Saturday, February 29, 2020

Cover Reveal! Operation Paradise Lost by Jes Drew

Welcome back, agents. It's time to reveal the cover of Kristian Clark and the American Agenda, Book Two: Operation Paradise Lost. But first, a walk down memory lane...

Kristian Clark and the Agency Trap, Book One: The Bachelor Missions

Kristian Clark and the Agency Trap, Book Two: In the Rogue

Kristian Clark and the Agency Trap, Book 2.5: Ruptured Reality

Kristian Clark and the American Agenda, Book One: Agents Adam and Eve

And now for another beauty by Victoria Cooper... Kristian Clark and the American Agenda, Book Two: Operation Paradise Lost

And Eden were no Eden thus exposed…

He found himself only to be stolen again. This time, though, it is not Kristian’s mind that is lost, but his soul. Suddenly without a conscience, the man formerly known as Kristian Clark has only goal: to make sure that no other being controls him again despite his weakened state. Whatever that means, and whatever it takes.

She found a reason to live only to lose it again. Her goal to find the lost children remains unchanged- and the Aisling’s need to remain focused on that end only strengthens. But with a new sociopath dead-set on the same mission, she finds the heart she thought died breaking in all new ways. Aisling knows one thing for sure, though: she will redeem what she lost. If that means sacrificing an innocent life, then heaven help them all.

Together with their motley allies, including Kristian’s un-fallen Alternate, a fellow sociopath, and the men who love her, they face the same impossible task. Fight against two enemy agencies to find twin innocent children and separate parallel worlds before the ashes of one burns the other.

Review: Out of the Embers by Amanda Cabot

To Purchase

Ten years after her parents were killed, Evelyn Radcliffe is once more homeless. The orphanage that was her refuge and later her workplace has burned to the ground, and only she and a young orphan girl have escaped. Convinced this must be related to her parents' murders, Evelyn flees with the girl to Mesquite Springs in the Texas Hill Country and finds refuge in the home of Wyatt Clark, a talented horse rancher whose plans don't include a family of his own.

At first, Evelyn is a distraction. But when it becomes clear that trouble has followed her to Mesquite Springs, she becomes a full-blown disruption. Can Wyatt keep her safe from the man who wants her dead? And will his own plans become collateral damage?

Suspenseful and sweetly romantic,
Out of the Embers is the first in a new series that invites you to the Texas Hill Country in the 1850s, when the West was wild, the men were noble, and the women were strong.

My Thoughts:

Out of the Embers is a strong beginning for the new series by author Cabot. Starting off with a sense of eeriness, we meet Evelyn and her young charge Polly. Both are orphans and both are about to be uprooted again in their lives.

Due to circumstances beyond their control, they make their way west to the town of Mesquite Springs to begin a new life and to try to feel safe again. Here is where we get to know Wyatt, Dorothy his sister, and Isolde his Mom, as well as many other town folks.

Wyatt and his family have also been through their own tragedy, and both Wyatt and his sister are feeling trapped in their lives. I liked how the author dealt with both of their discontentment as some of us are facing that very feeling in our own lives.

This is my favorite story to date by author Cabot. Between the sweet romance, the other two men vying for Evelyn's hand, and the mysteries that keep surrounding Evelyn and Polly and the dangers those present, this story kept me turning the pages long into the night. And the cover is gorgeous. I look forward to more of this series and getting to visit this town and its inhabitants again.

I was provided a copy of this story from the publisher Revell. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Review: Copper Country by Kristin Neva

To Purchase

Will bitterness keep Aimee and Russ from merging their life paths when forgiveness seems unmerited?

AIMEE MALLON WRESTLES WITH FAITH, FAMILY, AND FORGIVENESS as she pursues her dreams. She’s working her way through college and navigating a difficult relationship with her father, who’s oblivious to the pain he’s caused the family. She loves her boyfriend, Russ Saarinen, but he has his own hang-ups, which have led him to a rustic lifestyle in an off-the-grid cabin in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

COPPER COUNTRY is set on what the old Finns called Kuparisaari. Copper Island juts into Lake Superior from the north end of the Keweenaw Peninsula, where remnants of an industry long passed dot the landscape. Yoopers, the people of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, are rugged individuals, geographically and culturally distinct from much of America.

Copper Country is part of the Copper Island series, but it can be read as a stand-alone novel.

My Thoughts:

Copper Country was my first read by author Neva and what an interesting world I was pulled into. I was not really aware of the culture of the Keweenaw Peninsula in Michigan, and though the two towns are fictional, the author does pull us into that part of the US. Especially by using the Finnish words still popular and I must say I was fasctinated.

This story focuses on a couple who are trying to see if they are going to make it long term or not. Both Aimee and Russ are unique individuals who have let past hurts control at times the direction of their lives. Aimee's is family issues and Russ is trying to shut out the world.

