Thursday, June 11, 2020

Review, Guest Post, and Giveaway: The Story Hunter by Lindsay A. Franklin

About the Book

Book:  The Story Hunter
Author: Lindsay A. Franklin
Genre:  Christian Fantasy, Action & Adventure
Release Date: May 19, 2020

Redeeming the past is a fatal quest.

In the wake of a deadly coup, the capital city of Urian has descended into chaos. Heartbreak and bloodshed await Tanwen and her friends as they discover the unlikeliest leader now rules Tir.

If they want to save the realm, Tannie and the Corsyth weavers must rescue Queen Braith and unmask the Master, ending the strife once and for all. But the success of their hunt depends upon an ally no one trusts.

The Master has a new target in sight: fragile, trauma-scarred Digwyn, whose unique weaving ability could turn the tide of any war. When the desire for vengeance proves too powerful for Digwyn to resist, Tanwen must face a terrifying truth: the fate of Tir rests in the hands of a volatile, shattered girl.

Click here to get your copy!

My Thoughts:

This book, this whole series really, reads in such an easy conversational manner. It is probably due to the main POV's voice, but it is quite refreshing and light hearted as far as high fantasy goes. So much so that when something happens, like perhaps a character being maimed, or a whole host of people being slaughtered, it takes you quite by surprise. Because my goodness, I have spent so much time with this cast, they feel almost like a family (I'm less sure about Diggy). And the ships! While they don't get a lot of attention, the little attention they get- well I ship it hard that's for sure.

Once again, the world building and the plot were very well done and original. But definitely the main focus is the characters and with good reason.

For me this was a comfort read... with a few zingers.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Reviewed by Nicki

About the Author

Lindsay A. Franklin is a Carol Award–winning author, freelance editor, and homeschooling mom of three. She would wear pajama pants all the time if it were socially acceptable. Lindsay lives in her native San Diego with her scruffy-looking nerf-herder husband, their precious geeklings, three demanding thunder pillows (a.k.a. cats), and a stuffed marsupial named Wombatman.

More from Lindsay

Someone asked me recently where my story ideas come from. In fact, that’s one of the author questions I get asked most often. Honestly, the answer is different for every single project I’ve worked on, every single thing I’ve written. I’ve gotten ideas from news headlines, from dreams, from random musings while washing dishes. I even got an idea for a novel from a throwaway remark made by an editor teaching a workshop (that’s how The Story Peddler started).

The idea for The Story Hunter started with a title that turned into a girl.

After The Weaver Trilogy was acquired, my publisher and I brainstormed a list of titles for books two and three in the series. My editor loved the title The Story Peddler and wanted to keep that format for subsequent books. On his brainstorming list was the title The Story Thief. Obviously, this title did not make it all the way to publication. The middle-grade best-selling series Story Thieves wasn’t on our radar at the time, and once it was, I knew we would have to work with a different title (and I absolutely love the title The Story Hunter, so there’s no lingering sadness over here). But the moment I saw that phrase, The Story Thief, a new character popped into my head. It was one of those rare instances when a complete person arrives in my imagination all at once. I knew who she was, what she wanted, and what her unique gift would be. She was Diggy, my story thief, and I knew book three would belong to her.

There were many things I loved about writing this final installment of The Weaver Trilogy but none more than getting to write my story thief’s journey. That’s her hand on the cover of the book, stealing lightning and battling her inner monsters. Though I knew who Diggy was the moment I imagined her, I wasn’t sure how her story was going to end until I wrote it. I can recall saying to my best friend during Hunter’s writing process, “I don’t know if Diggy is going to be okay.” Her backstory is very difficult and deeply personal to me. When we’re facing the kind of odds Diggy is facing, sometimes we don’t win. And even if we do, rarely do we come out unscathed. So I built the book around that question: is Diggy going to be okay? And I didn’t know the answer until I scribbled it down on my outline.

When readers reach The End for the final time in this series, I hope they will feel I’ve done Diggy’s story—and the stories of all my beloved Weaver characters— justice.

Blog Stops

Mia Reads, June 1
Hallie Reads, June 9
Remembrancy, June 9
Worthy2Read, June 11
Pause for Tales, June 11


To celebrate her tour, Lindsay is giving away the grand prize package of a signed set of The Weaver Trilogy paperbacks, set of four character cards with art by Laura Hollingsworth, set of three Weaver-themed Novelly Yours candles (The Corsyth, The Cethorelle, and The Craigyl), an “I Ship It Mor” enamel pin designed by Dust & Pages, Custom tea tins from Adagio Tea (Braith’s Blend and Diggy’s Spikefruit), and an assortment of bookmarks, stickers, and art prints!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent review! I've enjoyed the tour. This series sounds fantastic!


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