Saturday, July 31, 2021

Review, Guest Post, and Giveaway: A Sojourner Christmas by Linda Brooks Davis


About the Book

Book:  A Sojourner Christmas

Author: Linda Brooks Davis

Genre: Historical

Release date: March 17, 2021

She relinquished her childhood home. Abandoned her former life. And set off for a faraway valley that’s touted as magical. As an aspiring newspaper reporter, Blossom Evans expects to find plenty of material with which to carve out a career.

But alarming tales about the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas abound. Barely tamed, rugged brush land. Mexican bandits. Wildcats, rattlesnakes, and tarantulas as big around as dinner plates. Where will she find the courage to face—and overcome—such foes, even for her dream career?

The first hint of an answer lies in the sleepy little West Texas town of Winters. An unexpected conflict is brewing, one that could launch a reporter’s career—or crush it before it begins. How will Blossom be lured into the fray? And where will she find the temerity to confront this particular brand of evil? It’s Christmas Eve 1923, and Blossom Evans is about to discover what’s she made of.


Click here to get your copy!

My Thoughts:

The last book in this series really left me feeling a bit hopeless. I came into this novel hoping for some light for this family. For a novella, it was quite an adventure. Taking place in 1923, the family decides to uproot their lives in Oklahoma sell everything, including cars and go to Texas in covered wagons. Talk about old school. Weary and bone tired they reach Winters, Texas on Christmas Eve.

Thinking they would treat themselves to hotel rooms and some much needed rest, none of them were prepared for the adventure that they were going to be taking in later that night. I would definitely say that was a holiday to remember.

This was not as a depressing book for me. There was sadly some evil men doing evil things, but this family came out alright, maybe even better in the end.

I was provided a copy of this novel from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author

Linda Brooks Davis was born and reared on a farm in Raymondville, a small Rio Grande Valley community in the southernmost tip of Texas. She retired in 2008 after forty years as a special educator and administrator and now writes inspirational historical fiction from her home in San Antonio, Texas. Readers may contact Linda through her website,


More from Linda

Something to Write Home About


“People don’t come better than the Pyles,” my mother would often say about her mother Ella’s family. And I believed her.


Years ago—1967 to be exact—Mother finally convinced me to put pen to paper and tell the Pyle family tale about their winter of 1923-24 migration from central Oklahoma to the southernmost tip of Texas. In covered wagons. The process turned me into a family history buff.

My mother was our family’s “keeper,” and she passed the moniker to me. Fortunately, I now share her interest in our Pyle ancestors’ backstories. I delight in finding treasures—photos, stories, anecdotes, and documents—from our family tree.

At the present time, I’m going through trunks, bins, and boxes of family mementos that extend into the nineteenth century and even further. Each item sparks dreams of what forebearers’ lives truly might have been. What were their secret longings and loves? What dreams did they withhold from others? What tragedies did they endure, and how did they survive them?

One Pyle dream that became reality was migrating from central Oklahoma to the Lower Rio Grande Valley in the southernmost tip of Texas. They had heard stories about soil so fertile and climate so ideal that the area was called the Magic Valley.

Land developers in the Valley were as busy as bees in citrus orchards, doing all they could to convince folks in the Midwest to buy land in the Texas Magic Valley, and the newcomers came. Among them, my mother’s Pyle clan. In the deep winter of 1923-24, the Pyles sold their land and belongings and acquired 8 covered wagons and the horses to pull them. On December 17, 1923, they headed southward toward their dreams.

On Christmas Eve a week later, the family arrived in Winters, Texas, a windswept community south of Abilene in West Texas where ranchers and farmers populated the countryside. Since the advent of the train and automobile, cross-country travel in covered wagons had become an oddity. And the Pyles did feel a bit odd—especially when someone mistook them for Gypsies and bought the Pyle children Christmas presents.

Fast-forward sixty years. My mother possessed a crusader streak and rarely hesitated before acting on it. Fifty years after the wagon trail adventure, she acted—without hesitation—when a young farm worker told her someone was involved in the drug trade on her land.

Soon she knew the sound of the engine and general description of the car that crept down the dirt road past our house in the dark of night for no apparent reason. Mother, the Super Sleuth, wanted to share the make and license number with the local police, so she and the young farm worker devised a plan.

On the appointed night, the same car inched past our house, around the corner of an adjoining twenty-acre parcel. Mother and her partner headed, stooped and trembling, across a dark field of cotton toward the now distant red taillights of the suspicious car.

“I need to get close enough to find the make of the car and the license number,” Mother said as she drew near the car, which had stopped in the middle of the dirt road. As she raised up, another set of headlights flashed down the road, and she flopped onto the dirt cotton row. But the second set of headlights brightened their hiding place like the noonday sun.

