Thursday, January 26, 2017

Review, Guest Post, Excerpt, and Giveaway: Covering Love by Caryl McAdoo

Click here to purchase your copy.

About the Book

Book: Covering Love
Author: Caryl McAdoo
Genre: Historical Romance
Release Date: January 26, 2017

Love may cover a multitude of sins, but not knowing all the facts can also get a man killed.

A family calamity gathers the clan, then a dying request tests loyalties and changes lives. New York City’s posh society, living on a rugged Texas hill country ranch, and the isolation of Alaska’s frozen tundra share little commonality and make going from one to another difficult at best. Still, destiny drives Crockett and his sister Charlotte where neither wants to go or thinks they belong. Second and third generations of the Buckmeyer progeny encounter danger, challenges, heartaches, and joys. But then reunions are all the sweeter for it.

This tale continues the breathtaking—and sometimes heartbreaking—family saga of the Buckmeyers, Baylors, and Nightingales that readers around the world have come to love.

My Review

Covering Love by Caryl McAdoo is the next chapter in her multi-generational family saga.  To my great chagrin, I have not read her previous books although this one read well enough as a stand-alone.  However, due to this author’s writing that pulled me in and just the complexities of this family, I am going back and reading this series. 

This particular story started from a very sad moment and affected several people.   Crockett has been asked by his father, Henry who is the patriarch of the family to locate his missing cousin Becca and bring her back to the family fold.  There is definitely something going on there as no one will tell Crockett what drove Becca away.  Crockett then asks his sister for a favor in regards to his business.  He needs her to go back to New York City and make the decisions for him in his absence.  So off these two go separately to what happens to be grand adventures and possibly new found love for the both of them.

In the meantime we have little 6 year old Evie, who is precocious and knows her own mind, writing letters left and right and editing and loving her grandmother’s book.  We get a sneak peak of the continuing chapter in this family saga and I was delighted to discover it is partly Evie’s story. 

There was a lot of adventure in this story and again and again the author pulled me in with her whimsical writing.  This is definitely a series I need to catch up on just to get to know the whole family tree.  Fans of this series will not be disappointed.

I received a copy of this book for free.  I was not required to give a positive review and views expressed are my own.

About the Author

Caryl McAdoo loves writing stories for all ages that glorify God, thrilled that Christian fiction fits her life purpose so well. Bold not bashful, she’s quick to share the Bible principles she lives by through her characters. She hopes each title ministers His love, mercy, and grace. Known as the “Singing Pray-er”—with a YouTube channel to prove it, the prolific hybrid author also loves praising with new songs the Lord gives her. She and high-school-sweetheart-husband Ron moved from the DFW area—home for fifty-plus years—to the woods and seat of Red River County. After him, Caryl counts four children and sixteen grandsugars life’s biggest blessings. The McAdoos live a few miles south of Clarksville in the far northeast corner of the Lone Star State with two grandsons.

Guest Post from Caryl McAdoo

Book eight of the TEXAS ROMANCE Family Saga proved difficult to write in the beginning. At my bi-monthly Red River Writers’ Workshop where I read a chapter each meeting, I couldn’t get through one without weeping. This family’s story began in 1832 (book one, Vow Unbroken)—a true-love tale when Henry, a thirty-two year old bachelor living in his mama’s house, and Sue, a twenty-nine year old widow rearing two children find each other.

Fifty years have passed—it’s now 1885—and scripture says it is appointed for every man to die once. Henry is my Ron (my beloved husband), so I could barely get through his demise for his wife’s sake. I’m not giving a lot away. Readers find this out in chapter one of Covering Love. But in a family saga such as this series, characters must pass over into Heaven.

So who’s book is Covering Love? It actually has four love stories! One is sweet budding love, another is Houston’s romance set back in the 1860s, the third is Crockett’s and takes place in Alaska, and the fourth is Charlotte’s. She falls in love in New York City . . . my cover lady who is practically forced to go there and live in May’s brownstone. Well, her older brother wasn’t that happy about going to the frozen tundra of the far North, either.