At times I wondered about these two and how in the world they would make it. They genuinely seemed to love each other, even though one was reluctant to admit it, but their differences and even their way of life was very glaring. Even when it came to their church families. The story was enjoyable as they try to make their relationship work and at the same time try to keep their individuality. Even though sometimes I wanted to smack them, Russ more, I couldn't help rooting for this odd couple.

I was provided a copy of this novel by the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Review and Giveaway: Ishmael Covenant by Terry Brennan


His marriage in tatters and his career ruined by lies, Diplomatic Security Service agent Brian Mullaney is at the end of his rope. Banished to Israel as punishment by his agency, he's assigned to guard a US ambassador and an insignificant box. Little does he know that this new job will propel him straight into a crisis of global proportions.

Inside the box is a messianic prophecy about the fate of the world. And a dark enemy known as The Turk and the forces of evil at his command are determined to destroy the box, the prophecy, and the Middle East as we know it. When Ambassador Cleveland gets in the way, his life and his daughter's life are threatened--and Mullaney must act fast.

Now agents of three ancient empires have launched covert operations to secure nuclear weapons, in direct defiance of the startling peace treaty Israel and its Arab neighbors have signed. And a traitor in the US State Department is leaking critical information to a foreign power. It's up to Mullaney--still struggling with his own broken future--to protect the embassy staff, thwart the clandestine conspiracies, and unmask a traitor--before the desert is turned into a radioactive wasteland.

Fans of Joel C. Rosenberg, Steven James, and Ted Dekker will relish the deadly whirlpool of international intrigue and end-times prophecy in Ishmael Covenant--and will eagerly await the rest of this new trilogy.
Read an excerpt from Kregel by clicking here!

My Thoughts:

This is definitely not a book I would normally read, I am more into romantic adventures, but this sounded very interesting. This story starts off a few hundreds years ago and revolves around two prophesies concerning the end of the world. My attention was certainly piqued at that beginning. How important are these prophesies and who would be interested in them, enough to kill, is revealed throughout the story and in present times.

With the backdrop of history, the author takes us into a fictional account of certain countries who want to take over the Middle East and raise one of three ancient empires. This was certainly a political drama as all the key players and countries were moved around on a power "chessboard" of certain ruthless men.

I liked that the author gave us a time and place as each scene changed. It helped keep the story in perspective with less confusion and also gave a bit of a thrill as it heightened at least my anticipation like a ticking time bomb. This is just the first of the series, I found the way history was tied into this story fascinating and I am curious where the next book will take us.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author:

Terry Brennan is the award-winning author of The Sacred Cipher, The Brotherhood Conspiracy, and The Aleppo Code, the three books in The Jerusalem Prophecies series. His latest release, Ishmael Covenant is the first in his new series, Empires of Armageddon.

A Pulitzer Prize is one of the many awards Brennan accumulated during his 22-year newspaper career. The Pottstown (PA)
Mercury won the Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Writing for a two-year series published while he led the team as the newspaper’s Editor.

Starting out as a sportswriter in Philadelphia, Brennan became an editor and publisher for newspapers in Pennsylvania, Illinois, and New York and later moved to the corporate staff of Ingersoll Publications (400 newspapers in the U.S., Ireland and England) as Executive Editor of all U.S. newspaper titles.

In 1996, Brennan transitioned into the nonprofit sector, spending 12 years as VP Operations for The Bowery Mission and six years as Chief Administrative Officer for Care for the Homeless,  both in New York City.

Terry and his wife, Andrea, now live in Danbury, CT.

More on Brennan can be found at He is also on Facebook (Terry Brennan) and Twitter (@terrbrennan1).


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Review: Two Steps Forward by Suzanne Woods Fisher

To Purchase

Back and broke in Stoney Ridge, Jimmy Fisher has coasted as long as he could through life on charm, good looks, and deep-set dimples. They always worked just fine for him--until they didn't. His smile has no effect on the violet-eyed beauty he met at the Bent N' Dent, the one with that stunning horse. She's offered him a job, but nothing else.

The last thing Sylvie Schrock King needs around Rising Star Farm is a grown boy working for her, especially her neighbor Edith's son. The woman holds a serious grudge against Sylvie and her son, and hiring Jimmy Fisher will only fan the flames of Edith's rancor. But Sylvie is desperate for help on the farm, and Jimmy understands horses like no one else.

While Jimmy's lazy smile and teasing ways steal Sylvie's heart, Edith is working on a way to claim her land. Has Sylvie made another terrible mistake? Or is it too late to outfox the fox? More importantly . . . just who is the fox?

Writing with both wit and warmth, Fisher delivers a supremely satisfying conclusion to the popular Deacon's Family series.

