Wednesday, December 21, 2022

My Thoughts on Holding the Line by Jennifer Delamere



Can she find the strength to heal the wounds of her past--and open her heart again?

A widow at just thirty years of age, Rose Finlay is determined to put all ideas of marriage and family behind her and pursue an independent life. But when she notices a young woman about to be led astray by a roguish aristocrat, bitter memories from her past arise, and she feels compelled to intervene. The unintended consequences of her efforts will ultimately force Rose to reexamine her life in a new light.

As the guardian of his two widowed sisters' financial and domestic affairs, John Milburn carries heavy responsibilities for a single man. But he's faced with his biggest challenge when his headstrong niece falls prey to the attentions of a powerful man who could ruin both her and her family.

When Rose and John join forces to protect his niece, they put everything they hold dear--including their growing attraction--in jeopardy.

My Thoughts:

Rose never plans to marry again after the cruel revelations of her first marriage. Now widowed she has set her goals and plans in motion and romance has no part. Everything is going according to plan, until one day she sees a young woman quite possibly taken in for by an aristocrat she has heard rumors about. That chance siting brings her into direct contact with that young woman's uncle.

John has no intentions of ever marrying as he is now the provider for his widowed sister and sister-in-law and their children. One of which is Sophie who seems to be flirting with an aristocrat who may be playing her false. Then he meets, quite by chance, Rose, who not only shares his concerns but also intrigues him.

Wanting his niece to be secure and happy and not fall into temptation, John asks for Rose's help in being her chaperone. Here we have a conflict with his family who in a way look down on Rose due to their own aspirations. John is not to be put off though by them, or by Rose. So, John gently pursues and quietly tries to court Rose by showing her that not all men are the same. He is not her late husband, and he would cherish her.

Rose, however, has been through a lot and knows that true love exists. Her friends and cousins have found it. But what if John finds out her most horrid secret? Will he, would he still want her? 

This was a lovely read about two people cast in completely different roles in their lives than what they planned for. But instead of buckling under the pressure, they rise up and accept the challenge. Now they just need to accept the love that is theirs for the taking.

I was provided a copy of this novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author:

Jennifer Delamere's ( debut Victorian romance, An Heiress at Heart, was a 2013 RITA Award finalist in the inspirational category. Her follow-up novel, A Lady Most Lovely, received a starred review from Publishers Weekly and the Maggie Award for Excellence from Georgia Romance Writers. Jennifer earned a BA in English from McGill University in Montreal, where she became fluent in French and developed an abiding passion for winter sports. She's been an editor of nonfiction and educational materials for nearly two decades, and lives in North Carolina with her husband.

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