“Follow me,” Super Sleuth whisper-shouted to her compadre. Both tumbled into a drainage ditch that separated the field from the road. Out of sight—but terrifyingly near danger—the pair dug their fingers into the damp soil and pressed their faces into the slimy growth, praying no one would see them. And that no creepy creature would attack.

Several men, some blinding white in the lights and others black as tar in the shadows, met in the space between the two idling cars and made their exchange. Mother peeked above a prickly weed and caught the makes of both vehicles. And she and her partner memorized partial plate numbers.

Thankfully, the drug dealers went their separate ways, leaving Super Sleuth and her partner to make their way back home. In the pitch-black night. Across acres of growth that snatched at their cotton skirts. Amid clusters of swarming insects. And through strips of undeveloped land that harbored rattlesnakes.

Trembling from the adrenalin surge but armed with tidbits of important information, the two piled into Mother’s car and raced to the Sheriff’s Office. She submitted a report about the incident, complete with the cars’ identifying details, and returned home so grateful not to have been discovered that she fell into a deep sleep.

I drew upon these memories for the writing of A Sojourner Christmas. The McFarland clan does, indeed, set out across country in a team of covered wagons as my Pyle relations did. And they pull into Winters, Texas on the twenty-fourth of December 1923, just as my Pyle forebearers did. They were mistaken for Gypsies and were surprised with Christmas presents from the townsfolk, as are the McFarlands.

While in Winters, Blossom Evans entangles herself in a dangerous affair, one that my Super Sleuth mother would have joined if she could. I can imagine Mother and Blossom heading out across a windswept field in pursuit of bootleggers in 1923. Or drug dealers in 1983. Or …

I hope A Sojourner Christmas meets Mother’s heavenly approval. I hope the same for readers.

Blog Stops

Inklings and notions, July 24

For Him and My Family, July 25

Mary Hake, July 25

deb’s Book Review, July 26

Lighthouse Academy, July 27 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, July 27

Locks, Hooks and Books, July 28

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, July 29

Connect in Fiction, July 29

lakesidelivingsite, July 29

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, July 30

Connie’s History Classroom, July 31

Pause for Tales, July 31

She Lives To Read, August 1

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, August 2

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, August 3

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, August 4

Texas Book-aholic, August 5

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, August 5

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, August 6

Splashes of Joy, August 6


To celebrate her tour, Linda is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Review: The Nature of Small Birds by Susie Finkbeiner



In 1975, three thousand children were airlifted out of Saigon to be adopted into Western homes. When one of those children announces her plans to return to Vietnam to find her birth mother, her loving adopted family is suddenly thrown back to the events surrounding her unconventional arrival in their lives.

Mindy's father grapples with the tension between holding on tightly and letting his daughter spread her wings. Her mother undergoes the emotional roller coaster inherent in the adoption of a child from a war-torn country, discovering the joy hidden amid the difficulties. And Mindy and her sister struggle to find the strength to accept each other as they both discover who they truly are.

Told through three distinct voices in three compelling timelines, The Nature of Small Birds is a hopeful story that explores the meaning of family far beyond genetic code.

My Thoughts:

Family is a beautiful and wonderful thing. Full of people you love and sometimes don't always like along with plenty of ups and downs. This is a story of a family who adopts a young Vietnamese girl, Mindy. We are carried through three timelines and we get to hear three voices of the family. The father (Bruce), mother (Linda), and older sister (Sonny). We watch as this family grows and changes, because what family stays the same? Going through the different time lines had me reminiscing about my own life. 

Always with an author Finkbeiner story, I feel like I have been invited to the inner sanctum of the family. The characters become almost real and I become invested in their story, as they tell me of their hurts and heartbreaks and the prejudices of other family members. And the love. Especially the love for one another and the balance of letting a child go, even if an adult. 

I was born in 1975, the earliest timeline, so I found it especially captivating to read about this family as they struggle with the loss of an older brother/uncle and then the adoption of a little girl from the country where his life was lost. There was a lot of feeling these characters showed, especially from Grandma. I think this story beautifully captures what a family truly is.  I also really enjoyed the different viewpoints of their life and times. They made the story fuller.

I was provided a copy of this novel from Revell through Interviews and Reviews. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author:

Susie Finkbeiner is the CBA bestselling author of All Manner of Things, which was selected as a 2020 Michigan Notable Book, and Stories That Bind Us, as well as A Cup of DustA Trail of Crumbs, and A Song of Home. She serves on the Fiction Readers Summit planning committee, volunteers her time at Ada Bible Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and speaks at retreats and women's events across the country. Susie and her husband have three children and live in West Michigan.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Review: Between the Wild Branches by Connilyn Cossette



Finding a Way to Freedom Might Cost Them Everything

Lukio has spent the past decade as a famous Philistine fighter, achieving every material goal with the help of his ruthless cousin. He's also spent the time burying painful memories of betrayal that he associates with the Levite family that guards the Ark of the Covenant and once adopted him. Now, just as the champion of Ashdod is set to claim the biggest prize of all--the daughter of the king--his past collides with his present.

