Friday, April 7, 2017

Review: Home by Ginny L. Yttrup


Novelist Melanie Vander runs away—from conflict, from pain, from reality. When Melanie finds herself faced with a looming deadline, she decides it’s time for an escape to a novel-worthy locale. Call it research. Maybe a bit of distance will inspire her husband to appreciate her again, too, she reasons. But once she’s away, she further distances herself from reality as she becomes obsessed with the male character in the story she’s writing. When hit with a dose of reality, Melanie must choose whether she’ll check out completely, or allow her characters to lead her home.

My Thoughts:

Home was a book that was a pretty gripping story of grief, temptation, illness, and what keeping secrets can do to a family.  Mostly though this was a story about grief, all kinds, and how we need to face it, a human emotion and a necessary next step in the moving on of our lives.  Whether it is a loss of a loved one, dream, career, or financial security grief must be faced head on.  We as human beings need to go through the stages no matter how painful.

The author masterfully told this story through three different viewpoints; Melanie the author, her husband Craig, and her best friend and next door neighbor, Jill. We are also given two of the characters viewpoints in the novel that Melanie is writing. All of these characters felt like they were my friends too. This story made me think and brought tears to my eyes, but in no way is it depressing.  This is my very first book Ms. Yttrup, and her writing this story in the way she did simply moved me.  It was lovely and a soul stirring novel not to be missed.

I received a copy of this book for free from the publisher.  I was not required to post a positive review and the views and opinions expressed are my own.  

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