works as a governess by day and tends to wounded soldiers at night. But when trouble befalls her family, can she reconcile her obligations with her beliefs? And will love-whether with an old beau or a handsome new suitor-ever fit in her broken world?

Virginia, present day
Nicole Talbot's life is back on track after years of substance abuse. Home from college for the summer, she's finally ready to share a shocking secret, one that raises new questions about a traumatic childhood experience. But when facts she uncovers cast doubt on her family's legacy, she must risk all that she's gained-her fresh start, her family's trust, and her growing relationship with a new man-to unlock the secrets of the past.

My Thoughts:

What an impressive dual timeline My Daughter’s Legacy was. Written by two authors I was taken back to about three years into the Civil War and I received Therese Jennings story. She was against slavery but still loved the South, in which she was raised, and did not want to see her state of Virginia lose its power. Looking forward to meeting her long time secret love, Michael Talbot, she becomes disappointed in him and the way his views seemed to have turned. Adding to that she has met his very handsome cousin, Alec Talbot, a doctor and Quaker from the North who has come to the South to help the wounded soldiers. The historical aspect of this story was riveting and I liked how the authors showed how difficult it would live in that very turbulent time with differing views yet unwilling to fight against family, friends, and neighbors.

In the contemporary timeline we see through the eyes of Nicole Talbot’s life. She is a recovering addict and has decided to expose a secret about her family that has weighed on her since she was six years old. When she tells all she knows we are then given information about a murder and a crime scandal that took place some twenty years ago.

Both timelines were complete stories in and of themselves. Putting them together with connections to the same family, showing how both present and past heroines must deal with what life throws at them: old loves, new loves, spies, counterfeiting, and murder. I enjoyed the back and forth between the timelines and stories and appreciated the extra art that was included with the heroine’s name to put us in the right mood for the time and story of that chapter. Sometimes the past seems so distant and the problems not like today. Even though the dates were different, across time and place we are all still human, with hearts and dreams and sometimes very complicated lives to live. Both the past and the present came alive for me in this story.

I received a complimentary copy of this novel through Litfuse. I was not required to post a positive review and the views and opinions expressed are my own.

About the authors:

Mindy Starns Clark is the bestselling author of more than 20 books, both fiction and nonfiction, with over a million copies sold. Mindy and her husband, John, have two adult children and live in Pennsylvania.
Find out more about Mindy Starns at

Leslie Gould, a former magazine editor, is the author of numerous novels, including "Beyond the Blue" and "Garden of Dreams." She received her master of fine arts degree from Portland State University and lives in Oregon with her husband, Peter, and their four children.

Find out more about Leslie at

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Review, Guest Post, and Giveaway: Crazy About Alaska by Shannon L. Brown

Click here to purchase your copy.

About the Book

Book title: Crazy about Alaska
Author: Shannon L. Brown
Release date: June 30, 2017
Genre: Sweet Contemporary Romance

Can she trust love?

Holly has her eye on a handsome state trooper. Not on her boring, oh-so-serious, former professor, Adam.

Having her toes curl when she’s near Adam must be ignored.

Holly just wants a great dad for her twin girls. She’s going to find one, write a novel to fulfill her dreams, and create a happy life.

Falling in love isn’t part of her plan.

My Thoughts:

Crazy About Alaska is the third in An Alaska Dream Romance series. It is the first one I have read and the first by author Shannon L. Brown. This series of books is about three sisters and this one mainly deals with Holly Harris. Holly is a divorced mother of twin girls that has had a really hard lot in life when it comes to men and putting her trust in them. Her back story on her marriage and her ex-husband is very sad and I can definitely understand why she would be gun shy. Not to mention adding in her current boyfriend Matt and now possible love interest Adam O’Connell.

What really drew me into this story was Holly and Adam’s previous relationship with each other. He was her English professor who was attracted to her when she was a college student, but because he did not date students he put up a very high professional wall between them. There is about a six year difference in their age and now Holly is not his student but his real estate agent.  Holly doesn’t date clients. What a wonderful cat and mouse game this was to watch unfold.

However, throw on some major secrets both of these two are keeping from each other and the road to happily ever after is full of chuck holes. I did become frustrated with the secret Holly was keeping, it was very important and should have been no secret at all.  With that being said, I did at the same time understand her reasoning.

This was a delightful romantic story and I would even say a romantic comedy in parts. As there were many chuckles and sweet sighs I experienced in reading this book. I absolutely look forward to reading more of author Shannon Brown’s work.

I received a copy of this book for free. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions expressed are my own.

