Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Review: For the Record by Regina Jennings


Rather Than Wait for a Hero, She Decided to Create One 

Betsy Huckabee has big-city dreams, but nobody outside of tiny Pine Gap, Missouri, seems interested in the articles she writes for her uncle's newspaper. Her hopes for independence may be crushed, until the best idea she's ever had comes riding into town. 

Deputy Joel Puckett didn't want to leave Texas, but unfair circumstances have made moving to Pine Gap his only shot at keeping a badge. Worse, this small town has big problems, and masked marauders have become too comfortable taking justice into their own hands. He needs to make clear that he's the law in this town--and that job is made more difficult with a nosy reporter who seems to follow him everywhere he goes. 

The hero Betsy creates to be the star in a serial for the ladies' pages is based on the dashing deputy, but he's definitely fictional. And since the pieces run only in newspapers far away, no one will ever know. But the more time she spends with Deputy Puckett, the more she appreciates the real hero--and the more she realizes what her ambition could cost him.

My Review

For the Record by Regina Jennings I believe is her best yet.  I really liked these characters and the story they had to tell.  Betsy Huckabee is a 24year old gal who definitely does not fool herself into thinking she is marriageable.  In fact, she has scared off every suitor in her town as none really suit her.  I like that she knows what she wants and decides to take charge and make her dreams come true. 
Joel Puckett is a Texan who has had to leave his home in disgrace.  He is a bit gun shy around women, Betsy especially, and knowing his story, it is very understandable.  Betsy just downright terrifies him.   I also found it humorous how she was able to move quietly and be able to sneak around a lot of the time taking him by surprise. 

This story has some great lessons like what if the law fails you, is it all right to take matters into your own hands?  How much is your reputation worth and is it worth fighting for?  We have dear characters from previous books, quirky townspeople, and a romance that was practically simmering off the pages.  There was humor and some slapstick comedy mixed with some very serious subjects that moved the story along at a great pace.  I look forward to more from Ms. Jennings .

I received a copy of this book free from the publisher.  I was not required to give a positive review and the views expressed are my own.  This was a very good read.

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