Friday, May 12, 2017

Review: Brave is the New Beautiful by Lee Wolfe Blum


Our culture bombards women with "thinspiration" messages and pressure to "do it all" while wearing the mask of perfection. 

Women are left feeling alone and overwhelmed. How can they stop comparing themselves to others? How can they live out who they really are?

Lee Wolfe Blum offers stories from everyday women who have answered these questions with their lives-and found true beauty in the process. In Brave Is the New Beautiful, Blum weaves reflections from her own journey with inspirational stories from everyday women who chose to take off their masks and live authentically. Through call-to-action questions and ideas, she encourages readers to be brave enough to be who they really are and the beloved that God knows they are.

My Thoughts:

Brave is the New Beautiful was an eye opening and insightful read with many truths for today’s woman.  How many of us hide behind our job, marriage, family, friends, or a forced smile to show the world that we have it all together and we are not in need of any help?  I really liked the concept of this book that we need to show who we are, warts and all; to be brave and show the real us. I liked the message that the author put across, that if we were perfect we wouldn’t have need of a Savior.  But we are not perfect and in our imperfections is where we learn to rely on God and trust Him.  That we live in a broken world and we are broken people, but we are loved fiercely by a Heavenly Father who spared not even His own Son for us.

Some of these stories were painful to read; of women who are still living this life and may not have the answers that they are searching for in the here and now.  I liked that the author said that we need to quit hiding our painful stories and shine a light on them, to speak the truth about them.  To have others come alongside of us and help as we come alongside others and help them. I appreciate the author and her willingness to share her heart on this messy life along with the other women in this book, who speak the truth about their situations, and in all realize that being brave, are being beautiful. 

This was a fresh and honest look at how a Christian woman should view herself in light of what the world says is beautiful. 

I received a copy of this book for free through Litfuse.  I was not required to give a positive review and the views and opinions expressed are my own.

The Author:

Lee Wolfe Blum is an energetic and passionate speaker who loves to help women find hope in healing from perfectionism and addictions. She works as a mental health practitioner in the field of Eating Disorders and Chemical Dependency. She lives in Minnesota with her husband and three boys.

Find out more about Lee Wolfe at

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