Henry’s first five children didn’t have the ‘soft’ lives that May’s two offspring experienced. After I made it through the hard beginning, writing Crockett’s and Charlotte’s love stories was great fun! And of course, the old man who’s made appearances in the majority of my novels has his part to play in Covering Love.

Have my readers recognized him? If they’ve not made the connection in prior stories, they will definitely be enlightened in this one. Namrel is his real name, and he’s a delightful cherub who oft visits earth as an angel unaware. He’s also in A Little Lower Than the Angels, volume one in my Biblical Fiction series The Generations, and The King’s Highway, book one in my mid-grade/young adult Days of Dread trilogy.

I truly love how God has given me these multi-genre series and woven common threads through them . . . like the hero and heroine in my second Red River Romance Sing A New Song, have a conversation over the gravestone of the famous Texas Ranger, Levi Baylor, Samuel Levi Baylor’s ancestor. And in the soon coming book four in that contemporary series, The Pitch, readers will meet more descendants of these awesome families God has helped to create.

My slogan is ‘Praying my story gives God glory!’ And that’s what I want every single one to do. My characters are not perfect. They all have flaws and make some poor choices. But it’s in those times of our own lives that God shows up and shows out. Oh how wonderful, how marvelous is our Savior’s love!

Book Excerpt

Crockett tapped on the door. How many times over the years had he knocked on the same one? Better question, how many girls and ladies had called it their own?

“Go away.”

He knuckled it harder. “Come on, Sis. It’s me. Open up.”

She cracked the portal. “Crockett, what are you doing up here?”

“I need a favor.”

“Too bad. The answer is no.” She rubbed her eyes. “I am not lending you any more money, so go back to bed!”

“Let me in.”

The force of the door swung wide and moved her back. “Fine, Brother. Come on in.” She exhaled audibly. “Why can’t we discuss this tomorrow? Why do you always…grrrr…you see, Mother! He’s incorrigible!”

Ma sat on the bed. He smiled. “Sorry, didn’t know I was interrupting you ladies, but if you don’t mind, I need a word in private with Charlotte.”

“If you can’t say whatever it is in front of her, then you don’t need to be saying it at all. Just get out of here. You cannot come into my room and chase Mother out!”

“Fine, if you insist. I need you to go to New York.”

“What for?”

“It’s like this. My partner is a whiz at sniffing out great deals, but he needs someone to keep a firm grip on him. He wants to gallop when he should trot, if you get my drift. If I’m expected to gallivant all over the Northwest, I need someone I can trust in New York, watching over things. You’re it.”

“Son. You’re wanting your sister to take over your business while you’re gone? That’s asking too much.”

Blog Stops

January 17: A Reader’s Brain
January 17: The Power of Words (Spotlight)
January 18: Christian Bookaholic
January 19: Karen Sue Hadley
January 20: D’S QUILTS & BOOKS
January 21: A Greater Yes
January 22: Moments Dipped in Ink
January 23: Ashley’s Bookshelf
January 24: New Horizon
January 25: Giveaway Lady
January 26: Pause for Tales
January 28: Bigreadersite
January 30: Neverending Stories

To celebrate her tour, Caryl is giving away:

GRAND PRIZE: Complete set of the Texas Romance Family Saga series; all eight books, print copies: Vow Unbroken (1832), Hearts Stolen (1839-1844), Hope Reborn (1850-1851), Sins From the Mothers (1851-1853), Daughters of the Heart (1853-1854), Just Kin (1861-1865), At Liberty to Love (1866-1867), and Covering Love (1885)

FIRST PLACE: Firsts of four series: Vow Unbroken (Texas Romance), The Preacher’s Faith (Red River Romance), A Little Lower Than the Angels (The Generations Biblical fiction), and The King’s Highway (Days of Dread)

2 SECOND PLACES: each get: CHOICE of any book in any of Caryl’s series with a surprise.

3 THIRD PLACES: each get: print copy of Vow Unbroken, book one of the Texas Romance Family Saga

Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post to earn 9 extra entries in the giveaway!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Review and Giveaway: Summer on Sunset Ridge by Sharlene MacLaren

Click here to purchase your copy.

