Thursday, February 4, 2021

Reviews and Giveaway: The Hope Series Tour by E.C. Jackson


On Tour with Prism Book Tours

A Gateway to Hope
(Hope Series #1)
By E. C. Jackson
Christian Contemporary Romance
Hardcover, Paperback & ebook, 297 Pages
May 20, 2015

Twenty-one-year-old Neka is a bit of an introvert, she also happens to be stunningly beautiful.

When she discovers her friend James is about to be dumped, she sees the perfect opportunity to escape from her quiet life. Can she summon the courage to leave it all behind?

James Copley comes from a ruthless family. It’s rubbed off.

Years ago, he disengaged from his brother’s smear campaign, but now his father has offered him an ultimatum, “Get married or lose your seat at the table.”

Plotting to stamp his design on the family business, he proposes to a woman, even though he doesn’t love her.

But his carefully laid plans start to unravel when she leaves him on the day she’s due to meet his family.

Could years of planning his comeback vanish with her departure?

A possible solution comes in an unexpected form: Neka. She’s not only a friend, but the daughter of his benefactor. And she’s right there, offering to support him.

But will her support stretch to marriage?

He attempts to win her over to his plan but collides with her powerful father who wants to leverage the situation for his own gain.

In their fight for survival and love, they are forced to face some uncomfortable truths.

Can they overcome thwarted dreams and missed chances to find true love, or does forcing destiny’s hand only lead to misery?

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My Thoughts:

Sometimes when you feel something is right, you have to take a chance. Neka is in love with James Copley. They are both from business families and James has been put into a position that he must marry to retain his place in his family's business. His brothers and father, though seemed to love him, also came off a bit as cut throat as well. When James's first fiancé dumps him, Neka puts herself in place to be his second.

This was an interesting and different romance of two people who were going to marry to better the families. It almost seemed as though it was a business arrangement. The families were very much involved in their lives, personal and business, and many times became a hinderance to this young couple.

Even though Neka is young (21), she knows that she is in love with James. However, she is not so sure about how he feels about her. She is ready to accept him without the love if only he will one day return it. She wants more than a business arrangement. 

James sees the unbelievable woman Neka is and her value. It takes him a little time to see his true feelings for her. Before he even realizes how much he loves her, needs her, and wants her, he must prove to her through his courtship that she is someone most precious to him.

This was a unique romance, how it began, the progression, and the resolution- and I enjoyed it. 

I received a copy of this novel from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

A Living Hope
(Hope Series #2)
By E. C. Jackson
Christian Contemporary Romance
Hardcover, Paperback & ebook, 287 Pages
July 31, 2016

It was a match made in heaven. Or so everyone thought. Sadie Mae Cummings is all set to marry her childhood sweetheart, Kyle, when she is assigned to tutor Lincoln, the new college football running back. This sophomore phenomenon has all the girls on campus knocking on his door. But Sadie isn't interested in his advances.

Lincoln’s overblown ego doesn't take well to being shunned, and he resolves to make Sadie his own. He pursues her relentlessly, until finally Kyle finds himself shut out of Sadie's life, with their shared future crumbling around him.

After two years, Sadie’s relationship with Lincoln ends, and she is left having to put the pieces of her life back together. She desires nothing more than to recapture her relationship with Kyle. He has stayed true to the dreams they had planned together, living the vision even without Sadie by his side.

When she moves back to her hometown, she labors to rekindle their love. But things have changed, and Kyle has moved on. Sadie quickly discovers how hard it is to rebuild burned bridges.

Follow Sadie’s story as she fights for a chance to restore broken dreams. Will love endure?

This inspirational romance by E. C. Jackson is book two of the Hope series and is a standalone book.

(Affiliate links included.)

My Thoughts:

Living Hope was an emotional read about forgiving oneself and second chances. Sadie and Kyle had their lives figured out. They were in love and they couldn't wait to get married and begin their lives. Then Lincoln stepped in. And one fateful day Sadie chose him. Two years later Sadie is living alone and still being controlled by Lincoln, until she finally opens her eyes and leaves him.

There was a lot to be dug out in this story, as it is not so straightforward as it seems. I had much compassion for Sadie as she made a horrible mistake (maybe, maybe not) and tried to subject herself to this new direction in her life. When she finally wakes up and starts reconnecting with her friends and family, she realizes that maybe just maybe she and Kyle might have another chance. Especially since he has come back home too.

Kyle was hurt deeply by what happened to Sadie. Even by how he reacted. He has tried to move on with Leeanne, but he is still in love with his first love. When Sadie comes back to try and win him back, he discovers that all was not as it first seemed. Everything was muddled and now he and Sadie have their chance back. Who would be the best Mrs. for him?

Isolation due to your sin helps no one. No one should shut family out, and yes Sadie was very stubborn. But the awful two years with Lincoln taught her some valuable lessons. I enjoyed this second chance romance and we should never give up on our loved ones.

