Thursday, December 1, 2016

Review and Giveaway: Healing of the Heart by Loree Lough

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About the Book
To Purchase.

When Ruby McCoy and her mother arrive in Fairplay and promptly move into the biggest mansion around, they are the talk of the town. But while Mrs. McCoy worries about ribbons, trunks, and wallpaper, Ruby rolls up her sleeves. Since the hanging of her notorious gangster father five years ago, Ruby, hiding under an assumed name, is on a mission to right her father’s wrongs. She is determined to spend every penny of her inherited “blood money” helping those who paid the price for her father’s crimes. But she didn’t plan on falling in love.

Sheriff Rex Truett doesn’t trust Ruby and doesn’t care who knows it. The keeper of Fairplay’s law and order makes it his business to find out why a stranger—especially a beautiful, rich, female stranger—would set up businesses, donate to schools, hire workmen to rebuild houses, and provide access to the best medical care. But when a cholera epidemic sweeps through the city, he is forced to reconsider.

Will Ruby have the courage to tell Rex her family secret? And will love or justice win in Rex’s heart?

My Review:

Healing of the Heart is the latest in the series Secrets on Sterling Street, and Loree Lough has really outdone herself with the secrets that are hidden in this novel.  Ruby McCoy has spent 5 years trying to make some sort of restitution for her late father’s grievous sins.  She has almost completed her project when she and her mother move to Fairplay to continue with “the healing hearts” campaign.  There she catches the notice of the Sheriff Rex Truett who, no matter what good Ruby does, cannot  get past his distrust for her.

This story explores the ramifications of the father’s sins and just what that might look like when the next generation must live with the results.  Sin, big or small, affects everyone and this book really shines a light on that truth.  Ruby wrestles with her relationship with God as she believes she must pay for her father’s sins before God can forgive her.  Is God like some people ruled by bitterness and revenge, or will she be able to do enough good deeds to right the wrong?  Ruby must come to the realization that God loves her for her.  What about Rex?  He and Ruby are slowly falling in love and she would be the ideal wife for him, if he can get over the biggest secret she is keeping from him.

I enjoyed revisiting Sterling Street and this book has been my favorite of the series so far.   I was reading quite happily watching their courtship slowly progress when the author threw in a major story changer that I did not see coming.  Just like in real life, bad things happen and can spring up at any moment.   And the characters had to make some hard decisions.

I received a copy of this book for free from the publisher.  I was not required to give a positive review and all views expressed are my own.

About the Author

A prolific writer, Loree Lough has 108 books, 68 short stories, and more than 2,500 articles in print. Her novels have earned dozens of industry and Reader’s Choice awards. A frequent guest speaker for writers’ organizations, book clubs, private and government institutions, corporations, and college and high school writing programs, Loree and her husband, Larry, divide their time between a home in the Baltimore suburbs and a cabin in the Allegheny Mountains.

Her books have over 3700 ratings on Goodreads with the first two books in The Secrets of Sterling Street series, Currency of the Heartand Guardians of the Heart receiving multiple four and five star reviews on book review and retail sites.

Blog Stops

November 22: Bibliophile Reviews
November 22: Jeanette’s Thoughts
November 23: Neverending Stories
November 23: Lane Hill House
November 24: Christian Bookaholic
November 25: Redeemed Hope Dweller
November 26: Moments Dipped in Ink
November 27: inklings and notions
November 27: Splashes of Joy
November 28: Ashley’s Bookshelf
November 28: Daysong Reflections
November 30: Bigreadersite
December 1: Pause for Tales
December 2: A Greater Yes
December 2: Genesis 5020
December 4: Karen Sue Hadley
December 5: Rhonda’s Doings


In honor of her tour, Loree is giving away her books: Secrets on Sterling Street series, Prevailing Love (3 in 1), Pricilla Hires a Husband, Lone Wolf, and Emma’s Orphans, a KJVER Study Bible, and an Abba pillar candle in a wicker basket! Click the link below to enter; be sure to comment on this post to claim your nine bonus entries for this giveaway!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking a part in promotion. I love meeting new authors.


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