Friday, February 16, 2024

My Thoughts and More on Marcus and the Emperor's Coin by Dennis Conrad Illustrated by Courney Smith



Book Details:

Book Title:  Marcus and the Emperor's Coin (In God We Trust Series) by Dennis Conrad 
Category:  Children's Fiction (Ages 3-7),  52 pages
Genre:  Christian Children's Picture Book
Publisher:  Elk Lake Publishing, Inc.
Release date:   October 30, 2023
Content Rating:  G. This book is for children. There are three Bible verses. It has no bad language. May God get the glory for all those who read and whose hearts are changed by reading the book.

Book Description:

Marcus and the Emperor’s Coin is an exciting adventure in the Ancient Roman Empire at the time of Christ. Eight-year-old Marcus and his father are on a mission for the Emperor and visit a mine and a mint where coins are made. Marcus finds himself making a denarius, a coin with the emperor’s image.

Marcus goes to Jerusalem where he sees Jesus hold a denarius saying, “Give to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” What will seeing Jesus mean for Marcus, and will he ever be the same again?


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My Thoughts:

This second book in the In God We Trust series takes us all the way back to the time when Jesus was here on earth and the Romans were pretty much the superpower of that day. We meet a young boy named Marcus and his father. One day Marcus's father takes him on a journey to check on the minting of coins for the emperor. His father states that he needs to be careful as this journey is not only important but could be dangerous as well.

As they travel, Marcus is met with many trials that comes from just being young and inexperienced. He tries his very best to endure everything quietly and stoically. However, there are just some accidents that he finds himself in that he needs to be rescued. And there is danger about.

Marcus also learns about mines and how the money is minted. He and his father meet Jesus and hear his words about money on their journey. This gives Marcus more to ponder about and ask his father.

I liked how this was a story book that took the scripture of Matthew 22:15-22 and based a whole story around it. At the end of the book kids along with their parents can check out how to be a coin collector.

I was provided a copy of this book from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own. 

Also Enjoy the First Book in This Series:

Book Details:

Book Title:  Marcus and the Emperor's Coin (In God We Trust Series) by Dennis Conrad 
Category:  Children's Fiction (Ages 3-7),  52 pages
Genre:  Christian Children's Picture Book
Publisher:  Elk Lake Publishing, Inc.
Release date:   September, 2022
Content Rating:  G. This book is for children. There are Bible verses. There is no offensive language.
Book Description:

Anne wonders what secret her three older brothers are hiding. When she finds out they joined to fight with the Union Army and would leave the next day, she gives them each one of her favorite two-cent pieces and says, “I want you to take one of my new two-cent pieces. I learned these coins are the first to have the words ‘In God We Trust.’ I just memorized Psalm 91:2. ‘I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.’”

Out of a heart of love, Anne gives six of her special coins away hoping the message on the two-cent pieces will strengthen each person’s faith.
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Meet the Author:

A former coin collector for over fifty years, Dennis combines his love for the Bible, children’s literature, and sharing stories about the history behind coins.

Dennis retired as a professor of speech communications from Barstow Community College. He and his wife served as English and public speaking teachers ten summers overseas.

Dennis became a sustaining member of the Numismatic Association of Southern California in 1979. He is also a life member of the American Numismatic Association.

Dennis is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and a Fellow of the National Writing Project.

connect with the authors: website facebook ~ goodreads

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