About the Author

Writing books that are fun and touch your heart

Even though Shannon L. Brown always loved to read, she didn’t plan to be a writer. She earned two degrees from the University of Alaska, one in journalism/public communications, but didn’t become a journalist.

Years passed. Shannon felt pulled into a writing life, testing her wings with a novel and moving on to articles. Shannon is now an award-winning journalist who has sold hundreds of articles to local, national, and regional publications.

Shannon was born and raised in Alaska so she enjoyed writing the books in the Alaska Dream Romance series. “The Feather Chase” was her first published book and began the Crime-Solving Cousins Mystery series. The eight-to-twelve-year-olds in your life will enjoy this contemporary twist on a Nancy Drew-type mystery.

Shannon lives in Nashville, Tennessee, with her professor husband and adorable calico cat.

Guest Post from Shannon Brown

Open Doors

When a character opens the door and steps from her world into mine, writing about her is easier. Holly Harris in Crazy About Alaska is a real estate agent, and I was once one. I’ve driven clients around and shown them houses only to have them go a different direction. My husband and I bought a new house a few years ago, so I have tales to tell from that experience too. (Readers may think the purple shower is made up. Think again.) I chose to bring a college professor into her life as a love interest. I’m married to one.

Some of myself always finds its way into a story. Sometimes, it’s just something I might like to do. Holly’s sister Jemma rehabs furniture in Falling for Alaska, book one in the series. The idea for her business came while I was watching HGTV’s Flea Market Flip. Taking trash and making it beautiful sounds like something I’d like to try. Jemma also dislikes coffee and drinks tea. (Here I am again.) But she is not exactly me. She’s cooking challenged, and I’m a good cook.

Does the story become about the author when she inserts herself into it? Reality is only a fun fraction of the book. Holly has two men vying for her affections. That never happened. (It might have been fun if it had!) She also has five-year-old twins. I never experienced that.

By far the most challenging of the sisters in the series was Bree in book two, Loving Alaska. She’s a doctor, and my knowledge of the medical profession comes from sitting on the exam table, not from doing the exam. I spoke with doctors I knew and brought her to life. But Bree isn’t all made up either. She despises being in nature, especially camping. I’ve camped on a frozen river, beside a lake after canoeing or boating in, and many more places, but I’m with Bree and hotels are greatly preferred. There I am in the story again.

Reading the books I’ve written helps you know who I am. I’m a woman with a big imagination who enjoys bringing stories to life. Oh, and that slightly sarcastic sense of humor you may notice with Jemma and Holly? That might be from me as well.

Blog Stops

July 22: Artistic Nobody
July 22: Just Commonly
July 23: Live.Love.Read.
July 24: Carpe Diem
July 24: autism mom
July 25: Baker Kella
July 26: A Rup Life
July 27: Karen Sue Hadley
July 27: Quiet Quilter
July 28: Pause for Tales
July 29: Remembrancy
July 29: Cafinated Reads


To celebrate this tour, Shannon Brown is giving away a grand prize of a book lovers gift basket – a basket filled with book-related things!! Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Review, Guest Post, and Giveaway: A Name Unknown by Roseanna M. White

Click here to purchase your copy.

About the Book

Book title: A Name Unknown
Author: Roseanna M. White
Release date: July 4, 2017
Genre: Historical Romance

She’s Out to Steal His Name.
Will He Steal Her Heart Instead?

Rosemary Gresham has no family beyond the band of former urchins that helped her survive as a girl in the mean streets of London. Grown now, they are no longer pickpockets—now they focus on high value items and have learned how to blend into upper-class society. Rosemary’s challenge of a lifetime comes when she’s assigned to determine whether a certain wealthy gentleman is loyal to Britain or to Germany. How does one steal a family’s history, their very name?

As Europe moved closer to World War I, rumors swirl around Peter Holstein. Awkward and solitary, but with access to the king, many fear his influence. But Peter can’t help his German last name and wants to prove his loyalty to the Crown—so he can go back to anonymously writing a series of popular adventure novels. When Rosemary arrives on his doorstop pretending to be a well- credentialed historian, Peter believes she’s the right person to help him dig through his family’s past.

When danger and suspicion continue to mount, though, and both realize they’re in a race against time to discover the truth—about Peter’s past and about the undeniable attraction kindling between them.

My Thoughts:

I have not read a Roseanna M. White book yet that I haven’t thoroughly enjoyed. A Name Unknown her newest and the start to what looks to become a fun and thought provoking series, was a book that I just savored. There were so many moving parts in the story and it was so well told that I had no idea which way this story was going to go, except for the love story. This is one of those love stories that you realize the characters are in love before they do.  And what a delight to watch their love for one another be realized.