My Thoughts:

I liked visiting Stoney Ridge and catching up with all of its characters. This story starts off with Jimmy Fisher coming back home and his first meeting with widow Sylvie King. She thinks he is homeless and he thinks she keeps "winking" at him. More on that later.

This town has a lot of colorful characters and on more than one occasion I found myself laughing out loud. This story focuses on Sylvie, her son, and Jimmy. How they begin to work together to clean up her ranch and start a business with her Arabian horse, Prince. However we do get to continue Izzy's story as well. Izzy is struggling with the fact that she does not know her own biological father and the fact that she still has not conceived. She is also learning to be thankful for the blessings that God has already provided for her. I understood her struggles, the wanting to know why, and how does she make peace.

Jimmy was quite a charmer and very good natured. Quite unlike his bitter mother. Oh, and the "winks"- well Sylvie has an eye twitching problem. Jimmy does not realize this and her "winks" drive poor Jimmy to distraction.

I liked that these characters are real and quirky. Sylvie was the type of character who knew that she needed to look after herself So that is why she married Jake (her first husband) whom she did not love, and he was twenty years older, but she set out to make the marriage work. If only for her son and the ranch she dreamed of. She was certainly not a romantic but a practical woman.

This was a nice visit.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Review, Guest Post, and Giveway: Cold Case Connection by Dana Mentink

About the Book

Book:  Cold Case Connection
Author: Dana Mentink
Genre:  Romantic Suspense
Release Date: February 1, 2020

Convinced his sister’s death wasn’t an accident, private investigator Sergio Ross is determined to catch her killer. But with all the clues hinting at a connection to another unsolved murder, he has to join forces with Helen Pike—a woman linked to both deaths—to find the truth. Can they follow the cold evidence trail to get justice…before they become the next victims?

Click here to get your copy.

My Thoughts:

This was an incredibly intense read about a cold case murder and how a more recent hit and run accident may be connected. Add to those facts, way too many accidents or are they and attacks are happening to Helen.

Going back to her high school days, Helen and four of her friends go down into tunnels that they shouldn't have been in and only four of them make it out. Trish's murder had never been solved. Fast forward years later and Fiona, Helen's best friend, has discovered something. But before she can talk to Helen about it, Fiona is killed by a hit and run driver. Coincidence? Fiona's brother certainly doesn't think so and neither does Helen as she appears to be the next target.

There were many times I felt like I had to come up for air reading this as it seemed almost non-stop action. I liked both of Helen's and Sergio's growth as characters. From guilt and blame to a team then friends, and then just maybe something more. For a shorter story with lots of suspense the character growth was top notch.

I received a copy of this novel from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author

Dana Mentink is a two time American Christian Fiction Writers Carol Award winner, a Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Award and a Holt Medallion winner. She is a national bestselling author of over forty titles in the suspense and lighthearted romance genres. She is pleased to write for Harlequin’s Love Inspired Suspense, Harlequin Heartwarming and Harvest House. Besides writing, she busies herself teaching third grade. Mostly, she loves to be home with Papa Bear, teen bear cubs affectionately nicknamed Yogi and Boo Boo, Junie, the  nutty terrier, and a chubby box turtle. You can connect with Dana via her website at, on Facebook, YouTube (Author Dana Mentink) and Instagram (dana_mentink.)

More from Dana

Cold Case Connection was really fun to write because it’s Helen’s story. She’s an intelligent, sensitive woman who is the sister to the men living on the Roughwater Ranch. Liam is her biological brother, but she’s just as close to Chad and Mitch who might as well be blood relatives. In this novel, Helen has to relive the worst moment of her teenage life, the night when a mysterious murder occurred during a teen prank. Helen is going to have to face the past in order to preserve her future. Cowboys, a case gone cold, a coastal ranch and a whole lot of danger…I hope you will enjoy the ride!

Blog Stops

Among the Reads, February 14
The Avid Reader, February 15
Texas Book-aholic, February 15
Inklings and notions, February 16
janicesbookreviews, February 16
Betti Mace, February 17
She Lives to Read, February 17
Genesis 5020, February 17
For Him and My Family, February 18
Remembrancy, February 20
Older & Smarter?, February 20
Blogging With Carol, February 20
deb’s Book Review, February 21
Bigreadersite, February 21
EmpowerMoms, February 21
Christian Bookaholic, February 23
KarenSueHadley, February 23
Emily Yager, February 24
Pause for Tales, February 24
Simple Harvest Reads, February 25 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)
Maureen’s Musings, February 26
Hallie Reads, February 26
Livin’ Lit, February 27
Daysong Reflections, February 27


To celebrate her tour, Dana is giving away the grand prize of a Mentink giveaway bundle, including a bag, a copy of the book, and an Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

My Thoughts on The Color of Home by Kit Tosello

  About: The life she's designing may not be the life she's meant to live Bay Area interior designer to the rich and pretentious, Au...