Saturday, March 31, 2018

Weekend Briefing by Jes Drew

Weekend Briefing

Welcome back, agents, and happy Easter! Anyway, I called you here today to get cleared on an upcoming mission project. That is, the re-releasing of the Ninja and Hunter series with new covers.

It is always sad saying goodbye to old things, so agents have one week to purchase The Time I Saved the Day with its old cover, designed by Mission Head herself.

But it is also exciting to move on to new things, so agents have only one week to wait before The Time I Saved the Day appears with its new cover, designed by Y. Nikolova at Ammonia Covers.

The Time I Saved the Day

High school sophomore, Charissa O’Dell, has enough to do between homework, karate, and an upcoming school dance. However, when she is accidentally endowed with superhuman abilities, she adds one more thing to the list: crime fighting. Crime is a lot more complicated than her comics make it seem, and she finds herself relying more and more on the mysterious Villain Hunter, who somehow shares several of her superhuman powers. Even so, the more she infiltrates the world of crime, the more she attracts the attention of the criminals. Will she be able to survive her attempt to save the day?

Re-launching April 7 to all major online booksellers

Also coming soon…


Emily Rogers hoped her most dangerous days were behind her when she escaped from the Island. But soon she realizes that trying to figure out her relationship with Christopher Williams and dodging nosy reporters are the least of her worries. The evil they encountered on the Island is hunting them down.

Once again torn away from her parents and normal life, Emily and her cousins, along with Christopher and Oto and a handful of allies, must flee through Europe. To be caught would mean certain death, but how long can one keep ahead of the powers that be?

Coming April 16 to all major online booksellers

Join us next time, agents, for an interview with Agents Ninja, Villain Hunter, and O’Dell as we celebrate the relaunching of their debut book. Until them, don’t do anything that might get you brain-wiped. Ciao!

Spotlight and Giveaway: London in the Dark by Victoria Lynn: One Year Birthday Celebration

To Purchase

London, 1910

Budding Private Detective Cyril Arlington Hartwell has a conundrum. London is being ravaged by the largest run of thefts in recent history. His hunch that it is all tied together may put him and those he loves in more danger than he could have reckoned.

Olivia Larken Hartwell is just home from boarding school for the summer anticipating time with her adoring parents.She misses her absent brother, Cyril, hoping for the day he will finally come home. But tragedy strikes, causing upheaval for all concerned and changes her life in a way she never could have imagined.

Olivia, Cyril, and their friends must bring the hidden to light, seek to execute justice, and dispel the darkness that hovers over London… and their hearts. 


Click to Enter
More about Victoria Lynn

Friday, March 30, 2018

Review, Guest Post, and Giveaway: The Tempering Agent by Victoria Pitts Caine

About the Book

Book Title: The Tempering Agent
Author: Victoria Pitts Caine
Release Date: February 14, 2014
Dr. Priscilla Hackling finds herself thrown back into the murder investigation of her fiancé, Trey Whittington. While she was a suspect three years ago, she’s now working with the police to find the murderer, Egyptian artifact trafficker, Zarka El-Din. During a sting operation in Siwa, she and Agent Donnie Barnes are drawn to each other but Priscilla, overcome by personal ghosts from her past, decides a relationship isn’t possible. Priscilla realizes she’s the bait in the ruse and uncovers others involved with El-Din. Will she and Donnie reconcile and unravel the reason behind Trey’s death before El-Din kills her, too?
Click here to purchase your copy!
My Thoughts:

What a fun adventure The Tempering Agent was to go on. I have always been fascinated with Egypt and I like movies like Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider, and the Mummy (the Brendan Fraser one) so I was excited to step into this story. Adventure and dangers abound it seems when searching for buried treasure. Dr.  Priscilla Hackling knows that first hand after her fiancé was killed three years previous over an important artifact. Now three years later she is in danger over the same piece and by the same man who supposedly killed him. Put into a rather dangerous position as bait, she relies on Agent Donnie Barnes to help her. Neither one was aware how much their hearts would get involved.

As I was reading, I at first felt that maybe their romance was rushed too quickly. However as I got deeper into the story and their inner thoughts, I felt with the brevity and uncertainty of life, especially since their lives were in danger and that they were in their 30’s, I changed my opinion. At times Donnie pushed too far then not far enough, so I did feel for Priscilla in this seemingly tug of war.

I was very interested in the local of Egypt and I liked how serious Priscilla took her job of uncovering ancient history. Knowing and learning about this world’s history I feel is very relevant to today and I could envision myself on the digs as well. One really unique aspect of this story is at the beginning of each chapter we have descriptions of a different precious gem, its uses, and possible meanings in history. Author Caine is a new author to me and I look forward to more of her work.