However, there is much more to this story than the romance. We have the country of Britain on the brink of World War I. There are spies, espionage, patriots, and madmen. We still have the problem of the distinction of classes. We have pickpockets and thieves. We have love for one’s country and family. There is a library that plays an important role in the story and two very interesting characters that neither are quite what they seem.

A thief and a nobleman, but who really steals what? An unconventional pair; Rosemary’s spunkiness and streetwise ways verses Peter’s caring and steadfast ways. As always the gospel message was delivered throughout the entire story, a subtle reminder of just whom Jesus hung out with while living here on earth. The author notes were very interesting and again I learned some new history and I hope this series lasts as long as possible, as every one of the ‘brothers and sisters’ would have an interesting story to tell.

I received a copy of this novel for free. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions expressed are my own.

About the Author

Roseanna M. White pens her novels beneath her Betsy Ross flag, with her Jane Austen action figure watching over her. When not writing fiction, she’s homeschooling her two children, editing and designing, and pretending her house will clean itself. Roseanna is the author of over a dozen historical novels and novellas, ranging from biblical fiction to American-set romances to her British series. Spies and war and mayhem always seem to make their way into her novels…to offset her real life, which is blessedly boring. You can learn more about her and her stories at

Guest Post from Roseanna White

It’s always a challenge to make a historical setting authentic—especially when it’s set in a region you’ve only ever read about. As I was writing A Name Unknown, I learned so much about Cornwall—all the more when I had the opportunity to visit the gorgeous Penzance region while the book was still in edits! I quickly learned that I had far too many trees in my story, and hadn’t quite captured the uniqueness of the coastal setting. I dove into rewrites with excitement and gusto, ready to make my fictional Cornwall more like the real one.

I studied the Cornish accent, Cornish foods, typical Cornish coloring in hair and eyes. I’ve now gotten rather proficient at making pasties (beef hand pies) from scratch, I’ve special-ordered ingredients to make Cornish ginger cookies called fairings, and I’ve spent quite a lot of time listening to videos of people speaking in a Cornish accent.

Delving into this rich region and its history was a blast! And I’m so excited to get to share the culture of Cornwall—and a taste of their unique flavors—with you. In a special Celebrate Lit giveaway, I’ll be offering not only a signed copy of my book, but also some homemade ginger fairings! Here’s the recipe I used . . . after special ordering the Mixed Spice (reminiscent of pumpkin pie spice) and Golden Syrup (a thick syrup with a bit of a toffee flavor) from Amazon. 😉 (I have a gram scale so did use the weight measurements rather than volume—also, English teaspoons and tablespoons are a bit bigger than American, so I heaped them, and I turned out deliciously.)


100 grams butter, cold and diced

225 grams all-purpose flour

¼ heaping teaspoon salt

2 heaping teaspoons baking powder

2 heaping teaspoons baking soda

1 heaping teaspoon ginger

2 heaping teaspoons mixed spice

100 grams superfine (caster) sugar

4 heaping tablespoons golden syrup

Preheat oven to 375 F. Grease baking sheets or line with parchment paper.

Combine flour, salt, baking powder, baking soda, and spices in a stand mixer. Add the butter and beat until mixture forms coarse crumbs. Stir in sugar.

In a small saucepan, warm the golden syrup until it’s clarified a bit; stir into the flour mixture until a dough forms. Roll the dough into walnut sized balls and put on prepared baking sheets a few inches apart.

Bake 8-10 minutes, until golden. Cool a few minutes on the trays and then transfer to a cooling rack.

Blog Stops

July 20: Genesis 5020
July 21: Pause for Tales
July 22: Bigreadersite
July 23: Vicky Sluiter
July 24: Pursuing Stacie
July 25: Live.Love.Read.
July 26: Carpe Diem
July 27: cherylbbookblog
July 27: Splashes of Joy
July 29: Karen Sue Hadley
July 31: Cafinated Reads
July 31: Artistic Nobody


To celebrate this tour, Roseanna is giving away a grand prize of a paperback copy of A Name Unknown & 2 dozen cookies from Roseanna!!! Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

Review: The Cover Story by Deb Richardson-Moore

To Purchase

A bizarre hit-and-run brings Branigan Powers back to the crime-solving beat

A fatal crash involving two college students heading home for the holidays seems like an unfortunate accident. But when the surviving girl wakens, she tells a curious story of the vehicle that forced them off the road--an old-fashioned, 1950s-style hearse.