After a heartbreaking end to her friendship with Lukio, Shoshana thought she'd never again see the boy with the dual-colored eyes and the troubled soul. But when she is captured in a Philistine raid and enslaved in Ashdod, she is surprised to recognize the brutal fighter known as Demon Eyes.

When their renewed connection threatens to expose Shoshana's dangerous secrets, Lukio must decide how far he'll go to face his past and keep her protected.

My Thoughts:

I have been looking forward to the continuation of Lukio's story. By the end of the last book, his life to him seemed to have fallen apart. So he leaves and goes back to his Philistine cousin and to that lifestyle, which is not how his adoptive family raised him.

I will tell you one thing, author Cossette does not go easy with her characters or the reader's feelings. Wow. Lukio and Shoshana have been through a lot. Especially Shoshana. Her bravery and her love for her children was outstanding. Poor Lukio, he has always loved her. And my heart broke when he found out about her past and what happened to her. He was not there to protect her. He ran away.

But as Lukio learns, he can not run from the teachings of the one true God that his adoptive Hebrew family instilled in him. And no matter what he has done, he cannot ever do more then God's mercy and forgiveness can cover. He is a God of second chances. 

I enjoyed this series as we get the contrast of what life looked like in an Israel countryside and a very busy Philistine city full of all manner of evil and vices. The rescue work of those working undercover to save Israel's most vulnerable is relevant even today. This author's stories have taught me so much about Biblical times and what living through that time might have looked like.

I was provided a copy of this novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author:

Connilyn Cossette ( is a Christy Award and Carol Award winning author whose books have been found on ECPA and CBA bestseller lists. When she is not engulfed in the happy chaos of homeschooling two teenagers, devouring books whole, or avoiding housework, she can be found digging into the rich ancient world of the Bible to discover gems of grace that point to Jesus and weaving them into an immersive fiction experience. Although she and her husband have lived all over the country in their twenty-plus years of marriage, they currently call a little town south of Dallas, Texas, their home.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Review, Guest Post, and Giveaway: A Dream of Family by Jill Weatherholt


About the Book

Book:  A Dream of Family

Author: Jill Weatherholt

Genre: Inspirational Romance

Release date: June 29, 2021

To give a little girl a home…

she must take a chance on forgiveness.

From the minute Molly Morgan saw sad-eyed little Grace, she longed to give her a happy home. But Molly’s struggling bookstore is endangering her adoption chances. Outgoing entrepreneur Derek McKinney has a puppy Grace adores—and a plan to save Molly’s business. But can he and Molly put their troubled past behind them in time to make a family for a lifetime?

Click here to get your copy!

My Thoughts:

What would you do to make your dreams come true? This was a sweet story about a woman named Molly whose life has not been the kindest to her. Being abandoned as a baby and moving from foster home to foster home (some not very good), and then being left at the altar on her wedding day. She has moved on and is now a proud owner of a little bookstore that is going under due to a big box store. And her dream of adoption is also slipping away due to her financial situation. 

In steps the most unlikely hero Molly could ever even envision. A blast from her past, the best man to her ex fiancé who may have started the prodding that left her heart broken and unhappily ever after. 

Derek has quite a family history of his own. And though Molly has never forgiven him, Derek is also dealing with some unforgiveness himself. Now how can he show Molly she is worth it and he wants to make her dreams come true?

Throw in Grace a little girl who is desperately in need of a good family and a safe home and you have the makings of a story that is both sweet and heartwarming. I enjoyed watching Derek pursue Molly, first to help her and Grace, then out of his love for her. And the ending was just perfect.

I received a copy of this novel from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author

By day, Jill Weatherholt works for the City of Charlotte. At night, and on the weekend, she writes contemporary stories about love, faith and forgiveness for Harlequin Love Inspired.

Raised in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., she now resides in Charlotte, North Carolina, but her heart belongs to Virginia.

She holds a degree in Psychology from George Mason University and Paralegal Studies Certification from Duke University.

She shares her life with her real-life hero and number one supporter. Their relationship grew on the golf course, and now they have one in their backyard.

Jill believes in enjoying every moment of this journey because God has everything under control.


More from Jill

Working in a library or a bookstore has always been a dream job of mine. As book bloggers and readers, you may have had that same dream.

Sadly, I’ve never made that dream come true. So instead, I created a fictitious character, Molly Morgan.  In A Dream of Family, Molly Morgan owns and operates a bookstore, so by writing her story, I was able to somewhat fulfill my dream of working in a job where I’m surrounded by books all day.

