Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Review: Buried Memories by Carol J. Post

Buried Memories by Carol Post really keeps you on your reader toes.  From the moment we meet with Nicki Jackson trouble has already begun for her.  Thankfully, her former high school best friend, Tyler Brant is helping out his brother next door and happens to be with Nicki when her very scary ordeal begins.  This story was tense and even had me wanting to look over my shoulder for Nicki’s stalker who was very determined to ruin her life in any way that they could.  And yes, we are witnesses to all of that hatred. 

This is the second book about combat PTSD I have read in a week and I am glad that authors are writing about our military heroes in such honest ways.  Tyler, after recovering from a deadly mission, is still trying to escape the nightmares that stalk him.  He is overjoyed though to be reconnected with Nicki, his very good friend but also his secret crush.   There are a lot of things I liked about this novel; one is how Nicki’s new friends, especially her church friends stood by her side no matter what.  I also liked that Nicki and Tyler already had a good foundation for their romance to stand on. 

Nicki certainly did not have an ideal childhood and I really felt for her in trying to find a place to fit in and call home.  Tyler is just the kind of hero anyone would want on their side when some sinister person is out to dismantle your life piece by piece.  The last three quarters of the book was a very thrilling and you just might want to find a place where you will absolutely not be disturbed while reading.

I received a free copy of this book from the author.  I was not required to give a positive review and all views expressed are my own.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the awesome review! I'm so glad you enjoyed Buried Memories!


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  Welcome to the Takeover + Review Blitz for Written in Secret by Crystal Caudill hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours ! About the Book   ...