Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Review: Unraveling by Sara Ella

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Sara Ella returns with this exciting follow-up to Unblemished as Eliyana continues her journey towards the throne while she tries to figure out her relationship with Ky and how it might be connected to the Callings.

My Thoughts:

Okay, okay, okay. How should I even begin? How about, ahhh! Eeep! Augh! Sob.

Sniffle, all right now that I’ve got that off of my chest I shall begin to try to do Unraveling justice. This book was wonderful. Everything I anticipated as a sequel of Unblemished, and then some. Em/El has really grown as a character and it was fun seeing her try to be queen and master her Mirror abilities. I didn’t like Joshua in the first book, but this book actually makes me pity him… and hate him all the more. I know, confusing right? And then there’s Ky. Ah, yes Ky. Well let’s just say that Ky is flippin’ awesome, totally romantic, and heart meltingly sweet and leave it at that. Oh, and just so we’re clear. He’s. Always. Right. The end. Got it?

Aaaand moving on… This book had me chuckling, sniffling, chewing my fingernails, and trying to force my heart back down my throat. And as for the ending? Sigh, yes the ending. Even though I suspected certain things were going to happen after I heard the title of the next book, I was still totally not prepared for what happens, nor how this book ends… or maybe I just wasn’t ready for the book to end. Period.

This is me after finishing the last sentence. Closes book, takes deep fortifying breath, stares blankly at the wall. Crowe. Now what? Gets a bright idea and goes to reads synopsis for next book. Blinks, forgets to breathe, reads it again. What the bleep, Ella? Looks up, sees release date. Holy Verity. Does that- does that really say May of 2018?! But that’s- that’s *pauses and counts fingers* ten months away! Wails. Withers. Dies.

I. Cannot. Wait. Until. Then.

I received a copy of this book for free through the Fiction Guild.  I was not required to post a positive review and the views and opinions expressed are my own.

Reviewed by Nicki

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