Saturday, March 30, 2019

Review: In the Doctor's Arms by Carol Ross

In the Doctor's Arms
(Seasons of Alaska #6)
By Carol Ross
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 368 Pages
March 1st 2019 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Can he stop the one who got away—
from getting away again?

Everyone in her Alaskan town hopes Iris James is back for good. Including Dr. Flynn Ramsey, who stole her heart when they were awkward teenagers. She realizes he’s planning an encore, but a prestigious job in Washington, DC, is calling to her. Only, ever since their kiss at her brother’s wedding, Iris isn’t sure about anything. Except her reignited feelings for Flynn…

My Review:

Iris James is the youngest of six kids and a 1/3 of a set of triplets. She is very different from the rest of her siblings who are more outgoing and adventurous and have always been and more so than she will ever be. Iris sees stopping back home for a visit in Alaska as a brief stay on her way to her dream big city job. What she did not count on was reconnecting with Dr. Flynn Ramsey who was her high school crush.

Flynn has had a rough upbringing and made a mistake in marrying the wrong woman. He has come to the conclusion that he really should have sought a relationship with Iris instead of all the messed up ones of his past. However, those previous relationships have changed him for the better and his view on life and he wants forever after with Iris. Unfortunately, he loves Alaska and she doesn’t.

I enjoyed watching their relationship grow from friends to something more. Flynn always had a plan to talk to her or kiss her and something would always get in the way of that. Iris is very unsure and insecure of herself. I like that we get her reasons, which have to do with her past and bullies at her school. I enjoyed the close knit family dynamics of the James clan and understand that there are previous books with their stories.

All in all this was an enjoyable contemporary read of two friends finding a second chance and love with each other.

I received a copy of this book from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author:

USA Today bestselling author Carol Ross grew up in small town America right between the Pacific Ocean and the Cascade Mountains, in a place where you can go deep sea fishing in the morning and then hit the ski slopes the same afternoon. The daughter of what is now known as free range parents, she developed a love of the outdoors at a very early age. As a writer, Carol loves to breathe the life she has lived into the characters she creates, grateful for the “research material” that every questionable decision, adrenaline-charged misstep, and near-death experience has provided.

Weekend Briefing: Seventeen Days Left and Something Free

Welcome back, agents! We are seventeen days out from the official release of Agents Adam and Eve. To celebrate, we're releasing a character file on the agency's  No. #1 Most Likely to  Kill us All on Purpose Agent (but please don't tell her that and give her any ideas. This profile is for your safety purposes).
Rhyan Perez was captured by enemies and both chemically and physically tortured until she became a clinical sociopath. However, under the guidance of the Aisling, Rhyan has learned to use an artificial conscious to propel her to use her skills for good. And when that means doing the dirty work, well, that's all too simple.

Name: Rhyan Perez
Official Pseudonyms: Chastity. Vengeance. 
Official Allegiance: The SHF.
Skills: A highly trained agent especially adept at stealth and killing quickly.
Weapons of Choice: Her bare hands and anything that may be available. 
Internationality and Alternate Status: Native to the Main World; Alternate is dead.


"We were kids."
"Oh, honey, I'm the craziest of us all."
"I could kill you if I had any inclination to, and have no compunction whatsoever."
Note: Yes, agents, we are aware of the uncanny resemblance between Gal Gadot and Rhyan. Purely coincidental. Rhyan may have the fighting prowess of Wonder Woman, but she has none of her compassion.

Now for your something free- or will soon be free, anyway...

