Tuesday, January 31, 2023

My Thoughts and More on Wagons West by Caryl McAdoo



About the Book

Book: Wagons West

Author: Caryl McAdoo

Genre: Historical Christian Romance

Release date: November 22, 2022

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.

Besides the God-fearing, decent folks seeking new beginnings, adventurers, miners, risk-takers, fugitives, perverts, and runaways alike—even royals—comprise a few of the characters in book one of the ‘New Beginnings Family Saga’ titled WAGONS WEST. The two-thousand-mile journey is wrought with danger, trials, troubles and tragedies, deprivations, and of course, romance, but the lure of gold and a fresh start urges the sojourners on to the Promised Land!

Blaire Beechy, a widow with two almost grown daughters, Adeline and Beatrice, and a twelve-year-old son Tucker sells everything to go for the gold only to discover the rules of wagon master Ambrose Lee forbids them to join his wagon train, but the widow is determined. Though the disgruntled and handsome widow turns his head, the man deals with troubles of his own. His train isn’t full, he has yet to hire a scout, and his integrity thrusts him into saving a troubled young woman called Birdie. The journey is an arduous undertaking, but he’s done it before and is up to the task.
Wagon Ho!

This story was first published in episodes at Kindle Vella, Season One, by the same name. Season two SETTLERS & TOFFS continues the story and episodes are now being published and are available at Kindle Vella.


Click here to get your copy!

My Thoughts:

Wagons West is a story of a family, a widow, Blaire Beechy and her three children as she decides to uproot them from Chicago, sell everything that they can, and head to California on a wagon train to pan for gold. In Blaire's thinking, everything seems pretty cut and dry. Unfortunately, no wagon master will take her and her family on without out a husband. For either her or for one of her daughters 16-year-old Beatrice or 18-year-old Adeline. So, to Baire's way of thinking she goes husband hunting. Though unfortunately or fortuitously, she is not the one who finds herself a husband, not yet anyway, and it is Bea who marries first. With some familial issues and jealousies, it is now time for this family to go. 

There is so much in this novel. It really is a family saga as this family is the center and we watch others come and go. There is much danger on the way, death, kidnappings, threat of attacks, and more. There were some very unscrupulous men that for their own wants, caused much damage. I could understand better why families with good honorable men were so needed. 

One of the other characters that they meet, and shelter is a woman by the name of Birdy who has experienced much abuse at the hands of her father and other men. She is very troubled and either demons or schizophrenia is troubling her. Hers was a very sad story, but it was not hopeless as we watch her story unfold.

There was plenty of forgiveness for each other and of course romance, the kind where true love conquers all. I look forward to more of this epic family saga and where their paths lead them.

I was provided a copy of this novel from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author

Award-winning author Caryl McAdoo prays her story brings God glory, and her best-selling stories—over sixty published now—delight readers around the world. The prolific writer also enjoys singing the new songs the Lord gives her; you may listen to a few on YouTube. Sharing four children and twenty-four grandsugars (six are greats), Caryl and her high-school-sweetheart-husband of fifty-four years Ron live in the woods south of Clarksville, seat of Red River County in far Northeast Texas. The McAdoos wait expectantly for God to open the next door.


More from Caryl

What a fun, new adventure writing WAGONS WEST! Ron and I stepped up to try a new program Amazon offered authors called Kindle Vella where we’d write episodes rather than chapters. In a year’s time, WAGONS WEST had thirty-five episodes and was over one hundred thousand words, about four hundred pages.

We continue to write Season Two of the “New Beginnings Family Saga” SETTLERS & TOFFS, with the same characters going into the following year, 1850, scattering into three settings: those from Season One’s wagon train who decide to settle Auburn, California, those just starting the sojourn west with Emmerson Pierce, scout in Season One, now wagon master, and we sail the Atlantic to England when the son of the Earl of Farnsworth receives word of his older brother’s death.

The characters in WAGONS WEST made it so special for me, and I believe you’re sure to love them as well. Robert E. Lee’s older brother Ambrose is our wagon master and the story’s main hero. As all my heroes (thanks to Ron’s part of our collaboration) he is strong but flawed.

