Monday, October 26, 2015

Review: The Imposter by Suzanne Woods Fisher

I do not tend to read a lot of Amish fiction, just because it does not really appeal to me.  There have been a few that I have really enjoyed and Ms. Fisher’s historical, Anna’s Crossing, was the first one I have read of hers and really enjoyed it.  So I decided that I would try out one of her contemporary ones and started with her new series, The Bishop’s Family and the first book The Imposter.  I was not disappointed.  Suzanne Woods Fisher has a way with her words that keeps me interested in a story even when it is not a genre I enjoy that much.  I became very much a part of this family, the father and his six children, seeing them through their ups and downs since their mother was killed.  All of these characters were so unique.  My heart broke with Katrina as she lost whom she thought was the love of her life and faces some challenges that will change her down the road.   I felt the great weight that David carried not only for the church, but especially for his dear children as he tried to raise them up in the absence of his beloved wife.  And I chuckled and cringed many times at the situations Jesse, the 16 year old son, found himself in.  I loved his use of words and found his character so amusing that I think he might be my favorite.  There were a couple of slow budding romances that was a treat to see unfold.  If you are not sure about Amish fiction, like I was, don’t hesitate with Ms. Fisher’s stories.  I have only read two so far but I look forward to more of her lovely writing.  I received a copy for an honest review from Revell Publishing and the opinions are my own.

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