As a child growing up in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., I loved the bookmobile. Twice a month a small library on wheels rolled into the neighborhood and parked in front of our house. There was nothing better than to feel the wallop of arctic air the moment I climbed aboard. It was the perfect escape from the hot and sticky summer months. Like a time machine, the endless rows of books transported me to distant places. It was there I was introduced to The Box Car Children and Nancy Drew Mysteries. One stamp of black ink,and it was mine to devour for two weeks.

I haven’t seen a bookmobile since my childhood, but they still exist today. Thankfully, libraries and bookstores are still in our communities, offering wonderful programs to inspire young readers. But as I watch public libraries reduce their hours and bookstores close their doors, I’m grateful to have grown up in a time where bookmobiles traveled the streets of my neighborhood. Those days, my biggest decision during summer vacation was what book to take to the pool.


Jill Weatherholt

Blog Stops

Pause for Tales, July 27

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 27

Texas Book-aholic, July 28

She Lives To Read, July 29

Lighthouse Academy Blog, July 29 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Inklings and notions, July 30

Mary Hake, July 30

For Him and My Family, July 31

My Reading Journeys, July 31

deb’s Book Review, August 1

Britt Reads Fiction, August 1

Older & Smarter?, August 2

Locks, Hooks and Books, August 3

Writing from the Heart Land, August 3

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, August 4

Batya’s Bits, August 4

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, August 5

Remembrancy, August 5

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, August 6

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, August 7

Labor Not in Vain, August 7

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, August 8

Kayem Reads, August 8

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, August 9

Vicky Sluiter, August 9


To celebrate her tour, Jill is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Review and Giveaway: The Academy Saga by CJ Daly



Join us for this tour from July 12 to August 6!

Book Details:

Book TitleThe Academy Saga by C.J. Daly
CategoryAdult Fiction (18 yrs +),  500 pages
Genre: Suspense Romance
PublisherBrandyLight Ink
Release date:   September 2019
Content RatingPG-13. My book has some adult themes, language, and a few slow-burn romance scenes.
"Unique, intense, and suspenseful. A story with compelling characters that pull you into the author's world and keep you reading from beginning to end. Intriguing start to a new series." --New York Times Best Selling Author Jami Brumfield 

“CJ has created an unforgettable story about a young woman caught up in a world of lies and deception. The Academy Saga is a page-turning read with a twist you may not see coming.” —Tony Jones, Executive Producer of My All American

“Wow wow wow! This book has it all. It’s extremely well written, the characters are amazing and the story is so intriguing that it pulls you in from the very first page. There’s tension, mystery chemistry and of course romance. I loved it! I would highly recommend this page turner!” -- RATING: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @abbi_reads_xx

Book Description:

Readers’ Favorite Suspense Romance

Kate Connelly should be careful what she wishes for.

Just seventeen, she already feels like she’s suffocating. Since her mother’s death, her father’s basically checked out, so she’s stuck raising her brothers by herself out in the New Mexico scrub. All Kate wants is a little distraction from the same-ole, same-ole that is her life.

When two mysterious guys show up at the diner where she works, she thinks her wish has come true, until they start giving her a hard time. Like her life isn’t hard enough. Something about them niggles her, but she brushes it off. She’s never going to see them again anyway . . . right?

Then they appear in an alley one night to either rescue or kidnap her (she’s still not sure which) before disappearing like figments of her imagination.

Kate decides to put the bizarre encounters out of her mind. She has bigger problems to worry about: like that elite military academy that’s been pursuing her gifted little brother. When one of their cadets shows up at her high school, he creates instant pandemonium. And just happens to be one of those mysterious guys. Coincidence? Mama said there’s no such thing. And to always trust her instinct. But that might be kind of hard, because every time she’s around Cadet Peter Davenport, her gut starts flip-flopping on her. And her heart.

Can Kate keep it together long enough to stop Cadet Davenport’s mission? She’s about to find out. And—once again—how neatly life can be split into before and after. 

Amazon ~ Walmart

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Continue the Saga:

Book Details:

Book TitleThe Academy Saga: Cadet-in-Training by C.J. Daly
CategoryAdult Fiction (18 yrs +),  441 pages
Genre: Suspense Romance
PublisherBrandyLight Ink
Content RatingPG-13. My book has some adult themes, language, and a few slow-burn romance scenes. 


