Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Review: Crown of Souls by Ronie Kendig

Ronie Kendig

To Purchase
"If we abandon the past, we lose the ability to prevent repeating it." Cole to Haven

"But we can't let it control or dictate our future." Haven to Cole pg. 467 Crown of Souls

Ok, wow. When I first started this book let me say that I was not expecting the experience that I had. I will say first off that this is the second book of a series. I did not read the first one; I wish I did -not that my enjoyment for this one would have been any less. 

I really was pulled into this story. This is my favorite Ronie Kendig story to date. I thought that I was getting a military tactical action adventure. What you have here in The Crown of Souls is that but with a dash of the supernatural thrown in. Think Indiana Jones, Lara Croft Tomb Raider, and The Mummy (Brendan Fraser version). 

This was definitely a reading adventure. I liked Tox- his real name is Cole Russell. He was very devoted to his team and very protective of his love, Haven. Each team member has such a distinct personality and I was biting my nails on some of their exploits. There are overreaching themes it seems that will be running through this series. I am also interested in finding out more about some mysterious characters- are they good or bad or in between.

Another thing which proved to be very important was that there was a little bit of a dual timeline. So what happened in the past was very important and affected the present day. This book was hard to put down and at one time I had to go to sleep but I had left the team in quite a perilous situation. This was an adrenaline filled read that would look great on the big screen. I recommended this to my non-fiction reader husband- there is romance but there is a lot more action adventure.  I look forward to the next Tox File and to see where the team’s next adventure takes them.

I received a copy of this book for free from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.


  1. I love your blog--it's so pretty!! And I'm delighted you enjoyed CROWN OF SOULS!! Hopefully you'll get to read Conspiracy of Silence and the novella, The Warrior's Seal. Thank you again!!

  2. Your review is spot on! This is by far one of Ronie's books to date!!!! I'm a fellow QRF and will follow your beautiful blog.


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