Saturday, December 1, 2018

Weekend Briefing- Christmas Party Part One

Welcome back, agents! As the more perceptive operatives might have noticed, these next few briefings are going to be a little different for the holiday season, because even special agents need some time to enjoy the holidays. So continue reading for big agency news, free books, and a special contest in no particular order (Mission Head's OCD is on Christmas vacation).

-Last month, a website that specializes in Christian speculative stories (and reviewed Castaways in their magazine) invited Mission Head to write a guest post for them. I invite all agents to check out both the site and the post at Speculative Faith

-Mind of Darkness releases in print January 1st, 2019! More details to come.

-Chapter Fourteen of Fists of Injustice is freshly released, and any agents who knew and loved Agents Rogers and Williams from the Castaways trilogy should go check on them there, because they have both been hospitalized... Catch up your reading at Wattpad

-Also available on Wattpad, Mission Head has recently begun a new series in The Fangirl Devotions examining scientific evidence for a literal Genesis, and all lab agents especially are recommended to check it out.

-All profit from sales of any book in the Kristian Clark and the Agency Trap series will continue to go to Human Coalition through the end of the year, and all profit from sales of Ruptured Reality will continue to go to benefit them even after the end of the year.

-Mission Head has begun work on a Kristian Clark Christmas short story "Codename: Christmas Carol" that will be releasing December 2019 (Lord willing). However, there are two ways to read it before hand...

One way is to preorder the Mind of Darkness ebook and forward your receipt to to be emailed a special Mobi format of "Codename: Christmas Carol" upon its completion (currently set in January, but the date may be either sooner or later).

The other is to make entries into a one winner contest for a chance to win an autographed Arc print copy of "Codename: Christmas Carol" eligible for agents assigned in the US. There are multiple ways to enter: 1). Find the answer to the trivia questions that will appear in every Christmas Party Weekend Briefing (all answers can be found in the titles and/or synopsis of Mission Head's published works) and email the answers once again to before December 29 (each answer is a separate entry and increases chances of winning); 2). Download a free Jes Drew ebook and send receipt of download to before December 29 (each receipt is a separate entry and increases chances of winning); and 3). Between December 1st and December 29th, add Mind of Darkness and/or any other Jes Drew books to your "To-Read" shelf on Goodreads (each add is an entry and increases chance of winning) and email the link to

-Free book this week: The Time I Saved the Day will be free December 2- December 6.

-Books on sale this week: The Time I Saved a Damsel in Distress December 3-December 10 and The Time I Saved the World December 4- December 11.

-Cover reveal for "Codename: Christmas Carol"

-Trivia for today: What grade is Charisa at the beginning of The Time I Saved the Day?

Join us next week, agents, for more fun and trivia and don't forget your mission for this month: enjoy the holidays (and please do not make us brain-wipe any agents this season). Buaon Natale!


  1. Cool idea, agent Jes! Wishing you all the luck for your Christmas short release. =)


My Thoughts on The Nature of Love by Toni Shiloh

  About: A doctor feeling fractured Dr. Erykah Kennedy, a renowned orthopedic surgeon, finds herself at a crossroads in life. At forty-one, ...