“Absolutely ADDICTING!  CJ Daly does it again and delivers a story YOU CAN’T PUT DOWN! Edge of your seat GREATNESS! I was completely hooked into this story. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. The Cadet in Training was such a phenomenal escape. With characters that fly off the pages, you become immersed! CJ Daly has stunning story telling skills! I’m still sitting here, like what did I just read and why is it over! Agh! I can’t wait for book 3!!!  #theacademysaga is going down as one my absolute favorites! #TeamPete! All the stars! I’m ready to read this one again!” RATING: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @elizabeth.ness.56

Book Description:

Another Readers' Favorite 5-STAR Suspense Romance. Begin the journey today.

Kate’s destiny has been determined for her.

Hidden out in the country for most her life, Kate Connelly suddenly wakes up, handcuffed to a hospital bed, in the psyche ward of The Academy. Her crime? Being “gifted.” And it’s Officer “Ranger” Nealson’s job to make her adhere to The Academy’s agenda for her. Even though he’s the one who drugged and dragged her in. Kate’s hate for Ranger, and his academy, is at an all-time high. Ranger has his work cut out for him . . . and Kate does too. She has to fight through the rigors of the Cadet-in-Training program, and quickly. If not, she’ll lose the one privilege she’s been given at The Academy—access to her precious little brother.

And until she graduates from the CIT program, Officer Nealson is banned from Missions. When General Weston finally offers a juicy recon to Ranger, he wants to jump at the chance to prove himself again. After all, catching bad guys is his thing. Almost all pros for doing it. One con—Cadet Connelly has to ride along.

The hardened officer finds he’s slowly been growing a soft spot for his mentee. But he’s determined not to end up like his father, and former Elite Cadet Pete Davenport—throwing away their career for a girl (not even a woman). And Kate has lingering feelings for Pete, who risked his life to warn her, and conflicting feelings for Ranger. She has to set both aside to focus on completing her first mission.

When the dust settles, old alliances are broken and new ones are formed. But one thing remains the same: Kate’s destiny has been determined for her by The Academy. Ready or not . . . she’s set for Missions. Will one of the former elite cadets step in to help change her fate, or will she be left to fight the Academy’s agenda alone?

B&N ~ Walmart

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My Thoughts:

The Academy Saga was an interesting and a roller coaster of a read. There is a lot going on and a lot of layers to this story. I think ultimately this story is about family. Their love for one another and their struggle to stay connected and relevant to one another. 

Kate is the big sister and she has her hands full with high school and raising her two little brothers since her mother's death and her father's strict but often absent parenting. Kate is seventeen in this story and her two little brothers, Andrew-8, and Mikey-4, are just barely surviving. But Kate is determined to keep them together. However, her brother Andrew is a very smart and a gifted boy and The Academy wants him in their program.

Now the Academy is special elite military school that remains in the shadows for most of the book. We don't really know much about them except that their cadets are exceptional. 

Kate finds out her father has decided to go against her late mother's wishes and is considering sending Andrew to this school. Kate has a bad feeling about this and Mikey the youngest just wants his family to stay together.  However the Academy is most determined and sends out two cadets to bring Andrew in. To mentor him. Kate meets these two, Pete and Ranger. After two very interesting first 'meetings' with them, Kate has a definite like for one and hate for the other. And nothing is as it seems.

I really didn't know what I was getting into when I picked up this book. I haven't read a young adult book for a long time now so I was surprised when I was immediately drawn into this story. It was a very addictive storyline. It does end on a cliffhanger, a big one. 

I did not care for the profanity that was used. It is not a lot, but it is there. From what I have read about the rest of the series, it does seem to become more adult. Will I continue? I want to. It was good story telling, the story was compelling, and the characters were unique. We shall see.

I was provided a copy of this novel by the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Meet the Author:

CJ Daly grew up on the scrabbly plains of Eastern New Mexico. When she was supposed to be helping her six siblings with chores on the family ranch, she was really sneaking behind dusty haystacks to read. And dreaming about becoming a writer.

After graduating high school, CJ moved to Big D, where she quickly put herself through college while trying to rid herself of her country accent. She had better luck with college, graduating magna cum laude with a degree in English literature. After teaching a few years and pausing to have back-to-back boys, she began writing in earnest.

A few years later, "The Academy Saga" was born. It instantly earned a Readers' Favorite 5-STAR seal of approval and became an Amazon best seller.

connect with the author:  website ~ twitter ~ facebook ~ pinterest ~ instagram ~ goodread

Tour Schedule:

