Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Two Reviews: Scripture Doodle and Scripture Doodle God's Promises by April Knight


ScriptureDoodle: A Six-Week Devotional Experience (David C. Cook, October 2016)

With inspiring exercises and prompts, this unique interactive guide introduces readers to a creative connection between Bible study, artistic expression, and worship.

Often, in the busyness of life, Christians forget that God created them to enjoy creativity. With guided instruction and completed examples, this beautiful book invites readers to draw closer to God through their own art.

More than a coloring book, ScriptureDoodle is a combination of Bible study, creative expression, and artistic community with artwork shared online at #scripturedoodle.  

Exploring topics such as being generous, finding rest, and facing grief, ScriptureDoodle gives the heart the creative space it needs. This book stimulates the reader's imagination and helps integrate God's Word into everyday life.

Purchase a copy:

My Review

Scripture Doodle is a different kind of adult coloring book.  It is a six-week devotional that focuses on a scripture for each day that you become artistic with.  You can use pictures or words in your ventures.  There are also additional activities on each page to help with your creativity, your thought process, or just to focus more attention on the scripture.  The doodle pages are all very different, some are more filled in and others are awaiting your masterpieces.  This is a cute and clever idea, both for those that are artistic and those who are not.  This is something that stands out from the crowd of coloring books out there.


ScriptureDoodle God's Promises: A Six-Week Devotional Experience (David C. Cook, December 2016)

Some of the most incredible stories in the Bible are of God's promises and faithfulness to His children.

ScriptureDoodle God's Promises refreshes believers who are feeling burned out or stuck in a rut in their relationship with God. Each of the creative worship prompts in this interactive guide includes biblical encouragement and ideas for worship through art. Artist April Knight includes creative lettering tips, color ideas, and completed examples to inspire readers to respond to promises in Scripture related to trust, faith, and the power of God's Word in all circumstances.

This unique blend of Bible study and creative expression provides the opportunity to connect with God as Creator in a new, life-changing way.

Purchase a copy:

My Review

Scripture Doodle God’s Promises is done in the same format of Scripture Doodle, only this time the 6-week devotional focuses on God’s promises.   This devotional walks us through the promises showing us that He is more than sufficient for us, that His character itself is faithful and trustworthy.  This hybrid devotional and coloring book lets us be creative and I like that as a particular truth is focused on we can create it on the paper and on our mind, hopefully remembering it always.  The drawings are simple and clean, giving us a jump start to our own creativity.  This was a nice something different that stands out combining a devotional and a coloring book.

I received free copies of these books from Litfuse.  I was not required to post a positive review and all opinions expressed are my own.
About the author:

April Knight is a worship artist based in Asheville, North Carolina. Knight's work includes live worship painting and leading ScriptureDoodle workshops online and at conferences and retreats around the country and internationally. Her family of four is her greatest joy, along with serving alongside her husband at their local church.

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