Monday, February 6, 2017

Review: Justice Delayed by Patricia Bradley


Justice Delayed by Patricia Bradley is the first book in her new series.  In this book we get an introduction to the characters of Treece, Brad, David, and Maggie who I am certain we will see more of in the books to come.  We also have the story of Will and Andi as they struggle to figure out who killed Andi’s sister Stephanie eighteen years ago.   Since evidence has come up that says that Will’s cousin Jimmy, who will be executed for that murder come Sunday, didn’t do it.  But if not Jimmy then who did kill Stephanie and why, and will Will and Andi be able find the killer before it’s too late?

Both Will and Andi are flawed characters, and their flaws shine through as they continue the investigation.  Will has problems with his mother who was not there for a good portion of his childhood.  Andi’s problems are more with herself.  She believes herself invulnerable to well… everything, and is way too independent for her own good.  In fact it is because of this mindset that Andi continually puts her life in danger without even a second thought as to what the repercussions would be to other people.

Some things in Will’s and Andi’s stories are still unresolved though so I hope we see more of them in the next books too.

There were a lot of characters/suspects/sources to keep track of and I found myself a little confused at some points in the story.  The mystery was interesting enough, but I felt that a little too much information may have been given away in the prologue.  I would have liked to have been kept guessing a little more.  But the author still threw in a few twists here and there to keep the readers on their toes.

I received a copy of this book for free from the publisher.  I was not required to give a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Reviewed by Nicki

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