About the Book
Click to purchase

Book: Summer on Sunset Ridge, Freedom Series Book 1

Author: Sharlene MacLaren

Genre: Historical Christian Romance

Brought up on a Quaker farm near Philadelphia at the brink of the Civil War, plainspoken Rebecca Albright is charitable, peace-loving, submissive—and a feisty abolitionist. Determined to aid the Underground Railroad no matter what the cost, her path collides with that of formidable slave-catcher Clay Dalton. When Rebecca is assigned to nurse Clay back to health following a near-fatal gunshot wound, her uneasiness around him and the questions surrounding his mysterious past complicate their strained but developing relationship.

Sherriff Clay Dalton is grimly fighting several battles of his own as he stays on at the Albright farm to work off his debt to the family that has saved his life and taken him in. He is torn between his past commitments in the South and his unlikely present among this quiet Quaker community in the North. Almost against his will, he begins to ponder the impossible idea of a future with Rebecca.…

When tensions between North and South escalate, Rebecca and Clay find themselves propelled on a journey to discover just who God has called them to be, and they soon realize that each holds a key to the other’s answer.

My Review:

Summer on Sunset Ridge was an enjoyable read that took many twists and turns throughout.  Rebecca Albright lives with her large Quaker family on their farm and her father participates in the Underground Railroad.  With a heart and a passion to help the slaves reach freedom, Rebecca wants to aid her father in his nighttime excursions.  Enter Sheriff Clay Dalton who is pursuing a runaway slave, wanted for murder, and only wants to bring him back for justice and hopefully a fair trial.  As Rebecca and Clay meet at a crossroads one evening, their worlds become irrevocably intertwined.

I really enjoyed this story of forgiveness and hope.  For a little bit of this story I was aggravated at some of the characters and their actions that stemmed from their losses.  I felt a real stress at how some of the decisions were being made and I was tempted to peak at the end.  Rebecca especially needed to stand up for her rights as a person and I did not like her fiancé at all.  Her explosive first meeting with Clay changes the course of both their lives forever, showing them that there is more to life than just settling.  This was a romantic read with some well-placed stolen kisses.  I liked reading about the Quakers and seeing them as a family, a community, and their very important role in history in regards to the Underground Railroad.   I hope the author continues this family’s story. 

I received a copy of this book for free.  I was not required to post a positive review and all views expressed are my own.

About the Author

Sharlene MacLaren Born and raised in western Michigan, award-winning, bestselling author Sharlene MacLaren attended Spring Arbor University. After graduating, she traveled with a nationally touring Christian vocal ensemble, returning home to Spring Arbor to marry her husband, Cecil, whom she’d known since childhood. Together they raised two daughters. Now happily retired after teaching elementary school for 31 years, “Shar” enjoys reading, singing in the church choir and worship teams, traveling, and spending time with her husband, children, and grandchildren. Her novels include the contemporary romances Through Every Storm, Long Journey Home, and Tender Vow; the beloved Little Hickman Creek series (Loving Liza Jane, Sarah, My Beloved, Courting Emma, and  Christmas Comes to Little Hickman Creek, a novella), and three historic romance trilogies: The Daughters of Jacob Kane (Hannah Grace, Maggie Rose, and Abbie Ann); River of Hope (Livvie’s Song, Ellie’s Haven, and Sofia’s Secret); Tennessee Dreams:  Heart of Mercy, Threads of Joy, and Gift of Grace.

