Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Review: Reclaiming Shilo Snow by Mary Weber

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Trapped on the ice-planet of Delon, gamer girl Sofi and Ambassador Miguel have discovered that nothing is what it seems, including their friends. On a quest to rescue her brother, Shilo, a boy everyone believes is dead, they must now escape and warn Earth of Delon’s designs on humanity. Except the more they unearth of the planet and Sofi’s past, the more they feel themselves unraveling, as each new revelation has Sofi questioning the very existence of reality.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, Sofi’s mom, Inola, is battling a different kind of unraveling: a political one that could cost lives, positions, and a barely-rebuilt society, should they discover the deal made with the Delonese.

But there’s a secret deeper than all that. One locked away inside Sofi and ticking away with the beginnings, endings, and answers to everything. Including how to save humanity.

My Thoughts:

In hind sight, I probably should have reread The Evaporation of Sofi Snow before reading this, but it didn't take me very long to start remembering the events of the last book. I still like the Storm Siren trilogy more, but I also really enjoyed these books, as well.

Reclaiming Shilo Snow is told through the POV's of Sofi, Miguel, and Inola.

I especially enjoyed reading about Miguel, who was just as great in this book as he was in the last one- if not more. Sofi really developed as a character in this one. I wasn't sure if I completely liked her in the last book, but after reading this book I decided that I did.

I didn't think that Inola's POV would be that interesting. I believed that I wouldn't care for her as a character, and would spend the time reading it waiting for Miguel or Sofi to come back onto the screen. I was wrong. Inola's were probably the most interesting set of chapters there was. I came to really like her as a character... and I shall zip my lips from saying more.

My one qualm with this book is that there was not enough Claudius in it. I love that guy! And everything he does makes me laugh. Then again, even if Claudius was on every page there wouldn't be enough of him.

I will warn you, however not to grow too attached to anyone. Mwahaha! No seriously, this is Mary Weber we're talking about here.

I received a complimentary copy of this novel. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Reviewed by Nicki

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