I received a complimentary copy of this novel. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author

Victoria Pitts Caine is a native Californian and lives in the central portion of the state. Her varied interests include genealogy and exotic gemstone collecting both of which she’s incorporated into her novels.
The author has received recognition in both fiction and nonfiction from: Enduring Romance top 10 picks for 2008, William Saroyan Writing Conference, Byline Magazine, Writer’s Journal Magazine, Holt International Children’s Services Magazine, and The Southern California Genealogical Society. Her first novel was published in 2007 followed by two more as well as novellas and short stories in anthologies.

Victoria is a former staff technician in air pollution control. She is the mother of two daughters. Now retired from the work force, Victoria and her husband enjoy travel, cooking, and are self-appointed “foodies”.
Guest post from Vicki Caine
Since childhood, I have been interested in genealogy and ancient Egypt. Two of my prior novels, Alvarado Gold and Cairo, let me follow my fantasies into those two areas. Donnie the hero in The Tempering Agent is also in the other two books, and it was his turn to find his own romance. When archaeologist Dr. Priscilla Hackling finds herself drawn back into the murder investigation of her fiancé and the missing breast plate of the high priest, Agent Donnie Barnes, is just the man to help her out, even if she doesn’t think so.
Traveling along with Priscilla and Donnie, I discovered some interesting facts about ancient Egypt, from the ruins in the Siwa Desert to the mystery of the Valley of the Kings. The genealogy factor in my novels is Donnie is loosely based on my cousin. Alvarado Gold tells the story of my family while Cairo and The Tempering Agent fueled my inquisitiveness about Egypt.

Blog Stops

Multifarious, March 23
Bigreadersite, March 25
A Greater Yes, March 26
Carpe Diem, March 29
Pause for Tales, March 30
Mary Hake, March 31
Simple Harvest Reads, March 31 (Guest post from Mindy)
Among the Reads, April 2
Pursuing Stacie, April 2


To celebrate her tour, Victoria is giving away
Grand prize: Murano type heart necklace with lampwork bracelet and $25.00 Amazon gift certificate
1st Place: Green and white lampwork pendant and earrings
2nd Place: Set of three lampwork earrings
3rd place: Set of three holiday themed earrings
4th place: One ten $10 Amazon gift card
5th place: One ten $10 Amazon gift card!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

Review, Guest Post, and Giveaway: The Heart's Appeal by Jennifer Delamere

About the Book

Book Title: The Heart’s Appeal
Author: Jennifer Delamere
Release Date: March 6, 2018
Genre: Inspirational Historical Romance
Strong-minded and independent, Julia Bernay has come to London to study medicine and become a doctor–a profession that has only just opened up to women. When she witnesses a serious accident, her quick action saves the life of an ambitious young barrister named Michael Stephenson. It’s only later that she learns he could be instrumental in destroying her dreams for the future.
Coming from a family that long ago lost its status, Michael Stephenson has achieved what many would have thought impossible. Hard work and an aptitude for the law have enabled him to regain the path to wealth and recognition. His latest case puts him in the middle of a debate over the future of a women’s medical school. He’s supposed to remain objective, but when the beguiling and determined Julia reappears with an unexpected entreaty, he begins to question what he’s made most important in his life. But Julia may be hiding her own motivations. As the two are tangled into spending more time together, will their own goals be too much to overcome?
Click here to purchase your copy!
My Thoughts:

What a welcome treat it was to step back into London with author Delamere. In her second London Beginnings, we are given the story of Julia Bernay, the second sister of three who grew up in George Mueller’s orphanage. I love the story of George Mueller and his orphans and how he had complete faith and trust in God to see to their every need. This is a unique series in which we get the stories of three such orphans who grew up there. What really struck me was the strong foundation of faith these characters have. And really, how could they not when they witnessed God’s provision every day in the orphanage.

Now out on her own, Julia is determined to become a doctor. At this time in history, it was difficult for a woman and this was made even more difficult with a law suit on the horizon against the very women’s school she needed to go to. This story started out with a bang and I enjoyed watching Julia and her confidence in her abilities to become a doctor and watching her grow into her role as a woman as well. The man she has become interested in, Michael, is really not a possibility for so many reasons, leastwise due to political and class distinctions. But the heart knows no such limitations and a lovely romance develops. Brimming with history and a strong faith message woven throughout, author Delamere gives us a historical tale vivid with the scandals and social issues of the day.

I received a complimentary copy of this novel. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Book

Jennifer Delamere’s debut Victorian romance, An Heiress at Heart, was a 2013 RITA Award finalist in the inspirational category. Her follow-up novel, A Lady Most Lovely, received a starred review from Publishers Weekly and the Maggie Award for Excellence from Georgia Romance Writers. Jennifer earned a BA in English from McGill University in Montreal, where she became fluent in French and developed an abiding passion for winter sports. She’s been an editor of nonfiction and educational materials for nearly two decades, and lives in North Carolina with her husband.

