Monday, June 29, 2020

Review: A Reckless Love by Beth White

To Purchase

These two may have met their match--in each other.

In the fine tradition established by her Southern grandmama, Aurora Daughtry has recently orchestrated the marriage of her eldest sister and facilitated her middle sister's engagement. Just when it seems there is nothing left to absorb her considerable talent for managing people, in walks federal deputy marshal Zane Sager.

But Zane is not at Daughtry House for a vacation. He's tracking a killer and collecting two key witnesses to a federal judge's murder.

Aurora takes it upon herself to disabuse the cynical lawman of his conviction that the world is out to get him. But just as she's on the verge of cracking Zane's defenses, the man he is after reminds him that no one he loves is safe. Ever.

My Thoughts:

This is the third in the Daughtry House Series and this is youngest sister Aurora's story. 

Happily, her two older sisters, one married and the other engaged, are moving beyond the horrors of the war and the prejudices that seem to still plague their home/business. Aurora could not be more happy for them, especially when they find out that their late father has kept more secrets from them.  Determined to do her part now in the world, Aurora who may be small in stature but she is fiery in nature, determines to take things into her own hands.

Federal Deputy Marshal Zane Sager has a few qualms about some of the plans Aurora has in mind. He is on the hunt for a murderer and he also has in his custody two witnesses he is trying to keep safe. Sparks fly between these two as each sees things their own way, and maybe sparks are flying for another reason. I was delighted that there was some sweet romance in this series for little sister Aurora. 

I liked Zane as a hero as well. At first glance he looked like a pirate with the loss of one of his eyes and his eye patch, but that doesn't put off tough little cookie Aurora. I was glad these sisters rose above their circumstances and fought for what they believed in and though maybe a little afraid, did not back down. I was delighted by the ending of this series especially after the harrowing beginning. 

I was provided a copy of this novel courtesy of Revell Publishing through Interviews & Reviews. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author:

Beth White's day job is teaching music at an inner-city high school in historic Mobile, Alabama. A native Mississippian, she writes historical romance with a Southern drawl and is the author of A Rebel Heart and A Reluctant Belle, as well as the Gulf Coast Chronicles series. Her novels have won the American Christian Fiction Writers Carol Award, the RT Book Club Reviewers' Choice Award, and the Inspirational Reader's Choice Award. Learn more at

Review, Guest Post, and Giveaway: Dead Silence by Robin Caroll

About the Book

Book:  Dead Silence
Author: Robin Caroll
Genre: Christian Suspense
Release Date: June 2020

Political games can be deadly…

Elise Carmichael is a court sign language interpreter who reads lips all the time. As a widow with a young son who is deaf, lip reading is simply second nature, until the day she reads the lips of someone on the phone discussing an attempt to be made on a senator’s life—a senator who just happens to be her mother-in-law. Before she can decide what she needs to do, she receives the information that her son is rushed to the ER and she must leave. Then she later sees the news report that her mother-in-law has been shot and killed. But when she comes forward, her life, as well as her son’s life, may now be in the crosshairs of the assassin.

Click here to get your copy!

My Thoughts:

Elise Carmichael is a widow making her way in the world with her 7-year old son, who is deaf. Because of his deafness, Elise has learned sign language and lip reading. Due to this lip reading ability, she reads an assassination's plot on her mother-in-law who is also a US Senator. Before she can let anyone know, her day goes from bad to worse as she gets an emergency call about her son Sawyer. Unfortunately the lip reading incident is forgotten in the heat of the moment as Mama bear comes out.

Well, that sets off a series of events that result in the murder of her mother-in-law and also the stalking and threats that are now leveled at Elise and her son from unknown assailants. The FBI are involved, but seem less than helpful- pitting family against family. And the media are like vultures not caring for the person only the scoop. But might there be one friend there?

This was a pretty intense read. Elise at times did get on my nerves. I felt she was too slow to act in several scenarios. I also got her frustration when she received no information that was useful and was thought of as a guilty party too.

This was a high stakes political drama that shows the lengths that some evil people will go to get or keep the power.

I was provided a copy of this novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author

“I love boxing. I love Hallmark movies. I love fishing. I love scrapbooking. Nope, I’ve never fit into the boxes people have wanted to put me in.” Robin Caroll is definitely a contradiction, but one that beckons you to get to know her better. Robin’s passion has always been to tell stories to entertain others and come alongside them on their faith journey—aspects Robin weaves into each of her twenty-five-plus published novels. When she isn’t writing, Robin spends quality time with her husband of nearly three decades, her three beautiful daughters and two handsome grandsons, and their character-filled pets at home. Robin gives back to the writing community by serving as executive director/conference director for ACFW. Her books have been recognized in such contests as the Carol Award, Holt Medallion, Daphne du Maurier, RT Reviewer’s Choice Award, Bookseller’s Best, and Book of the Year. You can find out more about Robin by visiting

More from Robin

Hi, there. . .Robin here. I’m getting so excited for the release of my thirty-fourth novel, DEAD SILENCE. I have to say, I love this book. The heroine is strong, yet flawed. Her love for her son—willing to do anything to protect him is a mother’s instinct I relate to so well, having three daughters and two grandsons. The love of a mother for her child is so ingrained in me that I wanted to share that in a story.

