Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Review: 7 Wealth Building Secrets by De'Andre Salter

I will admit that I was a bit skeptical when first starting this book.  What I did not want was a book giving me advice on how to get rich quick or a name it and claim it philosophy.  Thankfully, this book was not about any of those.  Author Mr. Salter really gave me some very interesting things to ponder.  Though I may not agree 100% with this book a lot of what he pointed out really gave me some food for thought.  For example, the subject of inheritance and how important it is to God.  I have actually thought about this issue before and how sad that it was that it seems that in our current culture inheritance is a lost gift.  As the author points out, inheritance was very big in Biblical times especially in the Jewish culture.  The earth was an inheritance to Adam and Eve and they were to act as good stewards over creation.  The same can be said with our money.  As he points out in the parable that Jesus told about the servants, we must be trustworthy in the small things and not bury it in the ground like the unworthy servant did.  What he did have was taken from him and given to the one who wisely used his master’s gifts.  We also cannot expect to just have the wealth and keep it to ourselves for our own selfish pleasure.  No, we must use our money and other gifts to further the kingdom of God.  I personally do not believe that poverty is what God wants for His children.  There was so much more in this book and I encourage you to pick it up and read it yourself.  I received a copy for an honest review from The Book Club Network, Inc. and the opinions are my own.  

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