Friday, September 9, 2016

Review: Burning Proof by Janice Cantore

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Janice Cantore continues her Cold Case Justice series with Burning Proof as PI Luke and his now partner retired cop Woody, are taking care of the files and evidence of late Asa Foster’s (Abby’s former partner), that concerns the murder of Abby’s parents and Luke’s uncle.  Choosing not to let Abby know what they found, Luke and Woody have also signed up to work with the newly formed Cold Case Squad.  Their first unofficial assignment involves a young woman who was kidnapped and brutally assaulted yet escaped and lived to tell about it.  Her attacker, ten years later has yet to be found.  

Abby has had a crushing blow as she had to shoot a victim’s father in self-defense and she is having a rather hard time coping.  Not only with the fallout of the shooting, but also about the facts that she and Luke uncovered from the previous book.  Abby, deciding to take a break from police work goes to reconnect with her aunt and fiancĂ© Ethan. 

Luke fills guilty about keeping secrets from Abby about the cold case that has affected them both and he is also trying to get over his attraction for her.  Luke and Abby are not together through most of this book and there was an introduction of a new love interest that has me a little concerned (I am rooting for Luke and Abby to be together).  Author Cantore does a splendid job of keeping the book moving for the major story arc cold case and the new one that Luke, Woody, and eventually Abby (who is brought in later) need to solve before the statute of limitations is up.

I look forward to the third installment.  I received a copy of this book for an honest review through The Book Club Network, Inc. and the opinions are my own.

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