Guest Post from Jennifer Delamere

Power couples?
Perhaps that’s not a concept that initially comes to mind when one thinks of Victorian England! And yet, they did exist. I love to include real people from history in my books, and in The Heart’s Appeal, Julia Bernay meets two inspiring real-life couples who will make a positive impact in her life.
In 1865, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson became the first woman to qualify as a physician in Britain. She did this through a legal loophole, but soon the laws were changed to open the medical field to all women. In 1874, Dr. Anderson co-founded the London School of Medicine for Women. She remained involved in the school in various capacities for the rest of her life, even as she continued to run her own busy practice. In The Heart’s Appeal, she becomes a mentor for Julia, opening doors for her education and introducing Julia to people who can help her succeed in medical school.
Dr. Anderson’s husband, James Anderson (Jamie), was the joint-owner of a successful shipping line and also served on the boards of several organizations (including a children’s hospital). He was a handsome man, very much in love with his wife, and fervent in supporting her choice of a career.
In a letter he wrote to her while they were engaged, Jamie explained his vision for their future—how they could keep their professional and private lives separate, yet still give each other plenty of love and support:
“I think we had better lay it down once for all as a rule that I am under no circumstances to bring people ‘favorably under your notice’ or ‘exert any influence’ or anything of the sort. It will give people a wrong idea of you unless I take a decided line in this matter — and as I mean to be if I can a successful man of business, neither interfering with your pursuits nor being interfered with by you (but having our confidences on all feasible subjects at off times of the day and week and mutually advising and fortifying one another), I must let people know unmistakably not to come bothering me about your public affairs. Will you think about this, dearest?”
Who couldn’t love a man like that?
Jamie Anderson’s outlook on life comes into play later on in The Heart’s Appeal, when he provides advice and aid to Michael Stephenson, the book’s hero, at a critical time.
Julia also has an inspiring encounter with Dr. Anderson’s sister, Millicent Fawcett. Millicent was married to a Member of Parliament and actively supported her husband’s career in many ways, including acting as a scribe for him since he was blind. She is most remembered for her role in the women’s suffrage movement. In fact, a statue of her will be placed in Parliament Square in London this summer. She was not a militant suffragette, but rather campaigned for suffrage under the banner “Law-Abiding Suffragists.”
Both couples raised families, too, and their children’s successes in life show they were raised to have the same energetic and “can-do” attitudes that their parents had.
Julia initially believes she must remain single to achieve her life’s goals. But soon she finds her heart drawn to successful barrister Michael Stephenson, who admires Julia’s intelligence and ambition. She learns that love and the freedom to pursue her dreams do not have to be mutually exclusive. A meeting of minds to spark a true romance? Yes, please! I hope readers will agree this can be the most satisfying of all.

Blog Stops

A Greater Yes, March 23
Among the Reads, March 23
Splashes of Joy, March 23
Mary Hake, March 25
Remembrancy, March 25
Genesis 5020, March 26
Carpe Diem, March 27
Baker Kella, March 29
Simple Harvest Reads, March 29 (Guest post from Mindy)
Pause for Tales, March 30
Cafinated Reads, March 30
Pursuing Stacie, March 30
Book by Book, March 31
Bigreadersite, March 31
Vicky Sluiter, April 2
Live Love Read, April 4


To celebrate her tour, Jennifer is giving away a grand prize package of that includes All four March Bethany House historical releases (The Heart’s Appeal, plus A Most Noble Heir by Susan Anne Mason, A Chance at Forever by Melissa Jagears, In Places Hidden by Tracie Peterson) and a $20 Starbucks gift card!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Review: Beneath the Surface by Lynn H. Blackburn

To Purchase

Leigh Weston thought she’d left a troubled past behind when she moved back home to Carrington, North Carolina. But when dive team investigator Ryan Parker finds a body in the lake near her home, she fears the past hasn’t stayed where it belongs.

My Thoughts:

Beneath the Surface by Lynn H. Blackburn was a gripping tale. Cop suspense meets medical suspense in this enthralling caper. I loved all the characters (well, the good guys, anyway. The schmuck who left his wife is my least liked character, even after the murderer). Ryan and Leigh were so cute together, and so were Adam and Sabrina (even if they don't know it), and all the other people I look forward to reading in the rest of the series. I especially loved the relational dimension of everything, with the characters' entwined pasts, though; Leigh's brother was a bit annoying. I can understand telling other guys to stay away from your sister when you're both teenagers. But when you're married and she's thirty years old and you're still keeping up the don't-date-my-sister stuff, that's a bit extreme.

As for the suspense, it was really thrilling to think of anything normal in your life possibly being dangerous. Makes you realize all you take for granted in your day-to-day life. To think that someone you may know might be trying to kill you- chilling.

The mystery was also really good. You really have no idea who it is until they are finally revealed, though I did notice some patterns in the killer's 'MO' (a term this book taught me).

This was a thoroughly enjoyable book which I recommend to all fans of Christian suspense.

I received a complimentary copy of this novel. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Reviewed by Jes

My Thoughts and More on When the Avalanche Roared by Lauralee Bliss

  About the Book Book:  When the Avalanche Roared (A Day to Remember Book Five) Author:  Lauralee Bliss Genre:  Historical Christian Fiction...