April 2- April 6

But that's not all! There's a sale in the air-

April 5- April 12

(all profit still goes to charity)

Excited yet, agents? What about movie-wise? Which upcoming movies are you most excited about? Comment below (and if you want to appease Rhyan's fury, visit headquarters at Agency of Books and Blogs)!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Cover Reveal: The Waves by Amy Matayo

Author Amy Matayo is releasing a new book on April 25th. It is the first in the series called Love in Chaos. This first one is titled The Waves and I am really excited about reading it and the cover is gorgeous! Here it is:


The Waves - Love in Chaos #1

Dillon Hayes is twenty-eight and single, an unfortunate status her overbearing family is determined to fix. So when she’s stuck on a cruise ship for a seven-day reunion with the lot of them, she's desperate for any escape she can find, even if it means partnering with a sketchy stranger for an off-the-beaten-path snorkeling excursion. After her mother's last matchmaking attempt, Dillon is more than willing to trade all her good sense for a few hours of solace. 

Liam Gamble is stuck in the middle of family vacation hell. The worst part: it's not even his family. This will be the last time he ever accepts a free-vacation invitation from his best friend. At this point, he'd be willing to hand over his life savings to get off this crazy ship. So when he catches one of his friend's cousins sneaking off board, he decides to join her, hijacking her private excursion and nearly blowing her cover. If she gets to leave, so does he. 

But what starts off as a secret escape turns into a very real nightmare when their shady tour guide leaves them stranded on an uninhabited island with nothing but the clothes on their backs and no idea how to keep themselves alive.

As hours turn into days, and the weather proves as threatening as their need for food and water, Dillon and Liam must join forces and rely on each other if they have any hope of seeing their families again. Funny thing: sometimes in life, the end of the rope is when you discover everything you value has been in front of you all along.  

Spotlight Tour with Excerpt and Giveaway: Glory Road by Lauren K. Denton


Welcome to the Blog Tour for Glory Road by Lauren K. Denton with JustRead Publicity Tours! We continue the Glory Road celebration on social media starting March 26.



Title: Glory Road  
Author: Lauren K. Denton  
Publisher: Thomas Nelson  
Genre: Women's Fiction/Southern Fiction  
Release Date: March 19, 2019

Written in Lauren Denton's signature Southern style, Glory Road tells the story of three generations of women navigating the uncertain pathways of their hearts during a summer that promises to bring change -- whe ther they're ready for it or not.

At thirty - eight, garden shop owner Jessie McBride thinks her chances for romance are years behind her and, after her failed marriage, she's fine with that. She lives contentedly with her fiery mother and her quiet, headstrong daughter. But the unexpected a rrival of two men on Glory Road make her question if she's really happy with the status quo. Handsome, wealthy Sumner Tate asks her to arrange flowers for his daughter's wedding, and Jessie finds herself drawn to his continued attention. And Ben Bradley, h er lingering what - could - have - been from high school days who's known her better than anyone and whom she hasn't seen in years, moves back to the red dirt road. Jessie finds her heart being pulled in directions she never expected.  

Meanwhile, Jessie's fourteen - year - old daughter, Evan, is approaching the start of high school and trying to navigate a new world of identity and emotions -- particularly as they r elate to the cute new guy who's moved in just down the road. At the same time, Jessie's mother, Gus, increasingly finds herself forgetful and faces a potentially frightening future. As all three women navigate the uncertain paths of their hearts and futures, one summer promises to bring change -- whether they're ready for it or not.


lauren k denton

Born and raised in Mobile, A labama, Lauren now lives with her husband and two young daughters in Homewood, just outside Birmingham. In addition to her fiction, she writes a monthly newspaper column about life, faith, and how funny (and hard) it is to be a parent. On any given day, sh e’d rather be at the beach with her family and a stack of books. Her debut novel, The Hideaway, is USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and Amazon Charts bestseller. Her second novel, Hurricane Season, released in April, 2018, and was listed on BookPage's 2018 list of Most Anticipated Fiction.  

CONNECT WITH THE AUTHOR: website | facebook | twitter | instagram | pinterest

Monday, March 25, 2019

Review: A Tender Hope by Amanda Cabot

To Purchase

When a Texas Ranger comes to town on a mission to capture his brother's killers, he finds more than he expected--including a young midwife who may hold the key to the justice he seeks.

My Thoughts:

A Tender Hope finishes up the Cimarron Creek Trilogy and all of the story threads throughout the series by bringing four more strangers to town.

