Sunday, September 6, 2020

Review, Guest Post, and Giveaway: The Year the Stars Fell by Elizabeth Wehman


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About the Book

The Year the Stars Fell

Book:  The Year the Stars Fell
Author: Elizabeth Wehman
Genre:  Christian Historical Fiction
Release Date: April 14, 2020

In the spring of 1833, newlywed Betsey Baker-Swain’s simple life changes when she and her husband, Aaron, make a hasty decision to join Betsey’s family on a move from Pennsylvania to Michigan Territory.

Along the way, rainstorms, freezing temperatures, seasickness, and lack of privacy pale in comparison to what the family will encounter once arriving at their destination. Soon, daily trials will include ear-piercing howls of wild wolves, bad weather, clouds of mosquitoes, and disturbing situations with the natives. Even then, Betsey wonders if this trip will finally quench her father’s adventurous spirit.

Over the next year, the Baker family will gain incredible strength, divine trust, and unexplainable courage, but will it be enough to keep them at the tiny cabin by the twisting Shiawassee River? Will uncertainty overtake their determination or will God’s intervention sustain them enough to become a part of the history of a new land?

Click here to get your copy!

My Thoughts:

I am often amazed and very grateful for those pioneering ancestors that left the comfort of their already established homes and went West. To fill this great land up. When reading such a pioneer story, I often wonder if I would have the strength, the guts to do that. I find more often than not the answer is no and I often find myself getting frustrated with the patriarch of the family in the story.

Hosea Baker has decided to uproot his family: his wife and three daughters, and move west from Pennsylvania to the Michigan territory. His son Ambrose is already there and now it is time for them to join him. Understandably Mrs. Baker and her three daughters do not want to go to no man's land. They have friends and a life where they are at. Their newlywedded sister Betsey is also aggrieved at the thought of her family moving away. What if she and Aaron, her husband went too. So that is how the adventure begins and the story unfolds and this family goes through a lot together from the getting there to the building the homestead and everything in between.

I felt for Betsey and her feelings. Being a wife now she has certain other responsibilities besides her parents and siblings. Is it right to ask Aaron to set down his career aspirations and leave his family and go west? Many what ifs and did we make the right decision plague Betsey as she and Aaron follow her family.

I found that this story was based on actual historical characters fascinating. The author gives us a good amount of historical facts and even the reason for her title. I look forward to more stories based on those rugged pioneers and how they forged their way onward.

I was provided a copy of this novel from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

About the Author

Elizabeth Wehman’s writing career spans over thirty years and encompasses curriculum, periodical, journalism, and novel writing.

Her dream has always been to write novels and Elizabeth launched her first contemporary fiction, Under the Windowsill, in 2014. Since then, she’s added four titles to her shelf. They include: Promise at Daybreak, Just a Train Ride, Mere Reflection, and her latest complete historical work, The Year the Stars Fell.

She found the historical genre to be filled with rabbit trail research as well as walks through bygone cemeteries. The pioneers, of the early nineteenth century, reflected an amazing stamina and a determined courage to venture into the unknown. The Year the Stars Fell is based on a forgotten village established in the Territory of Michigan in 1833. She fell in love with the Baker family and the information she discovered about them gave way to folklore and tales of the early homesteaders. Two future novels are planned that will include the continuation of the nineteenth century farming community. The series will be called, ‘The Newburg Chronicles’.

In her spare time, Elizabeth loves to read and enjoys being out in nature. Her favorite places are digging in her flower garden, listening to the birds as they herald a new day, or taking a walk on the country roads surrounding her home in Michigan.

Elizabeth has been a trucker’s wife for over thirty years which helps supply the needed solitude to produce extraordinary stories. She has three grown children, four grandpuppies, and two sons-in-law.

More from Elizabeth

My “Stars” book began to emerge after doing research about the county where I live, here in Michigan. On an information discovery about another book, I came across the story of the Baker family. They were highlighted as the one of the first farming families to enter Michigan Territory in 1833. Hosea Baker brought his entire family from Pennsylvania to settle on 600 acres in an area beside the Shiawassee River.

Joining him there were his wife, Sally, his grown son Ambrose, his daughter and her husband, Betsey and Aaron Swain, and some younger daughters. While there, they hooked up with a boy named Alexander Stevens. Their first year included: building a home and barn, clearing and planting the first crops in the county, setting up a household, and Betsey giving birth to the first recorded child in the county. Betsey and Aaron named their new baby, Julia.

So much intrigued me about their story. I was excited to flesh it out with the help of short excerpts written in a Shiawassee County history book from 1888. From these short tidbits about the family, I soon embellished a story which is a mere glimpse into what their story could have included during their first year as settlers in a vast wilderness.

Much of the story is from my own imagination, but many of the highlights include the excerpts written about the family in 1888. After writing their story, I now feel a specific kinship to them.  This is my first complete historical fiction work. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

Blog Stops


To celebrate her tour, Elizabeth is giving away the grand prize package of a copy of The Year the Stars Fell and a $25 gift card to Baker Book House in Grand Rapids, which can be used online!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. Wonderful review! Sounds like a must read. Thank you for participating in the tour.

  2. Thank you for sharing your excellent review and the book and author details, this sounds like a must read for me.

  3. I have a lot of admiration for the early settlers who confronted and lived through hardships that I can barely imagine. This book belongs on the TBR list.


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