Friday, November 18, 2016

Review: The Radical Book for Kids by Champ Thornton

 About the book:

The Radical Book for Kids (New Growth Press, October 2016)

A kid-sized explorer's guide to faith and life

The Radical Book for Kids is a fun-filled explorer's guide to the Bible, church history, and life for boys and girls age 8 and up. Along with examining some of the most exciting realities in the universe, the handbook is vibrantly illustrated and chock-full of fun facts and ideas. Deep truths are communicated to elementary and middle-school aged kids while stimulating their curiosity and sense of adventure within a gospel-centered framework.

This power-packed book is "radical" in more ways than you might think! It is "radical" in the sense of the original meaning of the word, "going to the root or origin." The Radical Book for Kids will take children on a fascinating journey into the ancient roots of the Christian faith. But it's also "radical" in the more modern sense of being revolutionary. Kids read about men and women who learned to trust Jesus and stand for him---displaying radical faith---even when everything seemed against them.

But The Radical Book for Kids is also "radical"---meaning fun or cool---in the eyes of a child. Kids read about ancient weapons (and how to make one), learn about jewels, create pottery, discover ancient languages, use secret codes, locate stars, tell time using the sun, play a board game that's 3,000 years old---and more.

Check out the table of contents, skip around, or read straight through. However a child chooses to explore it, The Radical Book for Kids will open new vistas for their imagination and help to make straight paths for their feet.

Purchase a copy:

My Review:

What can I say about this book that will do it justice?  First off the book itself is gorgeous and the pictures do not really show that.  It is a good sized book that would look nice on a coffee or end table and the colors pop and are pleasing to the eyes.  My kids were drawn to this book from the moment I received it.  I actually left it out as one by one each flipped through it and excitedly came and told me about what they had just read.  Just for reference, my kids are ages 18 through 6. 

This book is set up with lots of illustrations and pictures that make the words really stand out.  There is a lot of information and tidbits of truth about history, science, missionaries, great authors, etc.  From a section of how to clean your room to how and why the books of the Bible are arranged and then a couple of pages on the stars that God calls by name in the Bible, is just some of the information this book offers.  And it never offers anything in a boring or usual textbook manner. 

Thoughtful, insightful, and engaging, this book is great for the whole family and would make a starting point for meaningful family discussions.  This will stay on my coffee table for years to come.

I received a copy of this book for free from Litfuse.  I was not required to leave a favorable review and all views expressed are my own.

About the author:

Champ Thornton grew up in the Carolinas. He is presently an associate pastor at Ogletown Baptist Church in Newark, Delaware. Beginning in 2003, he pastored in South Carolina and later served as director of SOMA, a ministry training school in Columbus, Ohio. Champ is also the author of God's Love: A Bible Storybook, and of Bible curriculum for early and upper elementary-aged children.

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