Thea Michener is leaving her hometown with her friend Aimee to start anew in Cimarron Creek. After a devastating year, her husband’s and baby son’s death, she just needs a fresh start and as a much needed midwife the town is welcoming her with open arms.

Aimee is also seeking a new start by looking for her birth mother who grew up in Cimarron Creek and to start a relationship with her. Unfortunately distance and time stand in the way of that relationship.

Jackson Guthrie is a Texas Ranger bent on bringing his brother’s murderers to justice. He believes Thea’s late husband was part of the gang who murdered his brother and believes she knows something. Thea does know some things but neither understands the danger that is awaiting Thea from a vengeful gang member.

And last but not least is a little baby boy by the name of Stuart whom Ranger Jackson found on the side of the road and has given his care to Thea and Aimee until he can solve the case of where and who are Stuart’s family.

This story dealt with a lovely hometown, matchmakers, and true love but there was a trace of unease and suspense in the background as the gang that Jackson is after are murderers and torturers and they will stop at nothing and no one to wreak their havoc to get what they want.

I received a copy of this book from the publishers. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Review, Guest Post, and Giveaway: An Unpresentable Glory by Eleanor K. Gustafson

About the Book:

Book: An Unpresentable Glory  
Author: Eleanor K. Gustafson  
Genre: Christian, contemporary, literary fiction  
Release Date: July, 2018

“I trusted you, and some day, you may know just how much you hold in your hands.” 

Linda Jensen leads a relatively quiet life in Westchester County, New York, as the owner of a highly acclaimed garden. Inherited from her parents, the garden is her pride and joy. It is not so joyful finding a strange man sprawled near her delphiniums! The mysterious man is sick, unable to do anything more than drink water—and beg for secrecy. Ignoring all alarm bells, Linda sees to his needs, but her caring act takes on unexpected significance, and unpresentable glory.

Seeds of trust, and perhaps love, are planted in Linda’s garden haven. But as secrets are revealed and scandal hits the headlines, the act of caring for this man threatens to tarnish both of their reputations. Like weeds in Linda’s garden, circumstances threaten to choke out their fledgling relationship, and small moments prove to be the biggest influencers—on a national scale.  

Click here to purchase your copy.  

My Review:

This was quite an unexpected novel for me. The back blurb only gives an inkling of what you may expect in the book. This was a story that really deals with a lot of topics that affect us in today’s culture. Some parts of this book were like watching the news, because it was so relevant the story felt all the more real, especially the role social media can play in destroying people and how the culture would rather believe lies than the truth.

This story is a journey of two souls who briefly have come in contact but have changed each other’s lives forever. There was some interesting learning parts, especially the behind the scenes of certain jobs. This story really focused on how the world judges, even when no sin was committed. I do not want to say much more about the plot as it was an experience to read it not knowing anything about it except for the back blurb.

I will certainly be thinking about this book for a while.

I received a copy of this novel from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author

Ellie grew up in Branchville NJ, in a county with more cows than people. She attended Wheaton College in Illinois as a music major, then married a pastor/college professor/tree farmer/organist and writer. Together, they have three children and eight grandchildren. 

Music was Ellie’s first love until she tried on the cloak of writing and found it a comfortable fit. However, early writing attempts saw friends—and even her mother—advising her to stick to music as a career. She pushed manfully along, though, and An Unpresentable Glory is her sixth novel.

“God first touched me through story,” Ellie says, “and made the bigger Story come alive. I love Him passionately!”  

More from Ellie

What’s An Unpresentable Glory about? Here’s Linda’s point of view: Linda Jensen, a noted gardener, finds a stranger sprawled near her delphiniums, obviously ill. She gets him into her house and puts him to bed, deciding that water is the only safe thing to give him. Water in, however, must come out. He is helpless; she must serve him; but in doing this unpresentable task, she feels the presence of angels. [See the book Preface for my personal experience with this.]   