July 12 - Cover Lover Book Review – book spotlight / giveaway
July 12 – The World As I See It – book review of the Academy Saga
July 12 – Nikki's Bookstagram - book spotlight
July 13 – fundinmental – book review of The Academy Saga / giveaway
July 14 – Booking With Janelle – book review of The Academy Saga
July 15 – Viviana MacKade – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
July 15 - My Tangled Skeins Book Reviews – book review of The Academy Saga / giveaway
July 16 – BookishKelly2020 – book spotlight
July 16 - Sadie's Spotlight – book spotlight / giveaway
July 19 – Books Lattes and Tiaras – book review of The Academy Saga  
July 20 – Splashes of Joy – book review of The Academy Saga / author interview / giveaway
July 20 - @twilight_reader – book review of The Academy Saga
July 21 - Pause for Tales – book review of The Academy Saga / giveaway
July 21 – Booking With Janelle – book review of The Academy Saga II: Cadet-in-Training
July 21 – Books Lattes and Tiaras – book review of The Academy Saga II: Cadet-in-Training
July 22 – Book Corner News and Reviews – book review of The Academy Saga / giveaway
July 22 - I Read What You Write – book spotlight / guest post / author interview / giveaway
July 23 – Wottaread – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
July 23 - Sefina Hawke's Books – book spotlight
July 26 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
July 26 - My Tangled Skeins Book Reviews – book review of The Academy Saga II: Cadet-in-Training / giveaway
July 27 – Splashes of Joy – book review of The Academy Saga II: Cadet-in-Training / author interview / giveaway
July 27 – Lissdoeslife – book review of The Academy Saga
July 28 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of The Academy Saga / giveaway
July 28 - Falling Into A Good Book – book review of The Academy Saga
July 29 – Pick a Good Book – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
July 29 – Lissdoeslife – book review of The Academy Saga II: Cadet-in-Training
July 30 - @twilight_reader – book review of The Academy Saga II: Cadet-in-Training
Aug 2 – @londonairylibrary – book review of The Academy Saga
Aug 3 – fundinmental – book review of The Academy Saga II: Cadet-in-Training / giveaway
Aug 4 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of The Academy Saga II: Cadet-in-Training / giveaway
Aug 5 – I'm Into Books – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 5 - Books for Books – book review The Academy Saga
Aug 6 - The World As I See It – book review of the Academy Saga II: Cadet-in-Training
Aug 6 – The Eclectic Review – book review of The Academy Saga / giveaway

 Enter the Giveaway:





Friday, July 16, 2021

Review and Giveaway: The Cowgirl's Sacrifice by Tina Radcliffe


On Tour with Prism Book Tours

The Cowgirl's Sacrifice
(Hearts of Oklahoma #4)
By Tina Radcliffe
Inspirational Romance
Paperback & ebook, 224 Pages
July 27, 2021 by Love Inspired

This cowgirl has wandered back home…

Will she choose her past or her future?

Needing time to heal after a rodeo injury, Kate Rainbolt heads to her family ranch to accept the foreman job her brothers offered her months ago. But the position’s already been filled by her ex-boyfriend, Jess McNally, and the only open job reports to him. With Jess as her temporary boss—and turning into something more—might he finally convince Kate to put down roots?

(Affiliate links included.)

My Thoughts:

Kate Rainbolt has come back home. With a little bit less, a lot of debt, and with injuries she does not want her brothers to know about. She also was not expecting her ex boyfriend to already be the ranch foreman that she thought she was going to be.

Jess is shocked to see Kate back and as prickly as ever. But he also has figured out some of the secrets she is keeping and knows that for her health, she really should tell her brothers everything that is going on. Jess has come back home recently as well, to help his mother who is dealing with kidney disease.

I have been following the Rainbolt family for sometime now, and I am glad that little sister Kate has come back home. I think she was way too stubborn for her own good. I do understand somewhat why she didn't want to tell her brothers the extent of her injuries. She was 31 and no longer wanted to be treated as a child. It was hard for them to see her as grown up, they will always want to protect her and for good reasons too.

Will Kate and Jess ever get back together and have the life they always dreamed of? They were two people who still cared for one another but neither one was going to show any weakness. Will it take a sacrifice for them to realize how precious love and life is? Another great Radcliffe story, this time a cowgirl comes home.

I was provided a copy of this novel from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Other Books in the Series

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About the Author

A freelance writer for over twenty years, Tina Radcliffe is a Romance Writers of America and American Christian Fiction Writers Honor Roll member, and a four-time ACFW Carol Award finalist. Her Harlequin novels have won the ACFW Carol Award, the Holt Medallion and appeared on the Publishers Weekly Bestseller list. Besides her novel-length fiction, and her independent publishing releases, Tina has sold over three dozen short stories to Woman’s World Magazine. A US Army Veteran, a former registered nurse, and library cataloger, Tina resides in Arizona, where she writes fun, heartwarming romance and cozy mysteries. Visit her on the web at

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a print copy of The Cowgirl's Sacrifice, a $25 Amazon gift card, Kitchen Aid Aqua Spatula, and Magnolia Table, Volume 2: A Collection of Recipes for Gathering (US and Canada)

Ends July 28, 2021

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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Review and Giveaway: The Sword in His Hand by J.J. Fischer


On Tour with Prism Book Tours

The Sword in His Hand
(The Darcentaria Duology #1)
By J.J. Fischer
Christian Historical Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 496 Pages
February 9, 2021 by Ambassador International

“One is an opportunity. Two is a threat. Three is an invasion.”