Reporter Branigan Powers delves into the mystery that takes her to the college campus and leads her into dangerous fraternity and sorority pledge parties.

Reunited with the homeless Malachi Martin, who is so adept at seeing what isn't there rather than what is, Branigan must uncover what is really going on at the college before other students are put in danger.

This second installment in the author's cozy mystery series delves into the world of newspapers and life on the streets--both of which the author knows well.

My Thoughts:

The Cover Story is a mystery novel that I enjoyed very much. This is the second in the series and even though I did not read the first the author did a good job of bringing me up to date. There is an eclectic group of characters that really brought this story to life. Since this is the first I have read in this series, I got for the first time meet the newspaper reporter/ amateur investigator Branigan Powers. I knew this story would be interesting with a heroine’s name of Branigan. And to top it off she has a homeless man by the name of Malachi that she teams up with to help her solve the crimes.

Taking place in Georgia the author touches on several subjects: homelessness and why some people may choose it, sororities at colleges, failing newspapers in the time of the internet, and a mystery to keep us on our toes along with old Southern Georgia charm. Beginning with a car accident that involved an old hearse, reading this was like watching a picture puzzle being completed.

There is some minor language and those who have read the first novel will appreciate meeting up with familiar characters. For what is called a cozy mystery- I haven’t read many- this in my opinion was an intriguing one. I enjoyed the author’s writing style and I look forward to reading more by her.

I was provided a free copy of this book through Kregel Publications. I was not required to post a positive review and the views and opinions are my own.


Review: My Heart Belongs on Mackinac Island- Maude's Mooring by Carrie Fancett Pagels

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About the Book:

Although the Winds of Mackinac Inn has been in her mother’s family for generations, Maude Welling’s father refuses to let her run it without the guidance of a husband. So she seeks to prove her worth and independence by working incognito as a maid at the Grand Hotel.

Undercover journalist Ben Steffans, posing as a wealthy industrialist, pursues a story about impoverished men chasing heiresses at the famed hotel.  While undercover, he becomes attracted to an intriguing maid. By an act of heroism Ben endears himself to the closed-mouthed islanders—including Maude—and he digs deep for his story.

But when scandal threatens, will the growing love between Maude and Ben be scuttled when truths are revealed?

My Thoughts:

Author Pagels newest story takes us to the beautiful Mackinac Island in the year 1895. Bicycles are all the rage when getting around town and due to the author’s poetic prose and descriptions of Mackinac Island, it sounds like the place to visit, back then and now.

This story centers on Maude Welling and the family drama that surrounds the family assets, especially their Inn, The Winds of Mackinac. This story itself starts off simply enough; Maude races to meet her fiancé as his ship comes in and instead gets the surprise of her life, he has married someone else. With such a blow, Maude shores up her heart and moves on to her greater purpose, running the Inn. Her father on the other hand, for some reason, does not believe she can run the matriarchal inn without a husband so suggests selling it. So Maude decides to prove him wrong.

Enter Detroit reporter Ben who is undercover as a rich German aristocrat due to an assignment by his boss. Supposedly trying to get information on one story, his boss sends him cryptic information that leads him to uncover what his boss really wants to find out.  Ben becomes very much enamored with Maude and begins to pursue at least a friendship with her.

Nothing and no one is as they seem in this turn of the century novel. I will say that at times I was a little bit confused with all the aliases and the fact that Maude seems to be related to everyone on the island. I was not sure of some of Maude’s motives for doing some of the things she was doing.   I was put off with her father as well and oftentimes during the story wondered what his game was. But I found that despite and probably because of these contradictory actions I could not put the novel down. I have always enjoyed author Pagels stories and the rich detail and information she puts into each novel to bring the story to life and this novel was no different. I found this to be an interesting historical light mystery.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.  The views and opinions expressed are my own.

Review: Grounded Hearts by Jeanne M. Dickson

About the book:

A brave midwife. A wounded pilot. A risky secret.

In the midst of World War II, Ireland has declared herself neutral. Troops found on Irish soil must be reported and interned, no matter which side they are fighting for. When midwife Nan O'Neil finds a wounded young Canadian pilot at her door, she knows she's taking a huge risk by letting him in. Not only is she a widow living alone, but if caught harboring a combatant, she'll face imprisonment.

Still, something compels Nan to take in "flyboy" Dutch Whitney, an RAF pilot whose bomber has just crashed over County Clare. While she tends to his wounds and gives him a secret place of refuge, the two begin to form a mutual affection-and an unbreakable bond.

But Nan has another secret, one that has racked her with guilt since her husband's death and made her question ever loving again. As Nan and Dutch plan his escape, can he help restore her faith?