I’ve been asked why I opted for a heroine who is an ASL translator and who has a deaf son. Many years ago, I became friends with someone who is deaf. She shared with me some of her frustrations, but also how her way of life is in comparison to mine. It got me to thinking that being deaf could be thought of as a disability but could also be used as an advantage…it was all in how you looked at it. My friend shared many stories of how she “eavesdropped” by reading lips and learned much about people and how they reacted to issues, enough that it led her into her career field today—a counselor, specializing in providing therapy for the hearing impaired as they live in a hearing world. I hope that I portrayed my characters in this positive light.

While I’m a Louisiana girl at heart, I reside in Little Rock, the capitol city for Arkansas. Since Bill and Hilary Clinton lived here and claimed it home before Bill was President, we have many political plans and posturing here. I saw it as a perfect backdrop for this particular story with the political undercurrents running rampant throughout the story.

I hope that you enjoy reading DEAD SILENCE as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Blog Stops

Emily Yager, June 20
Rebecca Tews, June 21
By The Book, June 22
Genesis 5020, June 22
KarenSueHadley, June 23
Betti Mace, June 24
Remembrancy, June 24
Splashes of Joy, June 26
HookMeInABook, June 26
Mary Hake, June 27
Simple Harvest Reads, June 28 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)
amandainpa, June 28
Worthy2Read, June 29
Pause for Tales, June 29
Hallie Reads, June 30
Quiet Quilter, July 2


To celebrate her tour, Robin is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Review: What Momma Left Behind by Cindy K. Sproles

To Purchase

In the face of overwhelming obstacles, she'll need courage, grit, and a tender heart.

Worie Dressar is seventeen years old when influenza and typhoid ravage her Appalachian Mountain community in 1877, leaving behind a growing number of orphaned children with no way to care for themselves. Worie's mother has been secretly feeding several of these little ones on Sourwood Mountain. But when tragedy strikes, Worie is left to figure out why and how she was caring for them.

Plagued with two good-for-nothing brothers--one greedy and the other a drunkard--Worie must fight to save her home and the children now in her begrudging care. Along the way, she discovers the beauty of unconditional love and the power of forgiveness as she cares for all of Momma's children.

My Thoughts:

What a heartbreaking yet hope filled story that shows what life was like in the Appalachian Mountains, to a people that was mostly isolated. However, the modern world encroached bringing with it diseases and other evils.

This story starts off rather grim and I wondered how and if I could continue reading it. To say that life was not pretty for Worie, her family lost and two brothers that were no help, one especially more trouble than he was worth. But as I continued to read and get to know Worie, she was a tough woman. Inside and out. She obviously needed to work through some issues and especially the secrets her mother had left behind.

The greed and heartbreaking details surrounding evil men and orphaned children were hard to read about. To know that even today some are thought as cattle and all for some evil people's goals. How do we face that evil? Well like Worie learns, she does not have to do that alone. She has friends and she learns she has the promises of God as well. 

This was a difficult but good read. The places and time came to life as I read Worie's journey and watched as she discovered her purpose.

I was provided a copy of this novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author:

Cindy K. Sproles is the cofounder of Christian Devotions Ministries. An author, storyteller, and popular speaker, Cindy teaches at writers conferences across the country and directs the Asheville Christian Writers Conference in North Carolina. Editor of and managing editor for Straight Street Books and SonRise Devotionals, Cindy has a BA in business and journalism and lives in the mountains of East Tennessee with her family.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Cover Reveal: Accidentally on the Run by Jes Drew

I have another exciting cover reveal from author Jes Drew from the series An Accidental Superhero story. Check out the awesome cover and get more information on her site!

Gabriel Cooper is just another cop on the NJPD- well, just another cop, except with almost psychic instincts. When those instincts lead him onto a bus to capture a hostile, he's exposed to a mysterious bomb. Still, it seems like just another adventure he walked away from. Except that suddenly, his instinct is becoming his primary sense to keep out of trouble- and there is a lot of trouble.

Braelin Cunningham has no family, but she does have her best friend Gabe. She'll do whatever it takes to protect him from the mysterious League of Incredible Supermen. As long as Braelin gets to be by the side of her best friend and secret crush, she'll do it. Even if it means going on the run when more than the League get interested with Gabe's newfound abilities.