I received a copy of this novel from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

The Certain Hope
(Hope Series #3)
By E. C. Jackson
Christian Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 318 Pages
December 5th 2018

Love at first sight. It’s every girl’s dream. But Tara Simpkins is finding out it’s not as easy as it seems. Is this truly the man God sent to be her husband, or is she just desperate to escape her loneliness? The recent loss of both parents has left her reeling, and close friends don’t think she’s in any position to make major life decisions. She and her new-found love are convinced they can live happily ever after in the home of their dreams. His family thinks he’s moving way too fast and might disappoint the kind-hearted woman he’s fallen head over heels for. And then there’s Leah. Leah is supposed to be part of his past, but what if she decides she’s his future? Tara’s match made in Heaven may be over before it truly begins.

(Affiliate links included.)

My Thoughts:

The Certain Hope is a story of love at first sight and I really enjoyed it. Tara Simpkins has had a horrific couple of months caring for and watching her parents pass away one after the other due to a fluke disease. We meet Tara as she is getting her roof replaced and waiting for Luke (whom she thinks is Andy) to let her know the job is done. Tara really likes Luke and has looked forward to seeing him the three days he worked on her roof. Tara, however, is not really a go getter. Due to some failures and bad instances in the past she is not one to take chances.

Luke on the other hand also has felt the instant connection with Tara and he is not about to let his future wife get too far away. Luke was an interesting character. On one hand he was really romantic and on the other he was determined to have his own way at any cost, a bit too controlling. Tara is overwhelmed at first by his pursuit of her and his marriage proposal on their first date.

All of Luke’s family and Tara’s friends think having a quick wedding is not a good idea and they express their feelings on the matter. But Luke is not taking no for an answer and Tara is not sure what to do: follow her dream with Luke or really slow things down. I liked watching both of them grow in this story, Tara stepping out of her shell and Luke loving Tara in the right way.

This was a unique story that showed the positives and negatives of falling in love so quickly and throws in a few surprise twists as well. This was my first book by author Jackson and I look forward to more of her stories.

I received a copy of this novel from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Previously reviewed.

The Confident Hope
(Hope Series #4)
By E. C. Jackson
Christian Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 338 Pages
September 28, 2020

Is there hope for this love between friends?

Pamela Hayes is a smart, successful business owner with a supportive family and a thriving bakery. She should be the happiest girl in the world. But she can’t shake the melancholy that accompanies every conversation she has with her best friend, Mark. Pamela doesn’t know how much longer she can hide her true feelings.

Why can’t Mark see how perfect they would be together? She would make a much better girlfriend than the one he currently has. Pamela prays he’ll come to his senses soon and realize he’s with the wrong girl. But when her dream comes true, it isn’t the fantasy she had envisioned.

There is trouble in paradise from the start, and all the red flags she’s been ignoring are starting to threaten her confidence…and her relationship with Mark. She’ll have to rely on family and her faith in God to help her secure the hope she so desperately needs.

(Affiliate links included.)

My Thoughts:

What happens when you marry the love of your life, but you are not sure are the love of his life? This is exactly the situation that Pam finds herself in when she can finally call Mark her own. After Mark has a horrible breakup with his girlfriend, Pam is there for him, and after a whirlwind courtship, they marry rather quickly.

Right as they return home from the honeymoon trouble begins. Jealousy and bitterness begin to take root in both of their hearts. And there are some lessons especially for Mark that he must learn, most notably how self-centered he has always been. Mark and Pam must decide if this marriage is worth it, and if so they need to focus on their marriage, fight for it, and keep all naysayers and outsiders out. No matter how well meaning.

This was my favorite so far of this series. I know sometimes I wanted to clunk Mark and Pam's heads together, but the lessons they learned even through the hard times helped them have a better marriage. 

I received a copy of this novel from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

My Final Thoughts:

The Hope series is a great contemporary series to lose yourself in. You don't need to read them in any kind of order, they are all stand-alone. Each story was special and uniquely told with the emphasis on working on the relationships. I look forward to more author Jackson novels.

About the Author

E. C. Jackson began her writing career with the full-length play Pajama Party. Thirty-one years later, she adapted the play into Pajama Party: The Story, a companion book to the second book in the five-book standalone Hope series.

Jackson’s favorite pastime is reading fiction. She enjoys taking the journey along with the characters in the books. That also led to her unorthodox approach to story writing. Her vision for each book she writes is to immerse readers into the storyline so they become connected with each character.

“The Write Way: A Real Slice of Life” is the slogan on her website and Facebook author page. She feels that if every person reading her books feels connected to the characters, her job is done.

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

$50 Amazon eGift Card (US only)

Ends February 10, 2021

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  1. This is a happy and lovely cover. Thank you for your review. Oh but this really sounds wonderful. Falling in love to fast and moving to fast has consequences quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  2. Amy, thank you for sharing the Hope Series. Your reviews captured the essence of each book. I appreciate your time.

  3. The first book summary sounds a bit like a Romeo and Juliet retelling.

  4. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on these stories, I love the covers and synopses, these sound like must reads for me


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