For hundreds of years, strange things have been washing up on the shores of Darcentaria. But when a young foreign woman named El is found unconscious on the beach amidst the burning wreckage of a strange metal craft, the villagers of Odessa are immediately suspicious—is she an agent of the Dalriadan Empire, their cruel oppressors for as long as they can remember? Or does she come from the Outside, the vast and legendary lands beyond their borders from which no man or woman alive has ever returned?

Torsten Eiselher, a talented young swordsman, has spent the last nine years of his life wrongfully imprisoned by his uncle, the Empire’s ruler. Betrayed and deceived at every turn, Torsten has survived by keeping a firm grip on his sword—and by staying well away from anything to do with the Outside. But when his young sister is murdered, Torsten finds himself irrevocably drawn to El despite her Outsider heritage—and he begins to question everything he has been told about her world.

Intrigued by the existence of a powerful and dangerously advanced world within his reach, the Empire’s ruler, Jurien Arminius, launches a hunt for El and the two Outsiders that arrived with her—the ones who could help him win his war against Torsten and the rebellion that threatens to topple his Empire.

Suddenly, Torsten is forced to choose between defeating his long-term enemy or saving the woman he has come to love . . .

(Affiliate links included.)

Other Books in the Series

The Secret of Fire
(The Darcentaria Duology #2)
By J.J. Fischer
Christian Historical Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 352 Pages
July 13, 2021 by Ambassador International

Only one can save them.

The Rebellion has fallen.

The door to the Outside has been opened.

And the one who opened it—Jurien Arminius—is now the most powerful man in Darcentaria.

But everything they have known is about to change forever.

Separated by Arminius but fighting to get back to each other, El and Torsten encounter unlikely allies that reveal stunning truths about each other, the Outside, and the very beginnings of Darcentaria itself.

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My Thoughts:

This book really took me on an adventure. I am not a big fantasy fan but I was up for something different. And this story surprised me in how it captured my attention with it's gripping violent world and the characters that I was so hoping would survive and find one another again.

So as the story begins, we have five people on the plane. The pilot, co-pilot, El, her brother Jonathan, and Emery. The very first line starts out with "Mayday...", so yeah this book was intense from the first word on as the these five must jump from the plane as it falls from the sky. 

As we continue the story, somehow El has landed, grievously hurt, into another world. A world she is not familiar with and does not fit on our geography. It is backwards, almost medieval, and she is being tried for a crime she did not commit. This was pretty intense.

Anyway, this is a violent world with countries who neither trust nor like one another. Throw in the 'Outsiders' and worse things happen. All El knows is she is facing some major trials in wanting to know if the others survived and where are they?

I was dealing with a lot of questions myself. And apparently El was keeping a few close to her. This story pulled me in as I really wanted to know what was going on. Where and what was this fantasy land and what was happening on the earth before the plane crash. There was a lot of surprises and I am not sure how I feel about where this story is going. This is the first of a duology so not all questions are answered. I look forward to the next.

I was provided a copy of this novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author

Jasmine (J.J. Fischer) is living proof that it is possible to be addicted to tea and coffee simultaneously. Both made it possible for her to complete her Bachelor degree in English Literature and Creative Writing in 2012.

Jasmine is married to David, and together they are the proud owner-parents of five warring pet chickens who tolerate each others' existence—most days. When tempted away from the keyboard, she enjoys reading, thinking about lasagna almost as often as Garfield the cat, and working towards her black belt in karate. She vows to one day write the perfect fight scene. Jasmine makes her home near Sydney, Australia, where most animals want to kill you and drop bears enforce a daily reign of terror. If you're reading this, please send help.

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive print copies of The Sword in His Hand and The Secret Fire, a $10 Barnes and Noble gift card and a $5 discount code to Ambassador International's store (US only)

Ends July 21, 2021

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Review: The 5-Minute Visual Guide to the Bible by Michael Wittmer



Want to read the Bible but find it daunting?
Wish there was a guide to simplify the overall storyline?
Think it would help to “see” the people, places, and events?
The 5-Minute Visual Guide to the Bible is designed to make scripture easier to approach. . .and come alive when you do. This brand-new guide keys beautiful, full-color illustrations—classic paintings, landscape and artifact photos, maps and charts—to a helpful chronological time line of God’s Word.

Inside, you’ll find clear, succinct descriptions of

  • major divisions
  • events
  • people
  • places
  • doctrines

of God’s Word, along with numerous related references if you’d like to study further.
The 5-Minute Visual Guide to the Bible will point you to the most important, interesting, and inspiring aspects of scripture, helping you to get more from your time in God’s Word.