Blog Stops

January 19: Reading Is My SuperPower
January 19: Giveaway Lady
January 19: A Reader’s Brain
January 20: Books. Books. And More Books.
January 20: The Power of Words
January 21: Bigreadersite
January 21: just the write escape
January 22: Moments Dipped in Ink
January 22: For The Love of Books
January 23: Book Bites, Bee Stings, and Butterfly Kisses
January 23: Genesis 5020
January 24: Pause for Tales
January 24: His Grace is Sufficient
January 25:  Book by Book
January 25: A Simple Life, really?!
January 26: A Greater Yes
January 26: Connie’s History Classroom
January 26: A Baker’s Perspective
January 27: Christian Author: A.M. Heath
January 27: Splashes of Joy
January 28: D’S QUILTS & BOOKS
January 28: Christian Bookaholic
January 28: History, Mystery & Faith
January 29: Stuff & Nonsense
January 29: Bibliophile Reviews
January 30: cherylbbookblog
January 30: Daysong Reflections
January 31: Blossoms and Blessings
January 31: Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations
February 1: Reader’s cozy corner
February 1: Rhonda’s Doings


To celebrate Sharlene’s tour, Whitaker House is giving away:
Grand Prize
Brown and tan fashion purse with cross, multiple interior and exterior pocketsand
Five Sharlene MacLaren titles: Summer on Sunset Ridge (Forever Freedom #1); Heart of Mercy (Tennessee Dreams #1); Livvie’s Song (River of Hope #1); Hannah Grace (Daughters of Jacob Kane #1); Loving Liza Jane (Little Hickman Creek #1)
Second Prize
“Keepers of the Light” Orange/Cinnamon/Clove candle from and
Summer on Sunset Ridge
Third Prize
Summer on Sunset Ridge
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post to earn 9 extra entries in the giveaway!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Review and Guest Post: The Returning by Rachelle Dekker


Twenty years have passed since Carrington and Remko Brant’s baby, Elise, was kidnapped and they were forced to leave her captive in the Authority City. Though they fled with the Seers far from Authority reach, they’ve never given up hope of rescuing their daughter from the man who betrayed them. Now Authority President, he’s ushered the city into a new era of “peace”—one where the Scientist Roth Reynard’s Genesis Serum has eradicated all memory of emotion or rebellion.

But the mysterious Aaron and his Seers are once again on the move, threatening the illusion the Authority has worked so hard to build. As the Seers send seven chosen warriors to rescue Elise and bring restoration to the Authority City, the lines are drawn for a final battle between light and darkness. The key to ultimate victory may rest within the strangely powerful girl who has felt forgotten but was never abandoned—a truth she’ll need to wage war against the powerful forces of evil.

My Review:

The Returning by Rachelle Dekker was the climax of a very unique dystopian world, adding spiritual depth often lacking in the genre- the kind of spiritual depth needed to make a realistic or at least hopeful world (a spiritual sense that definitely gets allegorical at times). The Returning is different even from its first two books, if not in essence, than in feel since it takes place twenty years after the last one, the protagonist being the daughter of the former two protagonists. Like her parents, she has to come to terms with the dark, dystopian world around her- and the Light calling to her- in her own time. But unlike her parents, she has something akin to a spiritual gift/superpower that makes her the last chance for freedom to a city of brain-dulled, very obedient drones that were once human.  But at what physical and emotional cost will this be to herself?

I had a love/hate relationship with this book. Love because of what happened to my favorite character and hate because of what didn’t (this is what happens when you begin scheming with someone else’ characters before they have completed their series...). While the previous two books liked to play with my emotions and run off with my visceral organs every now and then, by the climax this book seemed to be dragging me across the room, up the wall, and then over the ceiling. But despite the intensity, this one seemed to strike a lighter note than the first two, though there were definitely some rough spots for our characters. I can’t wait to find out what else Rachelle Dekker has up her sleeve.

I received a copy of this book for free from the publisher.  I was not required to give a positive review and the views expressed are my own.

Reviewed by Jes

About the Author:

The oldest daughter of New York Times bestselling author Ted Dekker, Rachelle Dekker was inspired early on to discover truth through the avenue of storytelling. She graduated with a degree in communications and spent several years in marketing and corporate recruiting before making the transition to write full-time. She lives in Nashville with her husband, Daniel, and their diva cat, Blair.