Our matriarchal heroine Blaire Beechy, recently widowed, has sold everything and uprooted her three children—two almost grown daughters Adeline and Beatrice and their twelve-year-old brother Tucker—only to discover Captain Lee’s idiotic rules forbid an unmarried woman from traveling in his wagon train. Why must there be a man at the head of each family?

WAGONS WEST offers readers adventures with a colorful cast of characters who support, cause trouble, act a bit crazy, and play ball to make the story one you just can’t put down. All along the way, God is questioned,  given praise, denied, and surrendered to, saving sojourners again and again—not only in the spiritual realm.

It’s a story I’ve certainly enjoyed writing, and I’m hoping you’ll enjoy reading WAGONS WEST as much!

As always, I’m ‘Praying my story gives God glory!’ Hallelujah! There is no one like Him! He alone is the Great King over all the earth! Not a man that He could lie, but worthy to receive all glory and all praise!

Blessings, y’all!

Blog Stops


[Insert Giveaway Picture Here]

To celebrate her tour, Caryl is giving away the prize of a $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Friday, January 27, 2023

My Thoughts and More on Blooming Rose Blasts Off! by Lauren Piland Illustrated by Kristen Humphrey



Book Details:

Book Title:  BLOOMING ROSE BLASTS OFF! by Lauren Piland
Category:  Children's Fiction (Ages 3-7),  38 pages
Genre:  Children's Picture Book
Publisher:  Mascot Books
Release date:   Jan 10, 2023
Content Rating:  G for all kids.
Book Description:

Rose loves to write, draw, and play―but what happens when she has to face a project she’s never done before?! With encouragement from her best friend, Brady, and some brainstorming with Dad, does Rose’s rocket launcher project turn out to be less than stellar or out of this world?!

Meet the Author:

As a former second grade and elementary art teacher, Lauren Piland is a Louisiana native turned Texas homesteader who knows the importance of engaging read-alouds both in class and at home. After taking a step back from the classroom to raise her second child, she realized the gap some campuses face between the undersupported emotional struggles of students and the overwhelming responsibilities of teachers. “When we can use tools such as books and relatable characters to open up those more meaningful conversations, both at home and in the classroom, it aids in that process of peeling back layers of getting to know each other better and building trust,” says Piland. “Children need to feel seen, feel heard, and feel protected. And we do that by tapping into our emotions.”

Piland also wanted to further support teachers by including ready-to-use, curriculum-based exercises to go along with each book that focus on learning objectives such as reading comprehension strategies, vocabulary building and word mechanics exercises, writing prompts, whole group projects and STEM exercises with differentiated versions for students in Pre-K all the way to fourth grade.

connect with the author: website ~ facebook ~ instagram ~ pinterest ~ youtube

My Thoughts:

Rose is a little girl that is given a school project that just seems to her that it is impossible to accomplish. She must build a rocket for science class. Mulling it over, she decides to tell her family her dilemma. Her parents' reactions were on par. Rose has known about this project for a little while and is only telling them now much to her mom's consternation. Her dad on the other hand gives encouraging words and her little brother thinks it is all cool. That example was so great and reminded me of my own household, a good dose of the practical and the learning.

So, with the help of dad, Rose discovers that she can tackle this problem. Even if it fails, try again. In the end she realizes that she could do it, she only had to give it a try. She had fun with dad as a plus and next time maybe she will seek help from her parents sooner.

The artwork is vibrant and is full of many little details, like dad wearing a moon cycle shirt. This is a good story for kids to think outside of themselves and to not limit themselves in their own estimations. With a little help and ingenuity, you can accomplish your goals. 

I was provided a copy of this book from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Enter the Giveaway:

Thursday, January 26, 2023

My Thoughts and More on The Two-Cent Piece by Dennis Conrad


About the Book

Book: The Two-Cent Piece

Author: Dennis Conrad (Illustrated by Courtney Smith)

Genre: Children’s Picture Book (Fiction)

Release date: September 3, 2022

Anne wonders what secret her three older brothers are hiding. When she finds out they joined to fight with the Union Army and would leave the next day, she gives them each one of her favorite two-cent pieces and says, “I want you to take one of my new two-cent pieces. I learned these coins are the first to have the words ‘In God We Trust.’ I just memorized Psalm 91:2. ‘I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.’”