My Thoughts:

If you are looking to enhance your Bible study, devotions, or just want to study some of the main points of the Bible, then this book would be a very helpful reference. It is not a big book and it has 134 sections. Each section consists of usually two pages- a synopsis of a key Bible subject, main points, and a painting, photograph, map, etc. to enhance the reading material.

I found this book quite beautiful in the way it was set up. It is very concise and I enjoyed the artwork, maps that went along with the passages. This is not really for an in-depth study, I would use it more for another quick reference or as a starting point before going into greater depth. It is also a good way to get younger kids a quick study. Like it is called, it only really would take 5 minutes to go through and then let the kids talk about it and ask questions.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Review and Giveaway: Inventing Vivian by Jennifer Moore


On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Inventing Vivian
(The Blue Orchid Society #2)
By Jennifer Moore
Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 224 Pages
June 7, 2021 by Covenant Communications

Ladies of London’s High Society are known for their social graces and poise. Vivian Kirby boasts neither of these enviable qualities, though she does offer impressive conversation on chemical compositions. Unfortunately, it appears that not many men want a brilliant wife. So it is that Vivian finds kinship with a group of young women who embrace each other’s differences: The Blue Orchid Society.
After an extended stay in China, Lord Benedict has returned transformed to his family’s estate, where an encounter with Vivian, whose scientific knowledge he once undermined, leaves him determined to make amends. He arranges to help forward her research—anonymously, of course. Through letters, Vivian establishes a warm friendship with her secret benefactor, even as she’s unexpectedly drawn into a murder investigation that forces her to work alongside Benedict to unearth the truth. Soon, Vivian fears she may be falling in love with two men, never suspecting that they are one and the same.
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Inventing Vivian is a story about a woman during the time of 1870's, who has an exceptional mind and really stands out from all the other society women. She cannot help it that she sees how machines work nor can she help all the doors that are closed to her just because she is a woman.

Lord Benedict has been away in China and immersing himself in a much more simple lifestyle than the one that he had formerly lived when in England. But his brother has passed away and not he is the next heir and must come back home and pick up his brother's mantle. Benedict does not want to become the uncaring man he once was. He has made some changes within himself and his eyes are opened to the less fortunate.

He and Vivian meet again quite unexpectedly and he is drawn to her. She is holding an incident in their youth against him and he would like to make up for that. But he must do it secretly.

I enjoyed watching their relationship unfold, even the unexpected dangers that they came up against. These two characters, though living in society with certain demands and expectations, stood out like sore thumbs. They were an interesting pair to be sure.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Tour Schedule

Other Books in the Series

Solving Sophronia
(The Blue Orchid Society #1)
By Jennifer Moore
Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 224 Pages
May 1, 2020 by Covenant Communications

Lady Sophronia Bremerton is a far cry from the typical debutante, but she's the toast of London's upper class for one simple reason: she's a society columnist for the London Illustrated News, and the gentry loves seeing their exploits printed in the gossip pages. But Sophie has bigger plans - she aspires to be an investigative reporter. When a stuffy ballroom at yet another Season proves to be nothing more than the usual rumor mill, Sophie seeks respite in the library alongside four other young women who, for their own reasons, are also looking for escape. As the conversation turns to their secret ambitions, the women form a sisterhood and a bold plan: they will make their dreams a reality, no matter the obstacles. Thus begins the Blue Orchid Society.

Hearing of a murder in a London rookery, Sophie seizes the opportunity to prove her skills. Detective Jonathan Graham doesn't believe a civilian, a noblewoman at that, should be anywhere near a murder investigation, but Sophie insists on helping bring the killer to justice. Her investigative prowess doesn't go unnoticed by the police, especially Jonathan, who can't decide whether this intrepid reporter is a thorn in his side or the woman of his dreams. But as the case grows more complicated and dangerous, their very lives - and their hearts - may be at risk.

(Affiliate links included.)

About the Author

Jennifer Moore is a passionate reader and writer of all things romance due to the need to balance the rest of her world that includes a perpetually traveling husband and four active sons, who create heaps of laundry that are anything but romantic. She suffers from an acute addiction to 18th and 19th century military history and literature. Jennifer has a B.A. in Linguistics from the University of Utah and is a Guitar Hero champion. She lives in northern Utah with her family, but most of the time wishes she was on board a frigate during the Age of Sail.

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a print copy of Inventing Vivian by Jennifer Moore and a $25 Amazon gift card. (US only)

Ends July 21, 2021

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My Thoughts on A Time of Proving by Alena Mentink

  About: She lost her family to tragedy. He lost his when he ran away. What will second chances cost them? Miriam Locklin thought she coul...