Q & A with Rachelle Dekker:

You talk about the power of belief in the book. What is the purpose of faith, and what makes faith so powerful in people’s lives? 

Belief and faith are everything. We form our own realities. We make judgments based on the past and what we think the future will bring; then we shape our idea of what we are capable of around those beliefs. Imagine if we truly believed we were infinite sons and daughters of the creator. How different would the world look then? When we believe and have faith in who the Father calls us, then the world looks pretty different. 

Aaron is a somewhat mysterious character throughout the series. What is he supposed to represent and what kind of spiritual leader is he? 

I like to leave this one open, which I know isn’t really the answer you want. I want the reader to decide who he is to them. For me he’s a guiding light, an angel maybe, a representation of the spirit who communicates with us and leads us. He can be many things—mostly, though, he’s a great way to hear truth. 

The theme of identity is explored in all three Seer books. How does forgiveness relate to identity?

For me, forgiveness is more about the one who feels wronged than the one who committed the wrong. What if, for a moment, you believed that nothing could harm you? That you, as a believer, are seated at the Father’s table and standing with him? Can anything harm the Father? If you believe no, then can anything harm you—the true you, the true spirited self? So then, forgiveness becomes more about letting go of false belief and stepping into the true identity that the Father gave to you. I know it’s radical, but belief like that could change the world, don’t you think? 

Thank you Rachelle!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Review: A Moonbow Night by Laura Frantz



In the Kentucky frontier of the 1770s, Temperance Tucker has learned to be fleet of foot, accurate with her bow, and silent about the past. But her family secrets complicate her growing attraction to a handsome Virginia land surveyor.

My Review:

A Moonbow Night by Laura Frantz is her latest historical saga.  Starting in 1777 in the wilds of Kentucky, we are witness to life in the wilderness as we meet Tempe Tucker and her family as they run the Moonbow Inn.  We are also treated to the adventures of Sion Morgan and his surveying team as they travel through the dangerous wilderness mapping and scouting.  Laura, to me has always seemed to have a poetic way with her writing.  This is definitely an adventure story as the characters are caught up in this very dangerous land of Kentucky, not to mention the angry Native American tribes who wish to protect their land and way of life, and the British forces that are trying to hem in the colonies that are busting at the seams to become a new nation with freedom.

I can always count on Laura for a good ending, however the twists and turns to get there is usually heartrending.  This tale is no less and in my opinion I think her most harrowing story yet.  I tend to like more focus on romance in my reading and though this book has a love story, the main obstacle between the two lovers is the dangerous life of just living and being in Kentucky.   And that is where I think this story shines the most.  Ms. Frantz has made Kentucky a character itself.  At times whimsical, as if I was expecting a wood nymph to pop out here and there in the almost fantastical descriptions of the country’s beauty.  However, this was a dangerous Kentucky, a land that was beautiful but demanded a healthy respect of fear as well.  There was a bit more violence in this book than in her others and that just gave witness of how dangerous the land and the tensions between different groups of people were when our nation was very new. 

I highly recommend this book for a taste of a time in our history when men and women were cutting their way across this great nation and to remember where our roots truly spring up from.

I received a copy of this book for free from the publisher.  I was not required to give a positive review and the views expressed are my own.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Review: Too Blessed to be Stressed Inspiration for Every Day by Debora M. Coty

About the Book:

Thousands of women have had the pleasure of reading the wit- and near-wisdom-filled books from beloved inspirational humorist, Debora M. Coty. Her Too Blessed to be Stressed has become a perennial favorite, selling upwards of 46,000 copies since its 2011 release.

Now, ready to rescue you from the joy-sucking dully-funks, is an all-new 365-day devotional featuring just-right-sized, truth-filled readings (gift-wrapped in humor) for your heart.

​The Too Blessed to be Stressed daily devotional touches on everyday life topics like relationships, love, boundaries, hope, brokenness, and praise, while helping you to arrive at healing, refreshment, and revitalization of spirit, body, and faith..