Out of a heart of love, Anne gives six of her special coins away hoping the message on the two-cent pieces will strengthen each person’s faith.


Click here to get your copy!

My Thoughts:

This is a lovely little storybook about a young girl and the lesson she learns about giving and receiving. Living during the time of the Civil War, Anne finds out that all three of her older brothers are going off to fight for the Union, leaving just her and her widowed mother behind. Before they go, she gives each some of her precious coins hoping and praying they all come back safely.

After some time, she meets another young man who is also going off to fight. She shares her coins with him as well. Do they all come back safely? Well, that is something for the reader to find out as I don't want to spoil anything. 

I did enjoy this story, the beautiful artwork of days gone by, and the message that was conveyed. At the end there is some information on coin collecting and the history of the two-cent piece.

I was provided a copy of this book from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author

A former coin collector for over fifty years, Dennis combines his love for the Bible, children’s literature, and sharing stories about the history behind coins.

He is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and a Fellow of the National Writing Project.

He retired as a professor of Speech Communications from Barstow Community College. He and his wife served as English and public speaking teachers ten summers overseas.

The Two-Cent Piece is Dennis’s first of seven books in the In God We Trust Series from Elk Lake Publishing, Inc.


More from Dennis


Coin collecting brings together history, art, and the thrill of discovery.

Children who collect coins will LOOK at coins differently. They can…


Look for people. For example, who is on the nickel? (Hint: Thomas Jefferson)

The new quarters featuring women include coins with Anna May Wong, the first Chinese-American movie star; Nina Otero-Warren, who advocated for women’s suffrage and was a government official in New Mexico; and Wilma Mankiller, the Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation.


Look for places. The state quarter series includes all of the states like California with Yosemite Valley.


Look for dates. Connect coins to historical events. For example, coins minted in 2001 were minted the same year as the World Trade Center was attacked on September 11, 2001.


Look at coins as art. The people who design coins are artists.


Look for and find coins in change. Let the great adventure begin.


Look and learn why some coins are more valuable than other coins. There is a difference between the face value of a coin (a dime is worth ten cents), and its value to collectors.


Are you a homeschooler, a teacher, or a family member who wants to help children start their first coin collection?


Get Free Resources about coin collecting by conveniently subscribing to Dennis Conrad’s newsletter.


You will receive a link to my resource page, where you will find two free resources. One for ages 5-6 year olds, and another for ages 7 and up. Or you can choose both. Let the fun begin! https://dennisconradauthor.com/coincollecting5/

Blog Stops

Lots of Helpers, January 18

Girls in White Dresses, January 18

Library Lady’s kid Lit, January 19

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, January 20

For Him and My Family, January 20

Cover Lover Book Review, January 21

A Reader’s Brain, January 22

Mary Hake, January 22

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, January 23

Texas Book-aholic, January 24

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, January 25

deb’s Book Review, January 26

Pause for Tales, January 26

Locks, Hooks and Books, January 27

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, January 28

Labor Not in Vain, January 28

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, January 29

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, January 30

Lights in a Dark World, January 30

Little Homeschool on the Prairie, January 31


To celebrate his tour, Dennis is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon Gift Card and a hardcover copy of The Two-Cent Piece!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


My Thoughts and More on The Letter by Edwina Kiernan


About the Book

Book: The Letter

Author: Edwina Kiernan

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release date: November 1, 2022

She wants a new life.

He’s in danger of losing his.

Will love solve everything — or immerse them in even worse peril?

Restless and ready for a change, Grace Stratton gladly accepts the opportunity to leave her remote parsonage home to serve as a wealthy spinster’s companion in the idyllic country town of Lindenfell. Its warm atmosphere and friendly inhabitants sooth Grace’s lonely heart. But when a mysterious stranger arrives, she soon discovers things aren’t always what they seem.

Convinced chloroform will revolutionise the medical world, Dr. David Carbury frequently administers it to his London patients — until one of them dies. Facing a grave trial to prove his innocence and defend a drug most people view as poisonous, he makes hasty plans to buy time to bolster his case. But he wasn’t expecting to face an even deadlier challenge.

As attraction sparks not long after they meet, Grace soon suspects he’s hiding something, and David knows he can’t run from the truth forever.