My Thoughts:

Grounded Hearts by new to me author Jeanne M. Dickson was a World War II story that takes place in Ireland, who declared neutrality. This was the first time I had read a novel during that time period that took place on neutral grounds and I found the historical information fascinating. We have a small town/village of people that know each other very well and are oftentimes in everyone’s business and all around busy bodies.

The story focuses on midwife and widow, Nan who happens to have a knock on her door one night from the downed and injured RAF bomber pilot Dutch Whitney. Cursing the fact that she has been drawn into his struggle to escape imprisonment and more the dire need of his health, Nan does all she can on her own. I appreciated how the author showed the comradeship of women, especially when Nan had to seek outside help. The women did not just sit around in Ireland but were actually very much involved in the war effort, at least in this novel.

There are quite a few characters that make up this eccentric cast: the priest, the town drunk, and the officers of the LDF, especially the officer Finn who doesn’t know how to take no for an answer, and of course all of Nan’s close friends.

Secrets abound, especially one that lays heavy upon Nan, and there is an instant attraction between her and Dutch. I liked how the author showed the women in this era as strong and fully capable individuals even though most of the men looked at them as just weak and ogled them more than not. This novel was rich in time, place, and characterization that the country of Ireland became alive to me. This read almost like a miniseries and I think it would be a great one dealing with midwifery, small town, war and the war efforts from a neutral country and all the politics that entailed. I look forward to more from the pen of author Dickson.

I received a copy of this book for free through Litfuse Publicity. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions expressed are my own.

About the author:

Jeanne M. Dickson was born into an Irish American family, the only girl surrounded by four brothers. She credits her mother, her aunts, and her grandmother with her love of storytelling. Perfecting her craft, she attends many writer's conferences and over the years, she has won and finaled in numerous RWA romance writing awards including the Daphne du Maurier Award, the Maggie Award, The Molly, The Tara, and she was the overall contest winner of Launching A Star. Today she lives in Coastal San Diego with her fabulous husband, her two wonderful girls, and a dozen disobedient rose bushes.

Find out more about Jeanne M. at

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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Review: His Guilt by Shelley Shepard Gray

About the book: 

A suspenseful tale of an Amish man who will risk all to protect the woman he loves.

Mark Fisher has returned home to Hart County, determined to put the past behind him. Two years ago, after being wrongly accused of assault, he left the Amish community, though never forgot his home. When the one person who had helped him through his rough times asks for help, Mark returns. But it is pretty Waneta Cain who makes him want to stay...
Neeta is one of the few people in Hart County who doesn't believe Mark is guilty of hurting anyone. However, his worldliness and tough exterior do make her uneasy. As she begins to see the real man behind all the gossip and prejudice, she wonders if he is the man for her.

Just when Mark starts to believe a new life is possible, a close friend of Neeta's is attacked. Once again, everyone in the community seems to believe he is guilty. But what hurts most is Neeta's sudden wariness around him. When another woman is hurt, a woman who is close to both Neeta and himself, Mark fears he knows the real culprit. And time is running out. Will Mark be able to find him before Neeta becomes his next victim?

Learn more and purchase a copy.

My thoughts:

His Guilt was a riveting read from the first page. Author Gray jumps right into the heart of the story and the characters of Mark Fisher and Neeta Cain. I will admit that at first I was not sure of Mark and his motives. He acted abruptly and brusquely and not until I received the story from his perspective did I even try to really like him. Like Neeta and others, I was wary of his character. However the author was able to show him and his struggles in such a light that he became a much cherished character.

This story definitely delves into a different Amish tale. Here the community is not at a peace as a young woman was beaten and murdered some years ago. Everything seems to be on the upswing and people have started to let down their guard until Mark and others who were somewhat outcasts in their Amish community return home.

There is an evil in the town as more young women fall prey to the attacker and no one is safe. There were many ways this story could have gone and the author keeps us in suspense the whole time. This was an Amish novel with twist and turns and a dark thread woven into the story that gave it an undercurrent of creepiness.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Litfuse Publicity. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the author:

Shelley Shepard Gray is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, a finalist for the American Christian Fiction Writers prestigious Carol Award, and a two-time HOLT Medallion winner. She lives in southern Ohio, where she writes full-time, bakes too much, and can often be found walking her dachshunds on her town's bike trail.


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My Thoughts and More on Trail to Love by Susan F. Craft

  About the Book Book:  Trail to Love Author: Susan F. Craft Genre:  Christian Historical Romance Release date: September 17, 2024 A widowe...