Saturday, November 18, 2017

Review: Dance of the Dandelion by Dina L. Sleiman

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Love’s quest leads her the world over.

Dandelion Dering was born a peasant in the English village of Arun, but her soul yearned for another life, another world. One filled with color and music, with adventure and passion . . . with more. Haunted by childhood memories, Dandelion determines to find a better existence than the life every peasant in the village contents themselves with. Even if her sweetheart William’s predictions prove true, and her journey leads straight to heartache.

From her sleepy hamlet to the intrigue of castle life, from the heart of London to the adventurous seas, Dandelion flees from the mistakes of her past, always seeking that something, that someone who will satisfy her longings.

Will Dandelion ever find the rhythm to her life’s dance . . . or did she leave her chance for true love at home in Arun village?

My Thoughts:

Dance of the Dandelion is a medieval tale about a young woman named Dandelion who dreams of a different life than what she has. I have always enjoyed reading and learning the history of the medieval times, its place between the Roman Empire and the Renaissance, and just how backwards things became and the setting of this story was very well done. This is a heart wrenching tale about a woman who is looking for love, acceptance, and her destiny so to speak and she steps out of the bounds of a safe relationship and runs headlong into a troubled relationship, followed with many heartrending and heart breaking decisions. As I read this book I wanted to get her attention and to tell her to go back to her first love, the one that was meant to be. But as in real life, sometimes the only way we will learn and change is through the circumstances and fallout of our own decisions.

This story very much reminded me of the Prodigal Son and it was at times sad to read but I saw it as an allegorical story as well in regards to our relationship to Christ. Have some tissues ready and be prepared to step back into a time when castles were the norm for a beautiful love story that stands out and will stick with you.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. A positive review was not required.

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