But neither of them could imagine the sinister threat lurking just around the corner…

Immersed in faith and intrigue, this Christian Victorian romance from award-winning author Edwina Kiernan will encourage and delight you long after you turn the last page.


Click here to get your copy!

My Thoughts:

Taking place in Victorian England, this is a story of a young couple who fall in love in a most idyllic place, but first must overcome their problems. And they need a bit of grace to do that.

Dr. David Carbury is in trouble, and he is frantic to prove his innocence over a death that he is accused of. Seemingly, everyone has turned against him, and he does not know who to turn to. He comes up with a deceptive plan that more or less just makes things a bit worse. But he absolutely is beyond himself. Until in the town of Lindenfell he meets the love of his life and true friends that he can rely on.

Grace Stratton is a young woman who wants to branch out from the little town she is from and all the gossipmongering that goes on about her family, especially her mother. So, with the blessing of her parents, she sets out to Lindenfell to become a companion to an older wealthy woman. Never knowing the friendships or the love or the danger she will find herself in.

This was such a well written story that pulled me into these characters lives and their situations, and I was hoping for the very best for them, even though some of their troubles and misfortunes were amplified by their own deceitfulness.

I was provided a copy of this novel from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author

Edwina Kiernan is the Christian author of the award-winning novel, Ruby’s Redemption.

An enthusiast of classic novels and history, Edwina combines her faith, imagination and research to create hope-infused tales set in times past.

A lifelong word admirer, with Welsh and Irish heritage, she started writing stories early in childhood.

She is a committed follower of Jesus (the Living Word), and endeavours to use her pen to point others to Him.


More from Edwina

Have you ever wished you could travel back in time to a place where quaint buildings are bathed with a golden glow in the afternoon light, where the people are polite and respectful, and where the pace of living allows your soul to breathe and just… be

In that case…

Welcome to Lindenfell!

The Letter introduces us to Grace Stratton (daughter of the hero & heroine from my award-winning novel, Ruby’s Redemption), who accepts a position as a lady’s companion in a place she’s never been before, but where she’ll soon discover a whole new world.

“The air in Lindenfell had a scent of its own — one of warmth and peace. Of hope.”

Lord-willing, the Victorian Virtues series will have nine books, each based on an aspect of the Fruit of the Spirit, and each exploring the historical events and everyday realities that change and challenge eighteen main characters and nine blossoming romances. 

Friends and foes, tragedies and triumphs, hopes and heartaches — the best and worst of life, all in one fictional market town in Victorian England.

It is my deepest hope that, as you travel to Lindenfell in each book of the series, you’ll find the truth and hope you need to navigate your own trials and triumphs, and discover that the refreshment your soul longs for is already available to you, wherever you may be.

Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, January 14

Simple Harvest Reads, January 14 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

Blogging With Carol, January 15

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, January 16

For Him and My Family, January 17

Cover Lover Book Review, January 17

Texas Book-aholic, January 18

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, January 19

Holly’s Book Corner, January 20

deb’s Book Review, January 20

Locks, Hooks and Books, January 21

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, January 22

Mary Hake, January 23

Connie’s History Classroom, January 23

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, January 24

Melissa’s Bookshelf, January 25

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, January 26

Pause for Tales, January 26

Book looks by Lisa, January 27


To celebrate her tour, Edwina is giving away the grand prize package of a paperback copy of The Letter and a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

My Thoughts and More on Lulu and Malek Sail off to Sea! by June N. Foster & Rob Scheer Illustrated by Gill Guile



Book Details:

Book Title:  Lulu and Malek Sail Off to Sea! by June Foster and Rob Scheer
Category:  Children's Fiction (ages 3 to 7), 32 pages
Genre:  Children's Book
Publisher:  Hubble & Hattie
Release date:   August 23, 2022
Content Rating:  G.  The book is designed for children between 3-7 years of age.
Book Description:

Adventurous friends Lulu and Malek make fantastic discoveries, take care of our planet, and meet new friends as they explore the wonders of the world under the sea. With vibrant illustrations and endearing characters, this fun-to-read rhyming book is sure to be a children's favorite that they will want to read over and over again! Add this fun-filled and inspiring book to your home or class library! It will be enjoyed by children who love adventure, a good laugh, and want to learn more about the sea and conservation.
Buy the Book:
Amazon B&N ~ BAM
Indigo AbeBooks IndieBound
add to Goodreads
Meet the Authors:

Just a bit about me. I live in Arizona, but for most of the year, I travel across our beautiful earth as a deckhand and yoga instructor in the yachting industry. I love the serenity of the sea, exploring treasured caves, hiking through lush green forests, immersing myself in different cultures, and meeting new friends. I recently launched an online retail store (www.yachtieinspired.com) that offers conservation and yachtie inspired designs through my Sea Our Love and Silent Whispers Collections. You can also purchase a Personalized Signed Copy of my books on my online store, or please visit junenfoster.com to learn more!

​My co-author, Rob Scheer and I have completed two beautifully illustrated, heartfelt children's books. Rob is the Founder and CEO of Comfort Cases. Since 2013, Comfort Cases set out on a mission to eliminate the use of trash bags and provide children entering the foster system with brand new essential and comfort items. To date, Comfort Cases has positively impacted over 110,000 children, and has recently opened a chapter in the United Kingdom. For each book purchased of Lulu and Malek Sail Off to Sea, we will donate one book to Comfort Cases.

connect with the authors: website twitter facebook instagram instagram ~ goodreads

My Thoughts:
This was a fun, bright, and colorful children's book that has a small giraffe and small lion going on adventures together. Lulu and Malek are the best of friends and today they want to go off to sea and see a whale. On their way they meet up with other friends and they also at times come across things that need to be done. 
Both on land and in the water, they help to clean up trash that has been left behind. Showing how to happily help others and be good stewards all at once. They never let these chores stop them from having fun or deter them from their dreams. I thought that was a great lesson in itself, to continue to continue to do what you had planned, but also to step up to any challenges that come your way.
At the end, these two best of friends sleep and dream of a new day with new adventures. This is a story that will appeal to young children with the brightness of the art and the cute animals and will appeal to adults with the message of cheerfulness and good will. 
I was provided a copy of this book from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.
Enter the Giveaway:

Monday, January 23, 2023

My thoughts and more on The Heir's Predicament by Lorri Dudley


About the Book

Book: The Heir’s Predicament

Author: Lorri Dudley

Genre: Historical Romance

Release date: January 10, 2023

He controls the answers to her past and future, but she threatens his inheritance and his heart.

Maggie Prescott may not know her real name, the circumstances of her birth, or her father’s identity, but based on a song her shipwrecked birthmother taught her before she died, Maggie’s certain the answers lie on the island of Antigua. Unbeknownst to her beloved adopted family, she sends her maid to finishing school in her stead and convinces her uncle, Captain Anthony Middleton, to sail her to the Leeward Islands. Time is of the essence to discover her heritage before the next family gathering exposes her duplicity.

Lord Samuel Fredrick Harcourt Granville was groomed to inherit the Cardon title and lands, but the possession of his father’s temper has put Samuel’s future in jeopardy. After discovering his fiancée cavorting with his so-called friend, the ensuing altercation lands Samuel in court before of the House of Lords. As an example, for all aristocratic sons to quell their hedonistic living, the House of Lords banishes Samuel to the island of Antigua until he can prove he’s worthy of his privileged birth.

On the island, Samuel works to rein in his temper and revive a dying sugar plantation. Still, his return to England and all his efforts are threatened when a mysterious woman breaks into his island home, claiming to be the true heiress of the sugar plantation. Guilt, resentment, and fresh yearnings sizzle under the island sun as Maggie’s search uncovers a much greater treasure than either of them expected.


Click here to get your copy!

My Thoughts:

I have really enjoyed my visits to the Leeward Islands. This is the sixth book in the series, and this is Maggie's story and her search for who her birth mother and father were. She only remembers fragments of her time with her mother when they were shipwrecked on an island, but what she does remember is in song and she believes her mother was trying to teach her about her heritage. She knows her mother's name, but not her father's nor if she is legitimate or not. This makes a difference to the ton of England.

