Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Review: Byrd's -Eye View by Chautona Havig


If everything looks so perfect, how does she know it's all wrong?

Madeline just wanted to learn to develop her own photographs. It seemed an innocent enough pastime until she sees something in the developer’s tray that piques her meddlesome curiosity.

Now she’s on the hunt for clues to spare a man’s life, and she might just land her father in hot political waters while she’s at it. 

Not only that, but romance is in the air, and the people closest to her are acting rather moonstruck. Is it possible for spring fever to arrive six months early?

The fifth book in the Meddlin’ Madeline Series, Byrd’s-Eye View,sees Madeline back at home in Rockland and determined to stay out of trouble, although that’s not likely to happen, is it?

My Thoughts:

Madeline is in trouble again. But not really due to her own meddling this time. She just happens to notice things that others do not. Madeline has done some maturing and she is really trying to be a proper lady, she just cannot help her natural instincts.

I enjoyed getting to know this group of people. My daughter read the first five books and was unable to read this one so I stepped in and though I know I missed some back story, (which I did discuss with my daughter) I felt comfortable enough to continue on with this 5th book. And as author Havig's prowess as an author shows, I was quickly caught up in the story.

The history around the camera, crimes scenes, etc. (no spoilers), was rather intriguing and a little bit shocking as well.

Russell quickly put me in the mind of Mr. Knightly. Such a proper young man who really doesn't let his feelings rule him, yet he keeps Madeline grounded and as safe as he can. I do hope there is more to this series. I would like to see what happens in their future acquaintance. Hopefully some kissing!

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

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