Jay’s point of view: Jay finds himself ill and helpless on the lawn of a wealthy but caring gardener. He can’t even reveal his real name. When he leaves at week’s end, he sees the relationship as hopeless because of who he is and enormous repercussions if the hidden week comes to light. Tragedy and disaster haunt him, but a dual set of mentors leads him through churning waters. Will he ever get back to the garden? 

* * * 

Linda’s sun tea was “mostly Darjeeling with lemon and a sprig of mint.” After reading her description, I tried it and found it tasty, indeed!  

Blog Stops


To celebrate her tour, Ellie is giving away a grand prize of a $25 Butpee Flower gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Review: Almost Home by Valerie Fraser Luesse

To Purchase

As America enters the Second World War, a melting pot of displaced and disenfranchised boarders enter the boarding house of Dolly Chandler in Blackberry Springs, Alabama. When tragedy strikes, the only hope of salvation lies with the circle of women under Dolly’s roof and their ability to discover what happened to young bride here 100 years ago.

My Thoughts:

There is just something lyrical in the way author Fraser Luesse writes. I thoroughly enjoyed Missing Isaac and I was not disappointed in Almost Home.

The story takes place during World War 2 and many people are out of work, displaced, and finding their lives completely different and turned around. Dolly and her husband Si have turned their home into a boarding house for those folks needing a place to stay to work at the munitions plant. There was quite an array of characters and I enjoyed watching them all become a family under not only Dolly’s and Si’s roof but also under their care.

There are ups and downs as everyone is adjusting to a new normal but the love and friendship they develop was certainly a blessing. There are a couple of love stories, my favorite was the young married couple falling back in love again and sharing their troubles instead of shutting one another out.

The ladies of the house have become quite interested in an old legend of the previous owners from about a hundred years ago. What happened to the young couple on their wedding day: was it murder or did they run away from the town? Who was the mysterious husband who came into town and married the preacher’s daughter? I was riveted right along with Dolly, Anna, Evelyn, and Daisy as they worked to uncover this story’s beginning and end.

This was a fantastic read of people becoming family even in the hard times and even a hundred year old mystery to solve.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Weekend Briefing: The Countdown Begins

Twenty-Four Day Countdown Begins

Twenty-four days until what, you wonder? Agents, you should be more alert. Give me twenty push-ups! Since you forgot to  until the official release of Agents Adam and Eve

Don't worry; you forgetful agents can still participate in the three Cs: Countdown, Character Profiling, and a Contest.

Countdown: Starting today, the agency will celebrate every few days with a special blog post as we anticipate the coming release. Today, we are celebrating with a Character Profile and a Contest.

Character Profile:

Kristian Clark is the unthinking superhuman agent of the Shadow American Government called the Amerios. Until he remembers who he is and who he left behind- and will stop at nothing to get back.
Name: Kristian Clark
Official Pseudonyms: Agent Valentino; Agent Warpspeed; Agent Zero
Official Allegiance: The Amerios
Skills: A deep connection with the dimensions that allows him to teleport himself and others within a reality plane, travel to other worlds without technological assistance,  and search people's memories via tactile contact (and also access their doppelganger's memories through them). Also a highly trained agent and especially adept at shooting and fighting multiple opponents.
Weapons of Choice: Revolver and Taser Gun
Internationality and Alternate Status: Native to the Main World; Alternate still alive. 
"Fools- they should have always feared me."
"I would never hurt you. Never." 
"They broke her. Blast it, they used me to break her."

(Or, will be once Amazon updates...)

Contest: Today's contest is this. Every comment to this blog post this weekend gets you an entry in a raffle. The winner gets a special non-commercial character/story collage of their choice.

So, what are you waiting for, agents? Comment with your favorite spy stories or lead characters of a story- or face twenty more push-ups.

Or visit the home base and comment there at Agency of Books and Spies

My Thoughts on A Time of Proving by Alena Mentink

  About: She lost her family to tragedy. He lost his when he ran away. What will second chances cost them? Miriam Locklin thought she coul...