So, Maggie takes on quite an elaborate plan to search out her history without her adoptive parents knowing. Her mother's home and plantation are now in the hands of Lord Samuel Granville. A man learning to control his anger and trying to make the plantation profitable again so he may return back to England with his head held high. 

I was enraptured by this story from the very beginning. We are thrust into Maggie's plan and her shocking first meeting with Samuel was quite memorable. Watching both of them seek answers for the benefit of their futures and watching their love story unfold was enchanting. The exotic setting of the islands and the island politics and treachery makes this a different historical story then your usual English one. This may be my favorite of the whole series.

I was provided a copy of this novel from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author

Lorri Dudley has been a finalist in numerous writing contests and has a master’s degree in Psychology. She lives in Ashland, Massachusetts with her husband and three teenage sons, where writing romance allows her an escape from her testosterone filled household. Find her online at www.lorridudley.com.


More from Lorri

Maggie first appeared in The Captain’s Quest as the feral child shipwrecked on a deserted island. Readers fell in love with her character and emailed me, hoping to learn more of her story. It didn’t take much coaxing for my imagination to delve into how a child, who’d lived outdoors and struggled with daily survival, would adapt to Regency England’s intricate social conventions of the le bon ton as a grown woman.

Like Maggie, my grandfather and mother-in-law were both adopted. Each felt a disconnection from their roots and a natural yearning to fill a void by learning their origins. The thriving industry of Ancestry.com and 23-and-Me exists due to this pervasive desire to understand one’s background. Understandably, Maggie longs for answers, but the guilt of being disloyal to the family who accepted her into their loving home temps her to fabricate a lie and cover up her journey to the island of Antigua.

Another driving force for Maggie is that in Regency England, questionable heritage could hinder an adopted child from marrying within the upper social ranks. Unknown lineage could taint noble bloodlines, and many aristocrats wouldn’t dare align their families with someone of uncertain origins. Maggie’s marriage prospects would have been limited unless she uncovered her past. She’d have been considered too risky to wed among the gentry but raised too highborn to marry within the lower classes.

The Heir’s Predicament is the last installment of the Leeward Island series, and I will miss immersing myself in the rich cultural history of the Caribbean. I loved exploring different isles and island-hopping with readers through various settings. The island of Antigua, where The Heir’s Predicament is set, boasts of ninety-five miles of scalloped coastlines, white and pink sand beaches, a tropical but arid climate, windmills and plantations, and a sugar and spice history complete with Caribs and pirates. Island tensions create a lively setting and weave their way into the characters’ stories, for instance, the push and pull between the island’s calming beauty and battering storms, water abounding but not much of it drinkable, a laid-back culture of hearty survivors, and a legacy of slavery versus colonization.

The journey, however, isn’t over, my next series will take place in the rolling hills and quaint towns of England’s Cotswold, but there’s hope of a Windward Island series in the future.

To learn more, check out my website at lorridudley.com, or watch The Heir’s Predicament book trailer by clicking here: The Heir’s Predicament book trailer.

Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, January 11

lakesidelivingsite, January 11

Book Looks by Lisa, January 12

Sylvan Musing, January 12

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, January 13

She Lives To Read, January 14

Paula’s Pad of Inspiration, January 14

Cover Lover Book Review, January 15

deb’s Book Review, January 15

Texas Book-aholic, January 16

Locks, Hooks and Books, January 17

Betti Mace, January 18

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, January 18

Connie’s History Classroom, January 19

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, January 20

Holly’s Book Corner, January 20

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, January 21

Life of Literature, January 22

Simple Harvest Reads, January 22 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

For Him and My Family, January 23

To Everything There Is A Season, January 23

Pause for Tales, January 24

Mary Hake, January 24


To celebrate her tour, Lorri is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon Gift Card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


My Thoughts on Critical Threat by Lynette Eason



Working with the son of a serial killer? That's a first.

FBI Special Agent Grace Billingsley tracks serial killers, using her skills as a psychiatrist and behavioral analyst to get dangerous people off the street and safely behind bars. But prison psychiatrist Sam Monroe knows that just because a killer is incarcerated doesn't mean they're not a threat. His own father, Peter, is a serial killer--in prison but certainly not out of Sam's life, as much as he wishes he was.