My Review:

Too Blessed to be Stressed is a lovely little inspirational book with short passages meant to be read every day.  Starting with January 1st and going through December 31st, we have an inspirational devotional that I think reads like a continuing story.  The author has an engaging way with her writing that makes you feel like you are meeting a close friend for coffee and she is sharing from her heart about life, love, family, God, etc. in little snippet stories.  There is a Bible verse at the beginning of each entry and a short prayer at the end; however I would not consider this a Bible devotional, as it is written more of an inspirational piece. 

The book itself is a lovely hardback with a ribbon marker.  It is written mainly in purple and a soft green, both my favorite colors.   The title itself is catchy and I have often thought it throughout the days when I have been stressed.  This is a nice book to give as a gift to a sister, mother, daughter, best friend, or even for you. 

I received a copy of this book for free from the publisher.  I was not required to give a positive review and all views expressed are my own.  I have and will continue to enjoy using this book.  

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Review: For the Record by Regina Jennings


Rather Than Wait for a Hero, She Decided to Create One 

Betsy Huckabee has big-city dreams, but nobody outside of tiny Pine Gap, Missouri, seems interested in the articles she writes for her uncle's newspaper. Her hopes for independence may be crushed, until the best idea she's ever had comes riding into town. 

Deputy Joel Puckett didn't want to leave Texas, but unfair circumstances have made moving to Pine Gap his only shot at keeping a badge. Worse, this small town has big problems, and masked marauders have become too comfortable taking justice into their own hands. He needs to make clear that he's the law in this town--and that job is made more difficult with a nosy reporter who seems to follow him everywhere he goes. 

The hero Betsy creates to be the star in a serial for the ladies' pages is based on the dashing deputy, but he's definitely fictional. And since the pieces run only in newspapers far away, no one will ever know. But the more time she spends with Deputy Puckett, the more she appreciates the real hero--and the more she realizes what her ambition could cost him.

My Review

For the Record by Regina Jennings I believe is her best yet.  I really liked these characters and the story they had to tell.  Betsy Huckabee is a 24year old gal who definitely does not fool herself into thinking she is marriageable.  In fact, she has scared off every suitor in her town as none really suit her.  I like that she knows what she wants and decides to take charge and make her dreams come true. 
Joel Puckett is a Texan who has had to leave his home in disgrace.  He is a bit gun shy around women, Betsy especially, and knowing his story, it is very understandable.  Betsy just downright terrifies him.   I also found it humorous how she was able to move quietly and be able to sneak around a lot of the time taking him by surprise. 

This story has some great lessons like what if the law fails you, is it all right to take matters into your own hands?  How much is your reputation worth and is it worth fighting for?  We have dear characters from previous books, quirky townspeople, and a romance that was practically simmering off the pages.  There was humor and some slapstick comedy mixed with some very serious subjects that moved the story along at a great pace.  I look forward to more from Ms. Jennings .

I received a copy of this book free from the publisher.  I was not required to give a positive review and the views expressed are my own.  This was a very good read.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Review: Buried Memories by Carol J. Post

Buried Memories by Carol Post really keeps you on your reader toes.  From the moment we meet with Nicki Jackson trouble has already begun for her.  Thankfully, her former high school best friend, Tyler Brant is helping out his brother next door and happens to be with Nicki when her very scary ordeal begins.  This story was tense and even had me wanting to look over my shoulder for Nicki’s stalker who was very determined to ruin her life in any way that they could.  And yes, we are witnesses to all of that hatred. 

This is the second book about combat PTSD I have read in a week and I am glad that authors are writing about our military heroes in such honest ways.  Tyler, after recovering from a deadly mission, is still trying to escape the nightmares that stalk him.  He is overjoyed though to be reconnected with Nicki, his very good friend but also his secret crush.   There are a lot of things I liked about this novel; one is how Nicki’s new friends, especially her church friends stood by her side no matter what.  I also liked that Nicki and Tyler already had a good foundation for their romance to stand on. 

