Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Review and Giveaway: The Certain Hope by E.C. Jackson

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

The Certain Hope
(Hope Series #3)
By E. C. Jackson
Christian Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 318 Pages
December 5th 2018

Love at first sight. It’s every girl’s dream. But Tara Simpkins is finding out it’s not as easy as it seems. Is this truly the man God sent to be her husband, or is she just desperate to escape her loneliness? The recent loss of both parents has left her reeling, and close friends don’t think she’s in any position to make major life decisions. She and her new-found love are convinced they can live happily ever after in the home of their dreams. His family thinks he’s moving way too fast and might disappoint the kind-hearted woman he’s fallen head over heels for. And then there’s Leah. Leah is supposed to be part of his past, but what if she decides she’s his future? Tara’s match made in Heaven may be over before it truly begins.

Other Books in the Series

My Thoughts:

The Certain Hope is a story of love at first sight and I really enjoyed it. Tara Simpkins has had a horrific couple of months caring for and watching her parents pass away one after the other due to a fluke disease. We meet Tara as she is getting her roof replaced and waiting for Luke (whom she thinks is Andy) to let her know the job is done. Tara really likes Luke and has looked forward to seeing him the three days he worked on her roof. Tara, however, is not really a go getter. Due to some failures and bad instances in the past she is not one to take chances.

Luke on the other hand also has felt the instant connection with Tara and he is not about to let his future wife get too far away. Luke was an interesting character. On one hand he was really romantic and on the other he was determined to have his own way at any cost, a bit too controlling. Tara is overwhelmed at first by his pursuit of her and his marriage proposal on their first date.

All of Luke’s family and Tara’s friends think having a quick wedding is not a good idea and they express their feelings on the matter. But Luke is not taking no for an answer and Tara is not sure what to do: follow her dream with Luke or really slow things down. I liked watching both of them grow in this story, Tara stepping out of her shell and Luke loving Tara in the right way.

This was a unique story that showed the positives and negatives of falling in love so quickly and throws in a few surprise twists as well. This was my first book by author Jackson and I look forward to more of her stories.

I received a copy of this novel from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author

E. C. Jackson began her writing career with the full-length play Pajama Party. For three and a half years she published the Confidence in Life newsletter for Alpha Production Ministries, in addition to writing tracts and devotionals. Teaching a women’s Bible study at her church for eleven years naturally led to her current endeavor of writing inspirational romance novels and teen and young adult fiction. Her mission: spiritual maturity in the body of Christ through fiction.

A note from E. C. Jackson: “The Write Way: A Real Slice of Life” is the slogan on my website and Facebook author page. If every person reading my book feels connected to the characters, my job is done.

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a $25 Amazon eGift Card
Open internationally
Ends April 3, 2019


  1. Thank you for hosting The Certain Hope and for the encouraging review!!!

    1. It was a page turner. I do so enjoy a good romantic story.


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