On the run together, it seems like no matter where they turn, danger is there. When it comes to having superpowers, apparently, you can run- but you can't hide.

Coming July 4, 2020!

(Because some kind of affliction had to come for July...)

Click for more information and to visit author Jes Drew's site:

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Review, Guest Post, and Giveaway: Victoria Grace the Jerk Face

About the Book

Book:  Victoria Grace: The Jerkface
Author: S.E. Clancy
Genre:  Young Adult Contemporary
Release Date: June 15, 2020

Ever since Tori Weston and MamaBear were abandoned by her dad, finances have been tighter than a new pair of skinny jeans. As if keeping her grades up for scholarships and working every spare moment weren’t enough, Tori gets suckered into visiting a retirement home and paired with ancient resident Marigold Williams. After learning she’s the only one to visit Marigold in decades, Tori becomes a regular at Willow Springs. Besides, someone has to help with her history homework.

Corbin Dallas barges into Tori’s life with a prosthetic leg and a dimple, working his way into her hectic schedule. Though she tries to deny it, there’s something beyond his Texan drawl that gets Tori hoping she’s more than his sidekick. Together, they race to find Marigold’s missing family before she fades away. Tori ditches her soul-sucking job, along with her dreams of having a paint-peeled clunker to call her own, in order to help her friend one last time.

Click here to get  your copy!

My Thoughts:

As you can possibly tell from the title, this was a clever, a bit snarky, yet a refreshing tale of a a 17 year old girl and her life as it is. She lives with her MamaBear, who is a cop and hasn't seen her dad in years. Even though home life is not completely ideal it is happy. I enjoyed seeing her and her mom's interactions and I love it when parents and their kids can have close and meaningful relationships.

Not only does Tory have her mom, but she has a best friend who is a bit spoiled by her father, and Tory has a crush on a guy that is never going to happen. As we walk along with her through her life: trying to save money for a car while working a crummy job, trying to get a full scholorship, a couple of new friendships step into her life.

One is a very old lady she is visiting at a nursing home for extra credit, but the knowledge and friendship Marigold offers Tory is priceless. And she meets a fellow student recently from Texas who has a handicap. Corbin has one leg after an accident and he and Tory hit it off with a fun and different friendship.

This was a fun and realistic look at a teen's life and all one might be going through and the lessons she learns. I enjoyed it immensely.

I received a copy of this novel from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author

S.E. Clancy (aka Sarah) is a bit of a sci-fi nerd, geek, and self-proclaimed dork. There isn’t much she won’t try at least once…unless it involves mayonnaise, because that stuff is just gross. You can learn more about her at

More from S.E.

Victoria Grace the Jerkface started as a short story after I’d listened to my favorite song by Nat King Cole: The Christmas Song. I’d overheard a teenager say, “I don’t even know what a chestnut is.” I typed that into a note on my phone because it struck a chord. Within days, a photographer named Tom Hussey issued a series called “Reflections” that featured elderly people gazing into mirrors and seeing their younger selves. That same night, one of my children asked for a project to earn school credits. Like flint to tinder, the idea of this teenager who didn’t know what a chestnut was having to visit an older person left in a care home began to grow.

To add in a bit of my mom and myself to the story, I had my main character Tori (Victoria Grace) love her mom’s meatloaf. It’s a recipe that my mom used from her grandma, an amazing woman we called Grandma Ted.

Ted’s Meatloaf
  • 1 pound thawed ground beef or turkey
  • 1 packet of dry onion soup mix
  • 1 – 2 heels of bread torn into dime-sized pieces (1 for turkey, 2 for beef)
  • 1 egg
Preheat oven to 350. Mix all ingredients in a single bowl. Works best if you use your hands, but mix really well if you use a spoon to incorporate all of the ingredients.
Spray a loaf pan with non-stick spray. Do not use parchment paper—no one wants a soggy bottom. Plop the entire mixture into the pan and place into the middle of the oven. Cook for an hour.

This recipe doubles easily, just change the cooking time to 1 ½ – 1 ¾ hours and check the internal temp with a thermostat.

Blog Stops

Robin’s Nest, June 20
Nancy E Wood , June 21
Batya’s Bits, June 25
CarpeDiem, June 26
Pause for Tales, June 27
Artistic Nobody, June 28 (Guest Review from Kelsey Barela)


To celebrate her tour, S.E. is giving away the grand prize package of signed book, origami bookmark, marigold seeds, & $10 Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

My Thoughts and More on Trail to Love by Susan F. Craft

  About the Book Book:  Trail to Love Author: Susan F. Craft Genre:  Christian Historical Romance Release date: September 17, 2024 A widowe...