Nicki certainly did not have an ideal childhood and I really felt for her in trying to find a place to fit in and call home.  Tyler is just the kind of hero anyone would want on their side when some sinister person is out to dismantle your life piece by piece.  The last three quarters of the book was a very thrilling and you just might want to find a place where you will absolutely not be disturbed while reading.

I received a free copy of this book from the author.  I was not required to give a positive review and all views expressed are my own.

Review: A Country Christmas by Josi S. Kilpack, Carla Kelly, and Jennifer Moore

A Country Christmas is the newest addition to the Timeless Regency Collection.  Again we have three authors’ tales of regency only this time at Christmas.

Josi Kilpack starts us off with her novella Saints and Sinners.  Eloise very much wants to be looked at as the woman she is by one man and one man only, her childhood friend Neville.  Neville has only thought of Eloise as his friend and like a younger sister till his traveling companion makes a devilish wager.  Neville, not wanting Eloise to get hurt, convinces himself he is only looking out for her best interests not anything else.  So ignoring his better sense and his very loving feelings toward her, he makes some very ridiculous bumbling attempts to make her happy.  This was probably my favorite of the three and had me laughing and sighing throughout.

Carla Kelly in her novella The Christmas Angle gives us quite a different sort of a hero in Able Six.  Coming from a very poor background, given away at his birth, Able has a remarkable talent that was very interesting.  He was a hero that I really wanted to succeed but knew he needed a remarkable love interest.  He found that in Merilee and I was really intrigued with these two.  This story ended well with a promise of more adventures with these two that I am looking forward to reading just because they were such a different set of characters.

The Perfect Christmas by Jennifer Moore shows us that sometimes we can find blessing in misfortune and sometimes that can show us what we really wanted all along.  This one was a sweet love story about a very cheery fellow who is in love with a woman who has lived a rather battered life.  We also are treated to three other characters that rounds out this Christmas story quite nicely.

I received a copy of this book for free.  I was not required to give a positive review and all views expressed are my own.

Review: The Coldwater Warm Hearts Club by Lexi Eddings

About the Book:

Award-winning designer Lacy Evans had everything she wanted; then her boyfriend ran off with her receptionist and her clients’ money. Now she’s back in her Oklahoma hometown, feeling miserable. Jacob Tyler comes back from Afghanistan short part of a leg and some peace of mind, but he’s counting his blessings, and Lacy could be one of them.

My Review:

The Coldwater Warm Hearts Club is quite a mouthful for a title and the story is absolutely delightful.  This is by new to me author Lexi Eddings and focuses on returning daughter Lacy Evans going home to the town she didn’t want to have to come crawling back to and especially not as a failure.  Having made a big mistake in the romance department with her ex-boyfriend and having to pay restitution to their business clients to avoid jail time, Lacy has come back home to hopefully stay under the radar.  Meanwhile, her high school sweetheart Daniel has moved on without her however, former high school heartthrob Jacob has returned from Afghanistan as a war hero (missing part of his leg) and he wants to get reacquainted.  She and Jacob strike up a friendship, Jacob hoping for more and Lacy trying to find her place in the world again. 

What I really liked about this book is the author put comments from the other townspeople of Coldwater right before every chapter.  By doing that we really get a sense for who these other characters are that surround Lacy and Jacob just from a sentence or two.  The author really takes on the sensitive issue of PTSD and along with Jacob we see how debilitating and scary it can be to try to handle it on your own.  There is a blossoming, swoon worthy romance that I was really rooting for along with a thread of unease that is just in the background.   The author includes some recipes in the back of the book that the people in the story enjoyed and they sound mouthwatering.  I hope to try some soon.

Overall, I really liked these characters, the town, and their plights and I very much look forward to continuing the series in April with the next release.  This is pretty much a clean story and Lexi Eddings is going on my authors to watch list.

I received a copy of this book for free from the author/publisher.  I was not required to give a positive review and all the views expressed are my own.

My Thoughts on A Time of Proving by Alena Mentink

  About: She lost her family to tragedy. He lost his when he ran away. What will second chances cost them? Miriam Locklin thought she coul...