When bodies start showing up with startling similarities to Peter's MO, Sam and Grace are both called in to consult. They've met before, and though Grace thought they'd made a real connection, Sam ghosted her. They'll have to get past the awkwardness and mistrust to solve this case--especially because it's about to get personal.

My Thoughts:

This was a very intense, creepy thriller that has the FBI racing against time to stop a serial killer before he kills again, and again. And on top of the case is FBI agent Grace Billingsley, who is bound and determined to catch and put away this very sick person who for some reason is targeting woman in their 50's. Why? Grace had a message for the killer, that he missed and now his target is her and what she said. So very creepy and nail biting, especially when Grace has no problem being the bait. 

Working alongside her is a psychiatrist Sam Monroe who knows only too well how devious and well-hidden a serial killer can be. His father is one and now locked up. And except for the difference with the chosen victim's this killer and his father's kills are eerily familiar. Sam, trying to juggle family life and issues and helping Grace, has his hands full. Could his father have something to do with all of this? 

This was a nail-biting suspense that kept me turning the pages late into the night. This has really been one of the most intense reads I have read in a while. Very good.

I received a copy of this novel from Revell publishers through Interviews and Reviews. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author:

Lynette Eason is the USA Today bestselling author of Life Flight, Crossfire, and Critical Threat, as well as the Danger Never Sleeps, Blue Justice, Women of Justice, Deadly Reunions, Hidden Identity, and Elite Guardians series. She is the winner of three ACFW Carol Awards, the Selah Award, and the Inspirational Reader's Choice Award, among others. She is a graduate of the University of South Carolina and has a master's degree in education from Converse College. Eason lives in South Carolina with her husband. They have two adult children. Learn more at www.lynetteeason.com.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

My Thoughts on Her Heart's Desire by Shelley Shepard Gray



What happens when we allow our pasts to define our futures?

Mary Margaret Miller needs an escape from her small Amish community. She boards a bus, all alone, for a vacation in Pinecraft, Florida. Meeting Betsy and Lilly on the way, she's amazed to find two kindred spirits. They become fast friends and determine to have the best two weeks of their lives. For Mary, it starts when she meets Jayson Raber, a handsome and charming carpenter.

Jayson is taken with Mary from the get-go, but he has responsibilities back home in Kentucky--including a girl he's supposed to marry. And when someone from Mary's past shows up in Pinecraft, it seems like her perfect vacation is ruined. But that's nothing compared to what's coming when she realizes what Jayson has been hiding . . .

My Thoughts:

This was a story about two Amish, one from Kentucky and one from Ohio, who meet and fall in love on vacation. They are also carrying their own loads from the past that continue to dictate their future.

Mary Miller is going to Florida for a vacation. She is very excited as it is wintertime in Ohio, and she is looking forward to the sun and flowers and warmth. On the way she meets two other young women, and they make a pact to be friends. Mary cherishes their friendship as she really never had a close one. She was bullied as a young girl. So having friends is wonderful.

She also has never had a beau. She does not quite know what to do with herself as Jayson Raber begins to engage her. He is quite smitten with her, yet he is not free to really pursue his feelings. He is somewhat promised to the neighbor's daughter and his sister needs that match. His father will also disapprove. Trying to please everyone but himself is not working out too well for Jayson as he falls in love with Mary. They certainly have some trials ahead.

This is a bit of a coming-of-age story and a story of letting go of the past and forging ahead with a new future. Not only a story of new beginnings, but of new friendships as well.

I was provided a copy of this novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author:

Shelley Shepard Gray is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 100 books, including Her Heart's Desire and Her Only Wish. Two-time winner of the HOLT Medallion and a Carol Award finalist, Gray lives in Ohio, where she writes full-time, bakes too much, and can often be found walking her dachshunds on her town's bike trail. Learn more at www.shelleyshepardgray.com.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

My Thoughts on On My Honor by Patty Smith Hall


About the Book

Book: On My Honor

Author:Patty Smith Hall

Genre: Christian / Historical Fiction / Romance / Intrigue

Release date: January, 2023

Ginny Mathis was finished with nursing school and had no intention of staying rooted in the Outer Banks—then war broke out. With her father away, she feels duty-bound to stay and help her mother and younger sister. While working as a clerk for the Oregon Inlet ferry, naval officers ask Ginny and others to be watchful for German U-boats reportedly spotted in the area. So to help occupy her teenage sister, Ginny enlists the Girl Scout troop she leads to help watch for suspicious activity along the coast.

Timothy Elliott is no stranger to death. As a British reporter working with the M-6, he’s numb to the losses of war after two years of fighting the Germans. Maybe that’s why he volunteered for this mission—to connect with an ex-German naval officer who stole the Furor’s battle plan for the Atlantic war. When the boat giving him passage to New York is bombed near the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, Tim is thrown from the boat and wakes up in the care of a group of young girls.

Ginny follows her sneaky sister on a clandestine mission and discovers the shipwreck victim. Ginny knows she must take charge, but is this man the enemy, or does he hold secrets that could turn the tide of the Battle of the Atlantic in the allies’ favor?


Click here to get your copy!

My Thoughts:

Well, I learned some new things again and this book took me down a different adventure. During World War 2, it seemed that since the war was 'over there', that America was for the most part safe. Obliviously that was not true, and Pearl Harbor is the example of that. What author Hall has done is give us a glimpse into how close the war may have gotten to the USA's shores and lets us know a surprising little nugget of truth. That the Girl Scouts played a role in helping the war effort on the Allies side.

This story begins with Tim, a British reporter turned spy, trying to get to New York with an ex-German naval officer with secret plans from Germany. However, they don't quite make it as their boat is bombed near the Outer Banks of North Carolina. This washes up on shore and Ginny Mathis, a nurse in training and her Girl Scouts begin a mission to help clean up birds and other debris. What Ginny's sister, Belle, finds is not a bird in need of help but a man, Tim.

There are many secrets in this story, some of it is due to the ongoing war and people had to be careful who they trusted and did not trust. Spies were abundant on both sides, and you just never knew. Also, there is the clandestine missions that Tim and Ginny were involved in that needs to be hush hush. And finally, there are some family secrets going on in Ginny's family that are being kept from her, not to mention the drama between the two sisters.

This was a very interesting read about some facts that I did not know about, and I enjoyed learning about them and how especially useful the Girls Scouts were in the effort to help win World War 2.

I was provided a copy of this novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author

Multi-published author Patty Smith Hall lives near the North Georgia Mountains with her husband, Danny. When she’s not writing on her back porch, she’s spending time with her family or working in her vegetable garden.


More from Patty

Did you know that the Girl Scouts (or Girl Guides) serviced as spies on HIs Majesty’s Secret Service during World War One? I didn’t either until I picked up a book on female spies at my local Barnes and Noble. There were only two paragraphs about how the girls worked with the MI5 for the duration of the war. It was enough to get my heart pumping!

Being a former Girl Scout myself, I was amazed at what these young girls did to help our country during the war. What activities did the Girl Scouts/Girl Guides do in World War II? Anything asked of them. They organized drives for anything from fat (to make bullets) to paper, stepped into positions left vacant by men serving on the front and worked Victory gardens to provide food for their community. They did so many things, I can’t begin to name them all here. By March 1944, the Girl Scouts had provided over 15 million volunteer hours toward the war effort.

Isn’t that amazing? No wonder I had to write a book about them!

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, January 5

The Write Escape, January 5

lakesidelivingsite, January 6

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, January 7

Texas Book-aholic, January 8

Christina’s Corner, January 8

Inklings and notions, January 9

Cover Lover Book Review, January 10

Lily’s Book Reviews, January 10

Betti Mace, January 11

Where Faith and Books Meet, January 11

deb’s Book Review, January 12

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, January 12

Locks, Hooks and Books, January 13

For Him and My Family, January 13

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, January 14

Mary Hake, January 14

Connie’s History Classroom, January 15

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, January 16

Blossoms and Blessings, January 16

Splashes of Joy, January 17

Pause for Tales, January 17

Labor Not in Vain, January 18

A Good Book and Cup of Tea, January 18


To celebrate her tour, Patty is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon e-gift card and a print copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


My Thoughts on A Time of Proving by Alena Mentink

  About: She lost her family to tragedy. He lost his when he ran away. What will second chances cost them? Miriam Locklin thought she coul...